Monday, September 19, 2016

Caly jestem w

Korale + branzoleta z magnesowych kulek
magnesach. Poprzyklejaly sie do mnie, jak muchy na lep. Od momentu intensywnego zanurzania sie w polu magnetycznym  zauwazylem kilka zmian w organizmie: stracilem 2 kg + wielka energia + niesamowita sila fizyczna + wspanialy balans (rownowaga) + polepszony metabolizm.

metabolism N. combined chemical and physical process that takes  place in the body involves the distribution of nutrients, and results in growth, energy production, elimination of wastes, and other body functions. There are two basic phases of metabolism: anabolism, the constructive phase, during which small molecules resulting from the digestive process are built up into complex compounds that form the tissues and organs of the body; and catabolism, the destructive phase, during which larger molecules are broken down into simpler substances with the release of energy. ADJ. metabolic ("Dictionary of Medical Terms", BARRON'S MEDICAL GUIDES, 2000).

Tak ostatnio zajalem sie terapia magnesowa, ze zignorowalem jeden ze sztandarowych moch tematow: MARIHUANA (wykrzyknik aut.). Co niektorym rzadzacym i policji na to slowo otwiera sie noz w kieszeni i sam pistolet wystrzeliwuje. Toronto zaslynelo w srodowisku za jedno z najbardziej represyjnych miast w sprawie marihuany i dojscia do niej przez pacjentow uzywajacych marihuany jako medycyny. Nie jest to chlubna slawa. W Polsce przeda podobnie. Ignorancja jeszcze dominuje w tej sferze. Dlatego opublikuje 3 wycinki na temat marihuany, ktore akurat dzis przeczytalem. Tak jakos symboliczne.

naprawde dobra zmiana


"RZAD ZREFORMUJE MEDYCZNA MARIHUANE" - PODALA W ZESZLYM tygodniu "Rzeczpospolita". A Ministerstwo Zdrowia potwierdzilo: od 4 marca resort wydaje zgody na zwrot kosztow zakupu lekow zawierajacych kannabinoidy.
W Polsce jest dostepny tylko jeden taki lek - stosowany w leczeniu stwardnienia rozsianego - sativex. Pozostale specyfiki, glownie te stosowane u dzieci cierpiacych na padaczke lekooporna, sa sprowadzane w ramach tzw. importu celowego. Tyle ze - przynajmniej do tej pory - procedura byla skomplikowana i kosztowana. "Podanie optymalenej dawki oznaczaloby koszt kilkunastu tysiecy miesiecznie. W zwiazku z tym syn przyjmuje jedna czwarta tej ilosci" mowila kilka miesiecy temu w "Tygodniku" matka dziecka cierpiacego na padaczke (czytaj na
A Dorota Gaudaniec, rowniez matka chorego dziecka - znana z walki na rzecz legalizacji leczniczej marihuany - tuz po tym, jak w Sejmie w 2105 r. pojawily sie dwa projekty zmian w prawie (jeden, co by bylo wowczas zaskoczeniem na prawicy, autorstwa Patryka Jakiego, dzis wiceministra sprawiedliwosci), mowila: "Mamy w nosie, czy prawo ulatwiajace zycie mojemu dziecku uchwali prawa, czy lewa strona".
Jednak to paradoks po latach walki chorzy i ich rodzice wymogli zmiany na politykach prawicy, ktora dotad bala sie wszystkiego z marihuana w nazwie jak ognia. Na razie to jeszcze nie legalizacja medycznej marihuany - raczej korekta urzedniczej praktyki w ramach obowiazujacego prawa.
Ale i tak tym razem mozna mowic o naprawde dobrej zmianie (TYGODNIK POWSZECHNY, 20 marca 2016),

High time for edible pot market


Toronto's first Nuit Verte to be held at 'top secret' location

Metro / Toronto

A farmers' market for edible pot products is cropping up in Toronto. Toronto's first "Nuit Verte" will be held at a "top secret" location Sept. 25. Organizer Lisa Campbell said they're expecting about 300 people, who will learn where it is once they buy tickets online.
According to Campbell, about 20 local pot producers will be on hand to hawk their wares, explain ingredients and offer samples. "You can go there and ask questions about the products, you can know what strain is in your product, what's vegan or gluten free or organic." she said.
Campbell is part of a "movement" called Green Market that has been holding Sunday cannabis markets all summer. Next week's event is their first night market.
"While it is illegal, we're waiting for the laws to catch up with public sentiment and the public wants to try edibles and is ready for them," Campbell said, noting marijuana farmer's markets are already happening across California.
"My favourite people that come out to the events are like moms from the suburbs who have three children, and they can't smoke in front of their kids, they don't want to smell like smoke, it just offers them an alternative which is more discreet," she added.
Green Market partner Sarah Gillies, who has her own line of hemp bath and beauty products, said customers are sometimes "flabbergasted" when they walk through the door. "They love meeting the people who are making it so they can ask all these questions that they don't always get to ask when you're just dealing with a licensed producer," she said. "It gives this very community atmosphere" (TORONTO METRO, Monday, September 19, 2016.).


Should the public be free to grow its own weed?


When the feds finally roll out their plan to legalize marijuana, advocates want to see home-grown weed treated like tobacco or alcohol.
Postmedia Network spoke with several cannabis advocates who cited the need for laws that allow people to grow pot at home - similar to those permitting the cultivating of tobacco or the brewing of beer for personal use.
A federal task force now examining the best way to regulate and legalize recreational marijuana use in slated to complete its report in 2017.
Task force members say they're trying to establish a strict system that allows the production, distribution and sale of pot while keeping the drug away from kids.
Recently, the federal government revamped rules to allow patients to grow limited quantities of cannabis for medical purposes at home, or designate someone else to grow it for them, using seeds from licensed producers.
Health Canada has said these changes "should not be interpreted as being the longer-term plans for the regulations of access to cannabis for medical purposes."

Dana Larsen, a long-time Vancouver cannabis reform advocate, gave away thousands of marijuana seeds throughout Canada during the Overgrow Campaign this summer "to normalize cannabis cultivation." "It's a move that resulted in Calgary police charging him with trafficking cannabis seeds.
"Ultimately, I think everybody should be able to grow as much cannabis as they want, like any other plant," he said. "But to begin with, it would nice to see at least if medical users can grow what they need, and a non-medical user can grow six plants or 12 plants or some arbitrary number."

Brandy Zurborg, co-owner of Queens of Cannabis in Toronto, cites home-brew laws as a model that should be copied. "You can brew your own beer in your house, or make your wine," she said, calling it a
process that's a lot more dangerous and risky."
She anticipates more people will want to grow cannabis at home after legalization.

John Fowler, president and CEO of licensed producer Supreme Pharmaceuticals, said people who want to grow recreational pot safely "should be able to do so."  But, he adds, it's a "little early" to say what regulating home-grown cannabis should look like.
"All I hope ... is that the government is taking a data-driven approach and has every confidence that we're going to have a really good well-thought-out and functional marijuana industry for both recreational and medical users in a matter of months or years."


Image result for marijuana leaf

* In Ontario, drinkers can brew their own beer or make their own wine at home "as long as it is only for your personal consumption or to be given away free of charge."
* In Oregon, where pot was legalized in July 2015, pot users can grow up to four plants "per residence, regardless of how many people live in the residence," according to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission's website.
* In Colorado, where marijuana legalization began in 2012, weed smokers can grow up to six plants per adult over the age 21 for personal use, according to the state government's website. Cultivation must take place indoors, where plants have to be kept in a locked area, the website says. Some counties and municipalities within the state have sticker laws (24 HOURS TORONTO, Monday, September 19, 2016).

01:00 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

04:42 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

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