Thursday, December 27, 2007


Krolowa zarazil nas wujek Tony Zaremba ze Szkocji juz w PRL-u. Za ktorejs to tam wizyty w Polsce przywiozl przepiekny portret krolowej Elzbiety II i ksiecia Filipa i podarowal go Mamie. Rodzice oprawili go w piekne ramki i powiesili w przedpokoju na scianie. W naszym mieszkaniu w Ustce na ulicy Kopernika 12/5. Zawsze tam wisial i nam patronowal.

Mama mowila, ze jak glina i esbecja robila rewizje w domu, to gbury: "A to kto?", wskazujac na portret, zapytali. "Krolowa" - odpowiedziala Mama dumnie. "No, ale nie wasza" - gbur powiedzial pewnie i stanowczo.
Kto by pomyslal, teraz z perspektywy czasu, jak ten gbur esbecki sie gleboko pomylil.

06:05 Hrs. Powiedz mi jak. Powiedz mi jak. Jak to sie moglo stac? - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Ja w miedzyczasie robie 31 pompek, 5 przysiadow z wyciagnietymi rekoma do przodu, kilka sklonow + skretow tulowia & wyrzutow rak i nog.

06:37 Hrs. Tam gdzie byl moj rodzinny dom - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM. Na dworze ciemno, cicho, spokojnie + pusto na ulicy. W dzienniku: Ostatni dzwonek na wymiane dowodow osobistych. 2.5 mil Polakow jescze tego nie zrobilo. 2 dyplomatow ONZ wydalonych z Afganistanu za wspieranie Talibow.
ESSO, Szhell, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.01.5.

06:45 Mam ten luz. Mam ten luz. Zyje sie i jakos leci - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM gdy parkuje w pracy.

Krolowa Kanady najstarszym monarcha

Glowa kanadyjskiego panstwa, Krolowa Elzbieta II, stala sie w czwartek najstarszym monarcha w brytyjskiej i kanadyjskiej historii, dystansujac swoja praprababke krolowa Wiktorie.
Krolowa Wiktoria, urodzona 24 maja 1819 roku, zmarla 22 stycznia 1901 roku, przezywszy 81 lat, siedem miesiecy i 29 dni, lub 81 lat i 243 dni.
Wedlug Palacu Buckingham, krolowa Elzbieta II, ktora urodzila sie 21 kwietnia 1926 roku, w czwartek okolo godziny 18 przescignie pod wzgledem dlugosci zycia Wiktorie.
Kalkulacja uwzglednia rowniez godzine narodzin i smierci krolowej Wiktorii i godzine przyjscia na swiat Elzbiety.
Wedlug innych specjalistow od monarchii brytyjskiej, rekord mierzony w kategorii pelnych dni krolowa pobije w sobote, 22 grudnia.
Krolowa Wiktoria wciaz dzierzy palme pierwszenstwa pod wzgledem dlugosci panowania - 64 lata. Ten rekord krolowa Elzbieta pobic moze dopiero za osiem lat, we wrzesniu 2015 roku (GONIEC, 21 XII 2007 - 3 I 2008).

HEMOFILIA. Cierpieli na nia czlonkowie rodzin krolewskich calej Europy. Dzis probuje sie ja leczyc terapia genowa. Nosicielka genu hemofilii byla krolowa Wiktoria ("12 chorob, ktore zmienily siwat", WPROST, 9 grudnia 2007).

Duzo dzisiaj w dziennikach o zamordowaniu bylej premier Pakistanu Benazir Bhutto. Kiedy Bhutto zdecydowala sie wrocic z emigracji i startowac w wyborach, moj kapitan zmiany z Pakistanu powiedzial, ze ja zamorduja. Mial racje. Pakistan, pupilek Ameryki, gra sobie na nosie z wolnosci i demokracji amerykanskiej. Amerykanie pakuja tam miliardy dolarow aby Perwez Muszarraf wyczyscil kraj z talibanizmu i al Kaidy, a tu na odwrot, Talibowie rosna w sile, Bin Laden wlasciwie rzadzi Pakistanem, a miliardy dolarow gdzies wyparowuja. To sa tak zwane cuda i cudenka amerykanskiej polityki zagranicznej.

A royal air force
Liz's 50th TV Christmas message

LONDON - The Queen used her 50th televised Christmas message Tuesday to urge people to spare a thought for the vulnerable and disadvantaged living on the edge of society.
"Each one of us can also help by offering a little time, a talent or a possession, and taking a share in the responsibility for the well-being of those who feel excluded," she said in the 15-minute recorded speech.
The Queen said she had used the opportunity of her 50th broadcast to reflect on changes that had taken in place in society, as old and new footage of the Queen delivering her annual messages were spliced together.
Wearing the same threestringed pearl necklace as she did in her first broadcast in 1957, the Queen, 81, who last week became Britain's oldest ever reigning monarch, said family values are as important today as they ever were.
"In my experience, the positive value of a happy family is one of the factors of human existence that has not changed," she said. "The immediate family of grandparents, parents and children, together with their extended family, is still the core of a thriving community."
She said in modern society, however, it is not possible for everyone to enjoy the full benefits of "living in a civilized and law-abiding community."
- The Associated Press (TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, December 26, 2007).

Krolowa kroluje w Kanadzie

Toronto Usuniecie odniesienia do monarchii w tekscie przysiegi obywatelskiej wymagaloby zmiany konstytucji tak wielkiego kalibru, jak np. usuniecie wszelkich odniesien do monarchii konstytucyjnej - uwaza prawnik reprezentujacy kanadyjskie Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnetrznych.
Sprawa dotyczy 73-letniego Charlesa Roacha, ktory mieszka w Kanadzie od 1955 roku, ale ktory odmawia zlozenia przysiegi na wiernosc rodzinie panujacej. Rzad tymczasem odmowil uczynienia w tym wypadku wyjatku.
- Czy Panu sie to podoba, czy nie, Krolowa jest glowa kanadyjskiego panstwa i nie mozna tego pomijac - mowila Kristina Drigatis z Ontario Divisional Court.
Pan Roach przekonuje, ze obowiazkowa przysiega na wiernosc Krolowej dla wszystkich nowych Kanadyjczykow narusza konstytucyjne prawo wolnosci sumienia zagwarantowane w Karcie Praw i Swobod.
Jego zdaniem, Kanada powinna pojsc sladem Australii, gdzie zredagowano nowa przysiege obywatelska, bez odniesien do Korony. W jego opinii, zmiane mozna wprowadzic poprzez prosta nowelizacje ustawy o obywatelstwie bez potrzeby nowelizowania konstytucji.
Roach zapowiedzial, ze gotow jest podniesc te sprawe we wszystkich apelacjach po Sad Najwyzszy... (GONIEC, 21-27 wrzesnia 2007).

Queen of the ages

The Queen became Britain's (and Canada's) oldest-ever monarch Thursday, reaching a new milestone in a job she has held for more than a half century - one that comes with luxurious accommodation, long hours and little chance of retirement.
Queen Elizabeth II, 81, passed the mark set by her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria. Her son, Prince Charles, closed in on the title of longest-waiting heir to the throne.
Victoria was born on May 24, 1819 and lived for 81 years and 243 days. Buckingham Palace, calculating longevity down to the hour, said Elizabeth moved past her predecessor at about 5 p.m. (10 a.m. MST).
Palace officials said there would be no special events to mark the occasion, and the queen had no public appearances scheduled Thursday.
She spent the day working quietly at home on royal paperwork. Royal historian Robert Lacey said the milestone would likely bring the queen "some quiet satisfaction."
"She is a modest person, never one for blowing her own trumpet, and I think that is one of the reasons for her success and longevity," Lacey said.
Elizabeth, who took the throne in 1952, is one of only five kings or queens since the 1066 Norman Conquest to reign for more than half a century. Currently the fourth longest-reigning English monarch, she would overtake King Henry III on March 5, and King George III in 2012.
On Sept. 9, 2015 she would pass Queen Victoria, who ruled for almost 64 years, as the longest-reigning British monarch.
Elizabeth can already claim to have been active longer than Victoria, who retreated from public life for more than a decade after the death of her husband, Prince Albert, in 1861.
- The Assocated Press (24 HOURS, Friday, December 21 - Sunday, December 23, 2007).

YouTube gets the royal touch
Christmas message online on Queen's own channel

LONDON - Queen Elizabeth, the 81-year-old monarch considered an icon of traditionalism, launched her own special Royal Channel on YouTube yesterday.
The Queen will use the popular video-sharing web site to send out her 50th annual televised Christmas message, which she first delivered live to the nation and its colonies including Canada on Dec. 25, 1957.
Buckingham Palace also began posting archive and recent footage of the Queen and other royals on the channel yesterday, with plans to add new clips regularly.
YouTube, which allows anyone to upload and share video clips, was founded in 2005 and bought by Google last year.
"The Queen always keeps abreast with new ways of communicating with people," Buckingham Palace said in a statement. "The Christmas message was podcast last year." The palace said, "She has always been aware of reaching more people and adapting the communication to suit. This will make the Christmas message more accessible to younger people and those in other countries."
The royal page - which bears the scarlet lettered heading "The Royal Channel - The Official Channel of the British Monarchy" - is illustrated with a photograph of Buckingham Palace flanked by the Queen's Guards in their tall bearskin hats and red tunics.
Its modern video clips show shots of garden parties, state visits, the Queen, the many British prime ministers who have served during her reign and a day in the life of her son, Prince Charles.
The footage of the Queen's 1957 Christmas TV broadcast will remind viewers that TV once was as groundbreaking a creation as Internet is today.
"I very much hope that this new medium will make my Christmas message more personal and direct. That it is possible for some of you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us," the Queen said of television at the time.
The Royal Channel also shows excerpts from Lord Wakehurst's film Long to Reign Over Us, which has never been publicly released. Wakehurst, an MP who died in 1970, was an avid amateur filmmaker, charting events such as Queen Elizabeth's accession and coronation.
Tomorrow, Queen Elizabeth's annual Christmas speech can once again be downloaded as a podcast from It also is being made available on television in high definition for the first time.
- The Associated Press (TORONTO SUN, Monday, December 24, 2007).


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