Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Opalanie sie z

Lawka-hamak do opalania + "Origin", Dan Brown
Dan Brown'em. Nalapalem moze z 5000 IU witaminy D. Slonce za lekkim welonem, a pozniej pokrylo sie w mgnieniu oka szarymi deszczowymi chmurami. Moja sasiadka, polska szlahcianka, pani Wanda dala mi ksiazke Dan Brown's pt. "Origin" do przeczytania. Mowi, ze ciekawa. Dan Brown zaslynal "Kodem Da Vinci" ("The Da Vinci Code") ktorego mam i ksiazke i nawet film, ktory zostal nakrecony na jej podstawie. Tez mam jego ksiazke pt. "Angles & Demons". Mieszanie fikcji z historyczna prawda to styl Dana Browna nowel. Ma facet wyobraznie, ale nie mozna go brac na serio. Po prostu dobre cwiczenie intelektualne i wizualizacyjne umyslu dla wyrafinowanego czytelnika. No i fajna przygoda z historia, wyobraznia i gdybaniem o historiach alternatywnych, takie, co by bylo, gdyby...

"I want people to know how to heal themselves" - RICK SIMPSON

"The medical industry we have today could hardly be said to be about easing human suffering" - RICK SIMPSON

To more clearly explain what is going on in our world, and why the cure for so many diseases like cancer has been held back, the easiest way to sum it up would be to understand what follows. Around one hundred years ago, if you had been extremely wealthy and powerful, much like the Rockefellers and Rothschild's for example and yet you desired more power, how could you achieve your goals?

To fulfill your needs it would be helpful if people in political circles and those who work in the legal, medical, and educational systems etc. would go along with your agenda. With politicians, doctors, lawyers, police officers, teachers, and others who have positions of public trust acting on your behalf, success would virtually be guaranteed, but how could this be accomplished?

Since those who are in political power make the laws and control the different systems in each country, the first thing you would have to do, is get the political parties and the governments they form to comply with your plans. If you saw to it that money was funnelled into the right pockets in political circles, or promises were made which they found appealing, it would do much to help them see things your way. After those in powerful positions in politics have accepted your bribes and swayed their parties to work on your behalf, they can do little else but continue to serve you. Then, no matter what political party is in power, you will always have friends in high places.

Once governments are caught in the corruption they have allowed you and others like you to create, there is no going back, since what governments have already done in the past to please the rich and powerful could be exposed. Rather than face ridicule, governments will then continue to see that your aims are met and they will use all their power, to change the different systems they control to suit your needs. I know how terrible all this sounds but it is more than clear that governments care nothing about those they are supposed to serve. This fact is undeniable when you look at the way they bend over backwards to please the rich friends. Truly, it can be said that as a result of corruption the governments of today are completely enslaved by the money masters who stand in the shadows.

Now that you have the support of the political parties and governments you require to act on your behalf, how were they to coerce people from respected professions into going along with your schemes. When it should be clear to any rational human that what you have in mind is designed to bring harm and has nothing to do with the best interests of the public? This can be accomplished by ensuring that those with the 'correct' mindset fill positions of public trust. We call such people yes-men, because they are more than willing to support anything the government desires, no matter how outrageous it may seem, as long as they are well rewarded. Individuals with these traits have no empathy for others and care only about what is best for themselves. If you or those you care about are suffering, it is of little concern to them. However, they are very good at giving the impression that they are normal caring human beings. Those in professions such as politics, medicine, or law etc. have positions of trust in our society, but sadly it can hardly be said that they deserve our admiration.

It is very hard for most of us to comprehend just how evil and deceptive many so-called humans can often be, especially when they are trying to protect their own best interests. In reality, a large number of those who populate this planet are behaving little differently than psychopaths, who are willing to do anything to maintain their positions and incomes, no matter how many innocent people are harmed by their actions. When those we put our trust in, such as doctors, are confronted about the insane treatments they provide, their standard reply is that they are just following the guidelines which have been put in place or that they are simply "doing their jobs."

Once the roles of individuals in many different professions are examined, the harm they are causing becomes quite clear. Yet, most of those who work in these fields will contend that they are completely innocent and bear no responsibility. In some respects, people who work in professions like medicine do have an excuse, since many years ago those with great wealth took over the institutions in which they received their training. Instead of teaching individuals who were attending medical schools, about harmless effective medicines that can be produced from nature. People who are trained in these institutions are taught to prescribe harmful and dangerous substances that were manufactured from chemicals and poisons, which were produced in factories owned by the rich and powerful who often fund the medical schools they are attending.

This so-called form of medicine is known as the allopathic approach to healing and is not, in reality, designed to heal anyone. This insane method of treating those with medical problems has caused untold suffering throughout the world, but there was certainly no shortage of profit. Any highly trained medical professional, should understand that ineffective and harmful nature of the substances used in the allopathic approach to medicine, which the greed of the rich have inspired. But for the most part, doctors seem more than happy to continue harming their patients and like to pretend that there is no other way in which help can be provided.

What do people who work in the medical profession tell themselves before giving a child with cancer massive doses of poison? No one with any sound medical knowledge or ethics would ever dream of doing such a thing, because common sense itself should be enough to prevent them from doing so. Still, doctors provide these so-called treatment every day and have no trouble sleeping or living with themselves. One would think, since doctors have such a dismal success rate the use of these absurd treatments, that sooner or later they would awaken to the fact that what they have been doing is simply madness and not medicine.

These deadly chemo and radiation treatments that patients with cancer and other serious conditions are subjected to, have been used despite their destructive effects for decades and, as yet, the medical systems worldwide show no sign of bringing their use to an end. If there really were no rational alternatives that are safe and effective such as hemp oil to treat these patients, then what the medical system has been doing might be forgiven. But unfortunately for those who work in the field of medicine, this is not the case and, sadly, the medical industry we have today could hardly be said to be about easing human suffering. The big money concerns have rejected and restricted the medicinal use of cannabis hemp from those who inhabit this earth, so they could sell us their extremely overpriced chemicals and poisons.

Since hemp has such an extensive history of medicinal use and a safety record that is beyond compare, this in itself should prove just how much we are all being manipulated by our governments and the doctors we have been taught to put our trust in. Extracts produced from medicinal varieties of cannabis hemp are the most medicinally active substances known to man and to even try to practice medicine without their use defies all forms or rational thinking. If we allow these extracts to remain restricted for medical use, then in reality it can only be said that indeed we do not even have a medical system that is designed to reduce human suffering. Under these circumstances, those who develop serious medical problems will continue to suffer and die needlessly, while drug companies and their shareholders reap the profits. I cannot speak for the rest of the human race, but I think most will find what they are doing to be intolerable and will join with me and many others to bring this travesty to an end (Rick Simpson, "Phoenix Tears: The Rick Simpson Story", KRK, 2014).


Porwisty cieply wiatr rozgonil chmury i na wieczor rozpogodzilo sie i nawet wyszlo slonce. Ja tez wybralem sie na 2-godzinny spacerek po Bloor West Village. Skonczyl mi sie chleb + migdaly, orzeszki ziemne i konopny proszek proteinowy (Hemp proteine).

Na chodnikach letnie tematy. Ludzie odslonili nogi, rece, klatki, plecy i dekolty. Istny srodek lata. Przy tym upal niesamowity z powodu rosnacej wilgotnosci w powietrzu. W kupilem chleb orkiszowy + makowiec. Z prasy natomiast 2 magazyny z Polski: "Gazeta Polska" z "Niezwyciezony Alfie. Zakladnik cywilizacji smierci" na okladce + "wSIECI HISTORII" z "Pierwsze Polskie Powstanie: Bar 1768 r. Konfederacja Niepodlegla" na okladce + gazete polonijna "GLOS". Na okladce:

* Magiera: Jesli sie dziwisz - zyjesz i jestes wielki.
* Matysiak: Ofensywa zydowska odsunie PiS od wladzy?
* Geopolityczne skutki ustawy 447.

00:16 Hrs. Jem banana.

00:44 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Na pierwszego maja szron, obiecuje hojny plon".

00:48 Hrs. Jem banana.

01:01 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

01:08 Hrs. Nakladam na szlafrok kurtke (fotka w przedsionku) + wystawiam pojemniki ze smiecmi na chodnik + ksiezyc w pelni. Cieplo. Temperatura na tarasie 16C + temp. w kuchni 22C.

01:16 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody + lyzeczka maselka z migdalow.

01:23 Hrs. Robie wpis na Facebooku.

01:34 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 76 kg.

02:53 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (przezroczyste).

04:05 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (przezroczyste).

05:41 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

08:47 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste). Na dworze slonecznie.

08:55 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

Przeciez nie kto inny jak Barbara Engelking dowodzila, ze smierc Polakow w czasie wojny byla jedynie "kwestia biologiczna", w przeciwienstwie do smierci Zydow, ktorzy gineli "w sposob metafizyczny". Inny wspolautor "Dalej...", prof. Jan Grabowski, utrzymywal wbrew prawdzie, ze Polacy zamordowali 200 tys. Zydow, ktorzy wczesniej uratowali sie z rak Niemcow (Wojciech Mucha, "Bezradnosc, bezczynnosc, bezczelnosc", GAZETA POLSKA, 18 kwietnia 2018).

09:26 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 74 kg.

09:30 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z lnu na pusty zoladek. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 19C. Temperatura na tarasie 23C + temp. w kuchni 22C. Na ulicy ludzie w krotkich rekawkach.

09:34 Hrs. Wkladam do zamrazalnika sloik z przegotowana woda na wode strukturowana.

09:39 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody.

09:43 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody + 2 daktyle.

09:58 Hrs. Gole tygodniowy zarost + zapach lawendy.

10:15 Hrs. Przygotowuje sobie miejsce do opalania sie (laweczka-hamak + reczniczek) + fotka.

10:40 Hrs. Moja sasiadka, pani Wanda daje mi ksiazke Dan Brown pt. "Origin".

11:47 Hrs. Schodze z tarasu. Slonce sie psuje. Raz chmurka, raz promien.

11:53 Hrs. Jem banana.

12:00 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Canada wants to stem migrant tide at border. Seek hange to bilateral agreement as illegal crossings on the rise" + "Israeli PM's nuclear accusations get cool reception in Europe" na okladce + cieply wiatr + dzwiek Izabelinek + slonce przebijajace sie przez cienki welon chmurek. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 24C. Temperatura na tarasie 34C + temp. w kuchni 23C.

12:10 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty owocowej GLOG + kapsulka 940 mg Magnesium Glycinate + zelatynka 600 mg RxOmega-3 + kawalek czekolady 74% + wychodze na taras na slonce.

12:35 Hrs. Slonce zaszlo za chmury. Ciemne, deszczowe.

12:40 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

13:05 Hrs. Koncze masowac stopy i lydki nog olejem kokosowym + lyzeczka oleju doustnie.

13:27 Hrs. Robie wpis na Facebooku.

14:47 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody.

14:58 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody + 5 suszonych moreli + 10 pestek z moreli (wit. B17) + tabletka multiwitaminy Centrum Men 50+ + tabletka witaminy B100 Complex + suszona figa.

15:05 Hrs. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 26C. Temperatura na tarasie 30C + temp. w kuchni 22C.

15:25 Hrs. Jem banana.

15:41 Hrs. Jem jablko.

15:45 Hrs. Jem kawalek kantalupa + kawalek ananasa.

16:10 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe).

16:53 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe).

17:45 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe).

18:15 Hrs. Jem 4 kromki chleba orkiszowego posmarowane serkiem PHILADELPHIA + 3 kiszone ogorki. CBC podaje temperature w Toronto. 27C. Temperatura na tarasie 29C + temp. w kuchni 23C.

18:23 Hrs. Ubieram sie + ceremonia lancuchowa + fotka w lustrze lazienki.

18:30 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe) + biore zelatynke 600 mg RxOmega-3 + kapsulke 940 mg Magnesium Glycinate + kawalek czekolady 74%.

18:39 Hrs. Biore gozdzik do zucia

19:02 Hrs. Dla studentow i emerytow 10% znizki w srody w BulkBarn + fotka.

19:10 Hrs. Zakupy w Kingsway Meat Products.

19:49 Hrs. Zakupy w BulkBarn (37.85). Torebka migdalow + torebka orzeszkow ziemnych + torebka Hemp protein (protein konopnych).

19:57 Hrs. W sklepie Shoppers Drug Mart kupuje specjalne wydanie "Newsweek" z "Weed Nation. Is legalized cannabis coming to a town near you?" na okladce ($15.80) + biore podanie na PC Optimum program

20:11 Hrs. Zakupy w supermarkecie Nofrill ($10.97). Pudelko (12) jajek + kantalup + ananas + siateczka (7) lemonek.

20:33 Hrs. W domu + ciemno + lekko spocony. Temperatura na tarasie 26C + temp. w kuchni 22C.

20:43 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe) + 6-ta szklanka wody strukturowanej.

21:05 Hrs. 7-ma szklanka wody strukturowanej + zelatynka 600 mg RxOmega-3 + kapsulka 940 mg Magnesium Glycinate.

21:18 Hrs. Wkladam do zamrazalnika sloik z woda przegotowana na wode strukturowana + jem banana.

22:25 Hrs. Jem miske granoli  z konopi (Hemp granola + 2 lyzki stolowe Flaxseed + lyzka stolowa CACAO NIBS + lyzka stolowa BLACK SESAME SEEDS + 2 lyzki stolowe hemp protein + 3 lyzki stolowe hemp seeds + garstka suszonych jagod Goji + 2 suszone figi + rodzynki + mleko migdalowe SILK ALMOND).

22:30 Hrs. Siusiu (lekko zoltawe).

23:15 Hrs. Pije szklanke zielonej herbaty + kawalek czekolady 74%.

23:58 Hrs. Koncze jesc kantalupa + plasterek ananasa.

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