Thursday, May 03, 2018

Noc ciezka

z powodu upalu. Nieprzespana. Mieszkanie nagrzane + na zewnatrz cieple i duszne powietrze. Wilgotnosc wysoka i brak wiatru. Weszlismy z zimy od razu w srodek lata. Szok dla organizmu.

"There is little kindness or compassion in the police officers we come in contact with at present; for the most part they are just obnoxious bullies with guns" - RICK SIMPSON

Another prime example of who cannot be trusted, would be most of those who work in law enforcement at the present time. When I was young, I was taught that people who work in this profession, are supposed to be our friends, but sadly the perceptions of my youth no longer ring true. Maybe Marshall Dillon on the old television series Gunsmoke was a fair and just man, but can hardly be said of many law enforcement officers we have to deal with today. There is little kindness or compassion in the police officers we come in contact with at present; for the most part they are just obnoxious bullies with guns. Of course, this type of behavior suits the government's needs, because they want the public to be living in fear, and so, to help accomplish this, such individuals are hired to police our society. The last police officer I came into contact with, who I considered to be good at his job was in 1962 and I haven't come into contact with anyone of this caliber, who works in law enforcement since that time.

Think about the experiences you had with the police over the years. Do you believe they handled the role they are playing well and did they earn your respect? I think most of us would answer that question with a resounding 'No', which makes it obvious we should not be at mercy of such individuals, and to make matters even worse, we are the ones who pay their salaries. As I stated, many in positions of public trust are behaving irrationally and actually help their governments commit crimes against humanity, to further the insane agendas of the rich and powerful. They cannot or will not accept the fact that what they are doing is completely wrong, for this would shatter the glowing image they have of themselves and their professions. Still, it is assumed that we as good citizens, must never question their authority and should have unlimited respect and admiration for the wonderful job they are doing.

If we speak out against the horrible deeds they are responsible for, they then classify un as troublemakers and accuse those who see them for what they really are, as being conspiracy nuts. But those who utter statements like "Conspiracies do not exist," are not doing this because it isn't true. They are simply making such claims to hide their own agendas. How could any rational person look at the world we are living in and say that no one is conspiring against our wellbeing? In reality, if that were true, then why has our world become so toxic? Were we the ones who did this, or was it caused by the profit making policies imposed upon us by the big money concerns? If you happen to be a person who realizes things are not quite right in our world, please read on an I will endeavor to expose the real truth. Once you go through the contents of this book, I am sure most will arrive at the same conclusions that I have. Indeed, we are all trying to exist in a disgusting twisted reality that has been forced upon us by our own fellow-man, so that they might profit from our misfortune.

I have learned a great deal about our world and the people who are running it, but my focus is also elsewhere. Since I stumbled on the truth about the hemp plant, most of my time is now consumed in trying to bring this medical wonder to the attention of the general public. Many seem to think that I should be trying to prove this to doctors but in reality I gave up trying to prove anything to them a long time ago and I could care less what they think. How could I be expected to make those who work in the medical system acknowledge the reality in what I am saying, when obviously it is in their best interests to ignore the truth?

The same holds true for governments and all they control, for I have already been to everyone in authority about this issue and they have done nothing. Since they did not respond in the proper way, their lies and deceptions became more than obvious. Those we are supposed to put our trust in have failed us. so I am bringing what I have learned to the attention of the general public. In the situation we are in, with no one willing to step forward and defend our rights as human beings, I have put my faith in the public to bring about the changes, which are necessary by any means at their disposal.

Most of those employed in the professions I have mentioned, will not enjoy reading what I have to say about their ethics. But the truth must be told, if we are to evolve into a species that is worth saving. In reality, if nothing is done, we are little more than a virus, which is trying to infect the whole universe with our twisted sense of reasoning. In the beginning, my aim was simply to make the medical system accountable for their actions. This led me to discover there is much more wrong with our society than just the doctors stepping out of line. I soon came to the realization that our whole way of life is based on propaganda and lies, which were put in place by those who wish to keep us enslaved. This is not the path, the human race is supposed to be on and, clearly, if we continue, it will bring about our destruction (Rick Simpson, "Phoenix Tears: The Rick Simpson Story", KRK, 2014).


W ten dzien swiateczny w Polsce (N.M.P. Krolowej Polski + Swieto Konstytucji 3-Maja) spedzilem wspaniale prawie 3 godziny (15:01-16:50) z panem Jerzym Zieba. Bylem tu w Toronto na 2-ch jego sympozjach. Mowil godzinami, a chcialo sie aby nie przestawal mowic. Bo tak madrze mowil o medycynie naturalnej, o ukrytych terapiach, o systemie zdrowotnym, o sobie, swoich doswiadczeniach, o systemach zniewalajacych czlowieka.

Tak jak lubie sluchac + czytac pana Jerzego, podobnie uwielbiam sluchac i czytac pana Ricka Simpsona z Kanady. Obydwoch zyciorysy sa wspaniale, a przez to ze tak prawdziwe, proste i normalne, to wydaja sie niewiarygodne i przez to sa oni zwalczani (kazdy w swoj sposob) przez rzadzacy estblishment. Za mowieniu prawdy o sobie i lekach ktore stosuja.


Dzien spokojny, dzien deszczowy. Temperatura spadla na dworze, to i na gorze da sie oddychac. W czasie dnia odsypialem nieprzespana noc. Spalem, czytalem + jak chodzilem, to ubrany w sandalki LEWANDOWICZ i przepasany pasem WELLNESS BELT. Zadnych wiesci, nawet z poczty ani rachunkow, ani listow. Za to zostawila w skrzynce swoja reklamowke Nadia Guerrera, z notka "Hi, Sorry I missed you - Nadia".

Cos chec dzisiaj mialem na szprotke. Wiadomo, Ustczanin, wyrosl na szprotkach. Zadawkowalem wiec puszeczke z 4 zabkami czosnku wkrojonymi do niej. Co za uderzenie. Spowolnienie, laknienie + strasznie ostry zapach, ktorego sie w ogole nie czuje. "Pachne wiec jestem" - Lewed szepcze mi do ucha.


From its formation in 1951, OTS concentrated its efforts on creating devices and capabilities to improve the CIA's ability to identify, recruit, and securely handle clandestine agents. Whether the operational requirement needed research, development, engineering, production, training, or deployment, OTS responded. Motivated by a philosophy of limitless possibility, a few hundred technical specialists gave American intelligence its decisive technical advantage in the Cold War, a conflict that continues today in the worldwide battle against terrorists.
Collectively, the stories that form the OTS history convey a level of dedication and commitment by officers whose pride in their service to America was more important than personal wealth or individual acclaim (Robert Wallace and H. Keith Melton, "SPYCRAFT: A Secret History of the CIA's Spytechs, from Communism to Al-Qaeda", A PLUME BOOK, New York, 2009).

02:05 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "W Zygmunta deszcz - nieurodzaju wieszcz".

02:11 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 75 kg.

03:38 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

03:50 Hrs. Nie moge zasnac. Duszno. Temperatura na tarasie 23C + temp. w kuchni 22C. Na gorze nagrzane + duszno. Okna otwarte ale brak wiatru. Powietrze stoi w miejscu.

04:00 Hrs. Wychodze na werande + spiew ptakow + ciepla i wilgotna zawiesina powietrza. Pije 2-ga szklanke wody strukturowanej + 4 kapsulki 200 mg (800 mg) Magnesium Bis-Glycinate 200.

04:05 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".


Niecodzienna sytuacja. Podczas konferencji prasowej polaczonej z prezentacja raportu technicznego podkomisji smolenskiej nieoczekiwanie na sali wybilo szambo. Tak chyba najlepiej zobrazowac mozna bluzg w wykonaniu "dziennikarza" "Gazety Wyborczej" - Wojciecha Czuchnowskiego. Pracownik Czerskiej zwyzywal Antoniego Macierewicza od klamcow i przestepcow, po czym bohatersko opuscil sale. Niestety, nie starczylo mu juz odwagi, zeby odpowiedziec na pytania dziennikarzy, ktorzy ruszyli za nim w pogon. Odwaga, ale i smutek wrocily nastepnego dnia w wesolym samochodzie Jaroslawa Kuzniara. Tam towarzysz Czuchnowski z zalem stwierdzil, ze "wylalo sie na niego szambo". Coz, kto pod kim szambo wylewa, sam w nie wpada ("W Internetach", GAZETA POLSKA, 18 kwietnia 2018).

04:40 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 75 kg.

04:42 Hrs. Robie wpis na Facebooku.

06:23 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Ottawa may grant pot amnesty. Prior convictions. Carries lifelong consequences, says Blair" na okladce.

06:28 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe) + 3-cia szklanka wody strukturowanej.

06:40 Hrs. Jem banana. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 19C. Temperatura na tarasie 17C + temp. w kuchni 22C.

07:10 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

"Tusk mowil, ze bedziemy mieli prawde bez wojny albo wojne bez prawdy. A wiec premier Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zagrozil nam wojna z Rosja, jesli bedziemy dociekac przyczyn katastrofy" - ANDRZEJ GWIAZDA

Raport Millera niewazny
Raport techniczny podkomisji smolenskiej jest tez niezwykle istotny z innego powodu: oficjalnie uniewaznia dokument opracowany przez komisje Millera. "Ustalenia Komisji Millera okazaly sie w swietle przeprowadzonych badan nieprawdziwe, blednie wskazujac przyczyny katastrofy i powtarzajace niezgodne z prawda ustalenia komisji MAK. Tym samym raport Komisji Badania Wypadkow Lotniczych Lotnictwa Panstwowego pod przewodnictwem Jerzego Millera z dnia 29 lipca 2011 roku w sprawie Katastrofy Smolenskiej jest niewazny i niniejszym zostaje anulowany" - czytamy w raporcie technicznym.
Tym samym podkomisja uniewaznila rowniez klasyfikacje przyczyny katastrofy smolenskiej jako "kontrolowany lot ku ziemi spowodowany przez blad pilota". Eksperci podkreslaja, ze rosyjscy kontrolerzy lotow na wiezy lotniska Siewiernyj w Smolensku - w porozumieniu z dowodca wojsk transportu lotniczego gen. Wladimirem Benediktowem, znajdujacym sie w Moskwie - konsekwentnie podawali bledne informacje zalodze tupolewa podczas podejscia maszyny do ladowania.
Podkomisja przypomina takze inne klamstwa lub przemilczenia komisji Millera. "Wbrew jednoznacznym stwierdzeniom raportu Millera, w kokpicie Tu-154 M w czasie katastrofy nie bylo generala A. Blasika i nie mial on zadnego wplywu na przebieg katastrofy. Komisja Millera oskarzyla generala A. Blasika, nie dysponujac zadnymi dowodami" - czytamy w raporcie.
Polscy eksperci zaznaczaja, ze przez caly lot zaloga Tu-154 i jej dowodca podejmowali wlasciwe decyzje, uzgodnione we wlasciwym czasie z calym zespolem. Okolo 16 minut przed katastrofa mjr Arkadiusz Protasiuk podjal decyzje o odejsciu w razie zlej pogody nad lotniskiem i przeprowadzeniu jedynie probnego podjescia. Potem - na wysokosci pozwalajacej na bezpieczne odejscie - wydal komende o odejsciu na drugi krag, potwierdzona przez drugiego pilota. Zaloga prawidlowo odpowiadala kontrolerom podajacym odleglosc od pasa lotniska.
W raporcie wypomniano tez komisji Millera, ze po zapoznaniu sie z wynikami prac specjalistow przebywajacych w Smolensku w pierwszych dniach po katastrofie, sformulowala na pismie plan badan, jakie musza byc przeprowadzone w celu wyjasnienia katastrofy. Wsrod nich wazne miejsce zajmowaly badania majace na celu sprawdzenie, "czy kadlub nie ma uszkodzen charakterystycznych dla wybuchu". Badan tych nigdy nie przeprowadzono, a mimo to Jerzy Miller i jego specjalisci opublikowali raport zawierajacy konkluzje, ze nie doszlo do wybuchu na pokladzie. Komisja Millera nie uwzglednila rowniez obszernego raportu archeologow, ktory wykazal, ze samolot rozpadl sie na dziesiatki tysiecy czesci (Grzegorz Wierzcholowski, "Wszystkie dowody na eksplozje", GAZETA POLSKA, 18 kwietnia 2018).

07:30 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 75 kg + lekko opuchle kostki i stopy nog.

08:29 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (przezroczyste).

10:04 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe_.

11:52 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

13:18 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe) + wskakuje na wage APSCO. 73 kg.

13:20 Hrs. 3-cia lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska"

13:40 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 73 kg.

15:01 Hrs. Pan Jerzy Zieba na zywo + wrzucam na Facebook.

15:31 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody.

15:38 Hrs. Pan Jerzy zaprasza na + za oknem leje deszcz.

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