Friday, January 04, 2019

Zerwane lacza

Internetu. Nadaje z iPhona jako Emergency.

"A warrior is a person who does things quickly" - LORD NAOSHIGE

"In the words of the ancients, one should make his decisions within the space of seven breaths. Lord Takanobu said, "If discrimination is long, it will spoil. "Lord Naoshige said, "When matters are done leisurely, seven out of ten will turn out badly. A warrior is a person who does things quickly."
When your mind is going hither and thither, discrimination will never be brought to a conclusion. With an intense, fresh, and underlaying spirit, one will make his judgments within the space of seven breaths. It is a matter of being determined and having the spirit to break right through to the other side" - HAGAKURE (The Book of the Samurai)

10:15 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Sa ludzie, ktorzy by sie cieszyli nawet z konca swiata, gdyby go przepowiedzieli" - FRYDERYK CHRYSTIAN HEBBEL

10:18 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z " 'Two years of gridlock and partisan rancour'. A Pelosi and the Democrats take over the House, they may learn the pitfalls of impeaching a President" na okladce + spiew ptakow.

10:20 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oliwy z oliwek na pusty zoladek.

10:25 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Sieci".

10:48 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 69 kg.

13:09 Hrs. Zerwane lacza z Internetem ("There is no Internet connection").

13:30 Hrs. Po rozmowie z dostawca Internetu. Technik bedzie jutro po poludniu.

16:31 Hrs. Robie wpis na blogu uzywajac iPhone.

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