Wednesday, November 15, 2006

06:14 Hrs. "Malgoska mowia mi"

spiewa Maryla Rodowicz w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. A ja w miedzyczasie odstawiam szybie golonko + przemycie twarzy delikatnym plynnym mydelkiem "Results" z kolekcji Joan Rivers ( Nakladam na twarz krem "Aloepure Skine Care Nutri-C Moisture Creme Alotte". Robie 31 pompek + 10 przysiadow, takze kilka przeciagow + klasycznych karate wyrzutow nog i rak. Ubieram sie i spryskuje za uszami wode "Armani". Gotowy do wyjscia.

Na dworze 5-stopniowo i dosc sucho. "Nikt nie daje juz rady na moje napady" - unosi sie z radia. ESSO, Canadian Tire, Petro Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.85.3, Beaver $0.85.1.

15:50 Hrs. Grabie liscie we frontowym ogrodku. Wczoraj wyczyscilem po pracy rynne fasadowa domu i zaczalem zbierac liscie, ale dzien krotki i noc mnie zaskoczyla. Dzisiaj skonczylem. Jutro i pojutrze ma znow padac. Tyl domu bedzie musial poczekac na lepsza pogode.

"Metro" jest moim ulubionym zrodlem informacji. Nie dosc, ze darmowa gazeta to takze krotko i zwiezle informuje o swiecie. Dlatego duzo mozna znalezc wycinkow z "Metro" na moim blogu.

Metro world's largest newspaper

Guinness awards international chain

What's green, white and read all over the world? Yesterday, Metro International was recognized as the world's largest global newspaper by the Guinness World Records, the authority on record-breaking achievement.
Metro International CEO Pelle Tornberg accepted the recognition from Craig Glenday, editor-in-chief of Guinness World Records, at a ceremony at Metro headquarters in London. "The highly prestigious award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the multi-local Metro teams all around the world," Tornberg said. "The innovative and highly successful Metro business model has set a healthy precedent in the media industry, demonstrating that the free newspaper model is thriving on a daily basis. With major expansion plans in place, Metro International intends to keep this record for some time to come."
Metro is the largest and fastest growing international newspaper in the world. It publishes 70 editions in 100 major cities in 21 countries and in 19 languages. It has a unique global reach attracting a young, active, well-educated, metropolitan audience of over 18.5 milion daily readers (METRO, Thursday, November 9, 2006).

Lokalne Wybory 2006

Zbliza sie finisz kilkutygodniowej kampanii wyborczej do wladz lokalnych w prowincji Ontario. W torontonskiej Radzie Miejskiej jest sporo politykow majacych swoje pochodzenie z Ziem Polskich. Zwlaszcza dwoch z nich zapisalo sie w sposob szczegolny piastujac urzad burmistrza miasta Toronto. Sa to: Nathan Philips rodem z Bialostoczyzny i Mel Lastman, ktorego ojciec urodzil sie w Lodzi.
Obecne wybory sa wyjatkowo zaciete w kilku obwodach wyborczych, zwlaszcza w High Park-Parkdale - najliczniej zamieszkanym przez Polonie. Startuje tu 15 kandydatow, a wsrod nich pan Tadeusz Lojko - syn polskiego kombatanta walczacego pod Monte Cassino.
W sasiednim obwodzie Etobicoke-Lakeshore ponownie ubiega sie obecny radny Piotr Milczyn. W innych natomiast to: Gloria Lindsay-Luby, Michael Feldman, Howard Moscoe. Syn Mieczyslawa Lutczyka - polskiego weterana ma szanse powtornie reprezentowac mieszkancow w Oshawie. Polonia kanadyjska ze szczegolna uwaga patrzy na wyniki startu Caroline Parrish-Januszewskiej, Barbary Polis, Jacka Janiaka, pana Artura Roszaka. W miare naplywu informacji o politykach zwiazanych z polskoscia bedziemy sie dzielic z naszymi P.T. Czytelnikami (Marek J. Goldyn, POLONEZ, 1 - 15. XI. 2006).

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny JANUSZEWSKI przypisuje do klanow: Dabrowa, Lada, Pobog.

Na 98.55 proc. zatwierdzonych protokolow do sejmikow wojewodzkich, przy frekwencji 45,79 proc., najwiecej glosow zdobyla PO - 27,18 proc., drugie jest PiS z wynikiem 25,08 proc., a trzecie Lewica i Demokraci z wynikiem 14,25 proc. W wyborach do sejmikow wojewodzkich najlepszy wynik Platforma osiagnela w woj. pomorskim - 43,94 procent ("Wyborcza dogrywka w 9 miastach", GAZETA, 14 listopada 2006).

Kanada: politycy nie maja nic do ukrycia
Niektorzy kanadyjscy politycy, wywodzacy sie z opozycyjnej Partii Liberalnej, nie wahaja sie zademonstrowac opinii publicznej, ze nie maja nic do ukrycia - i to doslownie.
Jeden z nich, 58-letni Bob Rae, byly premier prowincji Ontario, pozwolil sie sfilmowac telewizji CBS podczas plywania nago w jeziorze. Bobowi Rae w kapieli towarzyszyl zreszta jeden z producentow rozrywkowego programu, w ktorym wyemitowano nagranie.
Z kolei 39-letni liberalny deputowany Scott Brison pozowal nago dla kalendarza, wydanego przez grupe teatralna z Nowej Szkocji - prowincji, z ktorej zostal wybrany. Brison nie odwazyl sie jednak zaprezentowac wszystkich swoich wdziekow, ktore na fotografii zostaly zasloniete drzwiami lodowki. Dochod ze sprzedazy kalendarza przeznaczony zostanie na walke z rakiem.
Na poczatku grudnia odbeda sie wybory na przewodniczacego Partii Liberalnej Kanady (ZYCIE, 9 - 15 listopada 2006).

An international study finds a high level of concern about new anti-terrorism laws. Almost half of Canadians and an even larger percentage of Americans say they find laws enacted since the 9/11 terror attacks in the U.S. to be intrusive. It's believed to be the first cross-cultural study of its kind (24 HOURS, November 14, 2006).

Der Topspion Markus Wolf ist gestorben. Drei Jahrzehnte lang war er Chef der Auslandsspionage der DDR, die vor allem in der Bundesrepublik aktiv war und mit dem Fall Guillaume Bundeskancler Willy Brandt zu Fall brachte...
Geboren wurde Markus Wolf 1923 in Hechingen im heutigen Baden-Wurttemberg. Sein Vater war der Arzt und Dramatiker Friedrich Wolf, der als Jude und Kommunist Deutschland 1933 verlassen musste. Die Familie, darunter Wolfs Bruder Konrad, der spater ein beruhmter Filmregisseur wurde, lebte bis 1945 in der Sowjetunion ("Ehemaliger DDR-Spionagechef Wolf ist tot", DEUTSCHE PRESSE, 15. November 2006).

Bolszewicy wolnego rynku sami traktuja swoje podejscie jako ideologie. Im nie odpowiada powolne, ewolucyjne rozwijanie sie stosunkow swiata, im potrzebne jest przyspieszenie.

Tymczasem Chinczycy, rzadzeni na bazie komunistycznego Konfucjusza, prowadza dzis ogolnoswiatowa gre zaplanowana na dziesieciolecia. Uzaleznili nasz rynek od taniej produkcji jak od narkotyku, olbrzymia nadwyzka handlowa pozwala im kontrolowac finanse Stanow Zjednoczonych (nie zartuje), systematycznie modenizuja sily zbrojne i kupuja wplywy polityczne na calym swiecie (Andrzej Kumor, "I kto za to placi?", GONIEC, 10-16 listopada 2006).

Fallujah wasn't dangerous in those days. Why? Because, as Osama gloated after September 11, when people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they go with the strong horse. And in May 2003, four weeks after the fall of Baghdad, the coalition forces were indisputably the strong horse. They'd removed Saddam Hussein - the self-declared new Saladin - in nothing flat. And so, even when a dainty little trotting writer comes through the door, they figure he's with the strong-horse crowd and act accordingly.
What happened within the next year was that America ceased to be perceived as a strong horse. It was a range of factors, from the West's defeatist media to the Bush administration's wish to be seen as, so to speak, a compassionate crusader. Nice idea. But to the Arab mindset there's no such thing. So the compassion got read by the locals not as cultural respect but as weakness.
The object of war is not to destroy the enemy's tanks but do destroy his will. America is extremely good at destroying tanks. If you make the mistake of luring the United States into a hot war - i.e., tanks, bombers, ships, etc. - you'll lose very quickly. The Taliban did, and so did Saddam Hussein (Mark Steyn, "Fallujah, then & now", from America Alone: The End of the World as We Know it, NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, November 15, 2006).

Darwin is all wrong, Poland's far-right says

WARSAW (AFP) - Poland's far-right League of Polish Families (LPR), which is part of the coalition government, claims Darwin's theory of evolution is all wrong, that humans lived alongside dinosaurs and that Neanderthal man is still among us.
Last month, Poland's deputy education minister Miroslaw Orzechowski, a member of the LPR, bluntly rejected British naturalist Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection and his postulate that man is descended from apes.
"The theory of evolution is a lie, a mistake that we have legalized as a common truth," said Orzechowski. "We must not teach lies, just as we must not teach evil in the place of good and ugliness in the place of beauty."
This weekend, Orzechowski was given some high-level support when European lawmaker for the far-right party, Maciej Giertych - the father of LPR leader Roman Giertych - told a seminar that Neanderthal man still roams the planet, notably in the United States where examples can be spotted in a boxing ring.
"A scientist showed me a picture of an American boxer. He had all the traits of Neanderthal man. These people are among us. They are part of the human race, probably more prevalent once upon a time, but who still exist," Giertych, who has a doctorate in biology, told the seminar.
Taking up the mantra of creationists - who have a strong following among Christian fundamentalists in the United States, but whose theory that God created all living creatures at the same time has not won a huge following in Europe - Giertych also propounded that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth together.
"Research shows that dinosaurs and man were contemporaries. In every culture, there are indications that we remember (dinosaurs). The Scots have Loch Ness, we Poles have Wawel dragon (in Krakow), Marco Polo spoke of an imperial carriage in China which was pulled by a dragon," Gietrych said.
Giertych's son Roman, currently Poland's education minister, insisted, however, that such anti-Darwinist outlooks would not impact on the school curriculum. "The status of the theory of evolution will not change in Polish schools," he said Monday in a radio interview. But he held back from condemning those who have criticised Darwin.
Meanwhile, teachers appear to fear there could be a backlash, with only those who toe the creationist line making it through the seclection process in Poland's ecucational system. LPR has been trying, since it joined the three-way coalition government in May, to stamp its ideology on Poland's education system.
In June, the head of a teacher training school in Poland was fired for publishing the Polish language version of a Council of Europe brochure that the education ministry said encourages contact between pupils and gay groups.
Under Giertych, the education ministry has also tried to take the works of 20th century Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz off the curriculum in Polish high schools, arguing that he was not patriotic enough.
To counter the LPR's anti-Darwin message, Poles have turned to the late pope John Paul II, who in a speech to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in 1996 said: "Truth cannot contradict truth."
"Today, almost half a century after the publication of the Humani Generis encyclical (in 1950 by Pius XII), new knowledge has led the the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis," John Paul II said. "It is remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory," the pope said (EUROPEAN REPORTER - November 2006 -

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