Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Kazdy ma jaja

w tej druzynie - mowi jeden z polskich siatkarzy po zwyciestwie 3:2 nad Rosja na mistrzostwach swiata w Japonii. Polska druzyna siatkowki awansowala do polfinalow.

06:28 Hrs. Na dworze sucho 7-stopniowo. ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.87.6, Beaver $0.87.4.

06:49 Hrs. I tak warto zyc - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM gdy dojezdzam do hurtowni.

Mammoliti wants new apt. grow-op compensation law

A major marijuana grow-op bust in a North York highrise has a Toronto city councillor crusading to create new law. York-West Ward 7 Coun. Giorgio Mammoliti met with Ontario PC Party leader John Tory at 2600 Jane St. yesterday afternoon in the hopes of introducing precedent-setting legislation that would provide highrise residents with compensation in the event an illegal drug lab is found within their building.
"I want them to demand what's theirs," Mammoliti said. "If you had an illegal operation in your house that's disturbed your quality of life for a month or two, you deserve some compensation."
On Nov. 23 the drug squad executed search warrants at the 13-storey building where several units were found to be doubling as marijuana grow labs. Approximately 6,000 plants were seized at an estimated street value of $6 million. Three men have been arrested in the case, including the building's superintendent.
Despite the seizure, Mammoliti said this may just be the beginning. "I think this is the tip of the iceberg," Mammoliti said (24 HOURS, November 27, 2006).

Jednym z moich kapitanow zmiany jest emerytowany pilot wojskowy. Absolwent Wojskowej Akademii Lotniczej w Bangladeszu. Jest on tez autorem ksiazki "Our Last Hope in Creation", ktora mi dal w prezencie z dedykacja: "Kuciak A Great Leader with a smile".
Ksiazke zaczalem juz czytac. Nie jest latwa. Sa to jego przemyslenia filozoficzno-teologiczne o religii, Bogu, niebie i piekle, sensu zycia i celu zycia.

Our Last Hope in Creation
by Mohammed Hossain

There are two types of human beings on Earth. One was created from light, the other from fire. There are no visible or biological differences between them, but one is compassionate, and the other is vigilant. One tends to share his knowledge and wealth with the underprivileged so they can experience a better life, the other wishes to remain superior to the weak by watching over his shoulder and witholding knowledge that would enable the less fortunate to live in comfort. Both types presume they are going to heaven when they die.
But what will actually happen on Judgment Day when our creator destroys the world with fire? Will people be assigned to either heaven or hell, depending on the life they lived on Earth? Do heaven and hell even exist?
It is hypothesized that the true humans, those created from light, will indeed experience a heaven apart from this Earth. The fake humans, however, will not be sent to heaven or hell because, for them, both extremes exist only on Earth. The place called hell is something fake humans invented long ago to instill fear in those who would hurt them. What better way to protect one's wealth than to dangle the threat of eternal suffering over the heads of those who have less but want more?
The fake humans envision themselves enjoying paradise beyond their wildest dreams after they die, but they are in for a surprise. On Judgment Day, the fire at the center of gravity, which is fed by an unseen force, will vaporize the Earth, and the energy of which we consist will dissipate. One type of human will be summoned to heaven and become truth; the other will vanish within the center of the Earth and become mystery. Which one are you?
Explore and seek answers to these penetrating questions in Mohammed Hossain's revealing book, Our Last Hope in Creation.

About the Author
Mohammed Hossain was born in Bangladesh and is a graduate of the Bangladesh Air Force Academy. He is a retired air force pilot living in Philadelphia nad enjoys flying, drawing, and rowing. He and his wife, Nahid Rumana, have one child, Mohammed.
Mr. Hossain has contemplated God and creation since he was a child and could never understand why we have to die. His book is compilation of his thoughts on the subject.


Wielki geograf arabski al-Idrisi zapisal w roku 1152 takie slowa: "[Polska] jest krajem wiedzy i medrcow ar-Rum (rzymskich, co znaczylo chrzescijanskich) - http://www.mnisw.gov.pl/_gAllery/52/58/5258.pdf.

"Czy Islam zmieni Europe?" - iwo cyprian pogonowski (http://www.pogonowski.com/display_pl.php?textid=523).

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