Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Dzisiaj ostatki. Koniec karnawalu.

06:30 Hrs. Dziennik w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Niemcy krytykuja Polske i USA za tarcze antyrakietowa. Robia to wspolnie z Rosjanami. Jak to slusznie zauwazyl Stanislaw Michalkiewicz na spotkaniu niedzielnym w Toronto, tak zgodnego duetu niemiecko-rosyjskiego w krytykowaniu Polski nie mielismy od 1939 roku.

I nie ma co sie dziwic. Polska wejdzie do wyjatkowo ekskluzywnego i elitarnego klubu nuklearnego obok Alaski i Kalifornii. Sa to najnowszej generacji rakiety z glowicami nuklearnymi do przechwytywania i niszczenia nadchodzacego zagrozenia z kazdej czesci kuli ziemskiej. Nikt takiej mozliwosci nie ma i nie bedzie mial jeszcze przez wiele lat. Szczegolnie Rosji jest to nie na reke. Ale w strategii suwerennego panstwa polskiego licza sie tylko wlasne interesy, a nie interesy bylych naszych zaborcow i okupantow.

Na dworze wiosennie. 4-stopniowo. ESSO i Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.91.5. Beaver $0.91.3.

20:05 Hrs. Dzisiaj dluzej w pracy. Moj zmiennik, kapitan zmiany zachorowal. Wlaczam radio w samochodzie, a tam Radio Maryja na fali 13:20 AM. Duzo o liscie wsparcia od papieza Bendedykta XVI do arcybiskupa Wielgusa.




BRUSSELS * A Polish member of the European Parliament has caused outrage among European Jews with a tract saying that Judaism has no place in most of Europe, partly because Jews create their own ghettos.
Maciej Giertych, a non-affiliated MEP, also caused strong consternation in European Union circles, not least because the tract bears the parliament's logo and was available online yesterday.
The tract was first distributed at the parliament in Strasbourg, France, on Wednesday. In the text, Mr. Giertych, father of Roman Giertych, the Polish Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, denounces the Jewish "civilization of programmed separateness, of programmed differentiation form the surrounding communities," saying that Jews "form the ghettos themselves."
"It was only Hitler's Germany that created the concept of forced separation," he adds. "Jews are not pioneers," but migrate from poorer communities to settle among other civilizations, "preferably among the rich."
Mr. Giertych is a member of the ultra-Roman Catholic League of Polish Families party, which is currently led by his son, and has a PhD from University of Toronto. In his tract, entitled Civilizations at War in Europe, he argues the ideas of "integration, middle ground and the 'melting pot' are not possible" in Europe. Most of the continent should keep "the Latin civilization."
The pamphlet "uses the same pre-war racial theories that led to the Holocaust." the European Jewish congress said in response yeasterday. The Paris-based group coordinates the 40 elected leaders of national Jewish communities in Europe, encompassing about 2.5 million Jews.
It said it reserved the right to take Mr. Giertych to court for the text, which "reeks of medieval hate and 19th-century racial stereotyping."
Mikolaj Dowgielewicz, a spokesman for the European Commission, told reporters the EU's executive "rejects and condemns any manifestations of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia."
Mr. Dowgielewicz said the European Parliament could lift an MEP's immunity from prosecution if a court in a member state brought charges against him or her. He added the Commission was backing an initiative by Germany, in its role as current president of the EU, to make Holocaust denial and incitement to racial hatred a crime.
The parliament's Socialist group voiced shock at the tract, and sought clarification on whether the assembly had funded it. Parliament spokesman Jaume Duch said it had not, saying that "we only reimburse eurodeputies for publication linked to parliamentary activities."
He said it would be necessary to "clarify" the use of the parliamentary logo. Mr. Giertych did not confine his comments to Jewish people, declaring that much of public life is "despotic" in the Muslim world and that "few Muslims know the Koran."
For good measure, Mr. Giertych also criticized modern Western civilization, especially thr role of women. Mr. Giertych argued that "the mother must be there [at home]."
Agence France-Presse (NATIONAL POST, Saturday, February 17, 2007).

Palac papierosy, narazasz nie tylko siebie, ale rowniez osoby z Twojego najblizszego otoczenia (tzw. biernych palaczy). Bierne wdychanie dymu tytoniowego wywiera szczegolnie niekorzystny wplyw na uklad krazenia u dzieci ("Zabojczy nalog", GONIEC, 26 I - 1 II 2007).

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