Thursday, November 30, 2006

Anomalie pogodowe

Wczoraj pobilismy rekord ciepla z 1941 roku, ktory wynosil 13.3 stopnie. Wczoraj w Toronto zanotowano temperature 15 stopni Celsjusza.
Dzisiaj z rana jest mokro i 14-stopniowo. Mowia, ze temperatura pod wieczor spadnie do zera.

06:25 Hrs. Pomnoz mnie przez 3 - spiewa ktos w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM.

06:46 Hrs. Mam wszystko w tyle. Sa czesto takie chwile. Wiem, ze sie nie myle - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM. ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.91.2, Beaver $0.91.


Ustecka szlachcianka Joanna Lapinska pobita przez ochroniarzy.

Mieszkanka Ustki twierdzi, ze zostala uderzona przez ochroniarza jednego ze slupskich lokali ("Stanelam w obronie kolegi i zostalam pobita - twierdzi ustczanka", DZIENNIK BALTYCKI -

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny LAPINSKI przypisuje do klanow: Dolega, Jelita, Lubicz, Lada, Rogala, Slepowron, Sreniawa, Trzaska, a zacne szlacheckie rodziny JASINSKI do klanow: Janina, Jastrzebiec, Jasienczyk, Jelita, Rawicz, Sas, Topor, Znin, Zlotowaz.

Ocenia sie, ze juz 800 tysiecy osob opuscilo Polske od czasu przystapienia naszego kraju do UE w 2004 r. "Ten exodus to jedna z najwiekszych migracji Europejczykow od lat 50." pisze w poniedzialkowym wydaniu "New York Times" ("Polacy masowo opuszczaja ojczyzne", WIADOMOSCI, numer 78, 23 XI 2006).

Odpowiedzia na polskie problemy ochroniarskie jest: SECURITAS swiatowy lider w ochronie (


Edmontonians feel sexy, Vancouverites are angry, according to blog monitor

Edmontonians feel 14 times sexier than the rest of the world - just ahead of Calgary, which considers itself 10 times sexier. Vancouver is the third-angriest city on the planet - with Winnipeg and Ottawa claiming the fifth and sixth spots - and this week, Vancouverites were feeling five times more "crappy" that the rest of the country. These tidbits can be gleaned from We Feel Fine, an online art project that measures the world's emotional temperature by cataloguing thousands of sentiments poured out in blogs each day, including 70,000 written by Canadians. The brain of We Feel Fine ( is a data collection engine that scans blogging sites for statements containing the words "I feel" or "I am feeling" (NATIONAL POST, Thursday, November 30, 2006).
Online Web Detectives
With the instalation of Poland's first progressive rabbi since World War II, pluralism is gaining a foothold in the country's Jewish community (Dinah A. Spritzer, "With arrival of a Reform rabbi, progressives see growth in Poland" -


Ignatieff does tend to inspire strong feelings wherever he goes. The son of Canadian diplomat descended from Russian nobility (Rebecca Cook Dube, "Why Canada's liberals could pick an Iraq-war supporter as their leader", THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR -

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