Friday, November 24, 2006

6601 ofiar wojny z narkotykami

Wczoraj antynarkotykowe oddzialy specjalne zamordowaly 92 letnia babcie w zmasowanym z ukrycia ataku na jej dom w Atlancie, USA. Dzisiaj w Toronto, Kanada specjalne jednostki antynarkotycznej policji zamordowaly 6600 krzaczkow konopii indyjskich. Dwa dni i 6601 niewinnych ofiar tej absurdalnej trockistowskiej wojny z narkotykami. Szczegolnie jej najgorszej odmiany, bo na podlozu rasistowskim - wojny z marihuana.

Liczba niewinnych ofiar i publicznych srodkow finansowych wydawanych na wojne z narkotykami wielokrotnie przewyzsza te wydane na wojne z terroryzmem, a szczegolnie na te dwie Mickey Mouse wojny w Afganistanie i Iraku. Dlatego zdroworozsadkowy prawdziwy pacyfista to ten, ktory jest przeciwko wojnie z narkotykami.

Grow-ops found in highrise

When Toronto's drug squad detectives arrived at an apartment building on Jane Street just north of Sheppard Avenue West armed with search warrants for five apartments yesterday morning they knew they'd have a busy day.
But nothing prepared them for what they found when they started searching the other apartments in the building.
By 6 p.m. yesterday, stunned detectives had uncovered a $6.6 million marijuana grow-op with some 6,600 olants being grown in 22 separate apartments.
The grow-op, scattered throughout eight floors of 2600 Jane Street, is one of the largest discovered in Toronto. By the time officers finished breaking down doors with battering rams, they'd tallied a massive grow-op in apartments between the fourth and 12th floors.
Toronto police believe the operation has been in place for a year.
TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE (METRO, Weekend, November 24-26, 2006).

CRIME Police who shot and killed a 92-year-old woman in Atlanta after she wounded three officers were looking for a man who sold drugs to undercover agents at her home earlier that day, authorities said yesterday. Agents got a search warrant after buying drugs from a man in Kathryn Johnston's home, police said ("News in brief", METRO, Thursday, November 23, 2006).

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