Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Na dworze tematy

High Park, Toronto
wiosenne. Lecimy na temperaturach plusowych. Ponuro i z zachmurzeniem duzym. Dziwna pogoda na polowe stycznia. Wieczorem wyszedlem z domu aby kupic jablka i buraki czerwone na bycza krew. High Park czarny + oswietlenie swiateczne. Dzien zlecial na lenieniu sie.

The Master of Triggernometry

If anyone qualifies to be called a master of fast and fancy shooting, it has to be Ed McGivern. In fact, you can say he wrote the book on the subject. BY JOEL J. HUTCHCROFT

EXHIBITION SHOOTER JOE BOWMAN (OF WHOM I was a fan) was known to have he had a PhD in "triggernometry". Ed McGivern could have made the same claim. He was no doubt a master of the subject.
At the height of his career, McGivern could break five clay balls, thrown into the air simultaneously, before they hit the ground; hit a tin can hand-thrown 20 feet into the air five times before it touched the ground; drive a tack or nail into wood by shooting it; shoot the pips out of playing cards at 18 feet; split a playing card edge on; "draw" a portrait of a person on sheet metal with bullet holes; write words in script or block letters the same way; and shoot a dime on the fly. More amazingly, he did those feats with a handgun - or a pair of handguns, shooting simultaneously or one at a time. He could shoot accurately holding a revolver behind his back, between his legs, upside down, or sighting from a mirror. And he is known as one of the fastest handgunners of all time.
It's been said that McGivern could shoot so fast that timing machines would malfunction in attempting to record his speed. He set a Guinness World Record for "the greatest rapid-fire feat" in 1932 by emptying two revolvers in less than two seconds. He set another record in 1934 by firing five shots from a double-action revolver in 2/5 second, putting all five shots into a group that fit inside the area of a regular playing card. The distance was 15 feet and he was 60 years old at the time. (More about his favorite guns in moment.).
Ed McGivern was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1874 and got his first big-bore revolver in the early 1890s. It was a .41-caliber Colt, but the exact model is not known. Later, he moved to Butte, Montana, and it was during this period that he witnessed the famous husband and wife team of Ad and Plinky Topperwein put on a shooting exhibition. During that performance, the Topperweins performed aerial shooting feats and picture drawing with rifles. Doing so, as the story goes, inspired McGivern to learn how to do the same kind of fast and accurate shooting - but using handguns instead.
McGivern devoted the rest of his life to developing his extraordinary shooting skills and writing the book (Ed McGivern's Book of Fast and Fancy Revolver Shooting) that made him famous. All the while, he acknowledged that anyone could do what he did if they put in the time required to practice (SHOOTING TIMES, February 2017).

00:37 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste).

02:28 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste).

04:10 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

05:57 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste).

07:42 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste).

08:52 Hrs. Budze sie naturalnie + siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste). Na dworze 2-stopniowo. Deszczowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Tak, bieda nie ma ani wiary, ani narodowosci" - OLGA TOKARCZUK.

09:00 Hrs. Biore 1/2 lyzeczki miodu Manuka Honey.

09:05 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Do Rzeczy Historia".

W koncu 1943 - pisal w swoim raporcie dla Amerykanow - w obliczu zblizajacej sie kleski Trzeciej Rzeszy, szef NSDAP Martin Borman i czterech in. niezidentyfikowanych faszystow rozpoczelo budowe tajnej organizacji nazistowskiej, o ktorej nie powiadomili ani Hitlera, ani pozostalych nazistowskich szefow. Zostala ona uksztaltowana wedlug planu organizacyjnego Wolnej Lozy Masonskiej, a wiec w oparciu o piecioosobowe ["V"], "tajne kregi".
Czlonkowie pierwszego ["V'] stawali sie liderami kolejnych pieciu "V". Gwarantowalo to anonimowosc glownych liderow rozrastajacej sie organizacji wobec czlonkow nizszych kregow. Dla zapewnienia bezieczenstwa Borman energicznie rozpowszechnial wsrod czlonkow nizszych kregow polotke o tym, ze za "HACKE" stoi sam szef SS Himmler...
Jena z najbardziej niebezpiecznych metod stosowanych w pracy przez Abakumowa bylo werbowanie "pod obca flaga". Dzisiaj metoda ta zostala przez KGB doprowadzona do perfekcji. W jakim stopniu plan A. odniosl sukces, nie jest do konca jasne, ale pewnym jest, ze w okresie 1955-1956 KGB mialo kilku doskonalych agentow w Ameryce, ktorzy wywodzili sie z "repertuaru" wywiadu nazistowskiego (Marian Zachorski, "Nazisci w sluzbie KGB. Tajne sluzby / Ucieczka Michala Goleniewskiego, cz. II. Sowiecki wywiad zinfiltrowal organizacje zrzeszajaca bylych nazistow. Szantazowal jej czlonkow, grozac, ze ujawni ich udzialo w zbrodniach", DO RZECZY HISTORIA, Wrzesien 2016).

09:47 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 70 kg + arytmia.

09:50 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody z 1/2 cytryny + 3 kapsulki 200 mg magnezu Magnesium Bis-Glycinate 200.

10:25 Hrs. Jem banana.

10:42 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

11:55 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

12:30 Hrs. Jem miseczke Nature's Mix Granola + 3 lyzeczki nasion konopi RICHARDO'S + 2 suszone figi + lyzka stolowa protein konopnych Raw hemp protein + zalane mlekiem migdalowym.

12:43 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy "National Post" z "May vows clean break with EU. Pound rallies" na okladce. Na dworze zachmurzenie duze. 3-stopniowo.

13:35 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Do Rzeczy Historia".

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