Friday, August 22, 2014

Ten wirus

co zalapalem nazywa sie Adware. Maltrec.TS!g23. Symantec wyczyscil go, ale dzis znow wrocil. Pracowalem dzis dlugo. Oczy bola. Uczucie piachu. U okulisty juz nie bylem prawie 3 lata. Ale nawet bez okularow widze jak ciezko policja pracuje za nasze podatnikow pieniadze polujac na krzaczki marihuany. Ile to milionow na ten absurd sie wydaje. Do roboty sie wziac panowie, lapac przestepcow.

Police hunting for marijuana

Weeding out illegal pot costs millions
 The RCMP and military have spent nearly $11.5 million in the past eight years on a search-and-destroy mission for illicit marijuana crops.
Figures show the annual Mountie-led effort has led to tens of thousands of plants being weeded out each year. Last year the military spent more than $361,000 on helicopter support for the operation, which resulted in eradication of over 40,600 plants (TORONTO STAR, Friday, August 22, 2014).

02:54 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

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