Sunday, February 04, 2007

Wycinki niedzielne

- Brak nadziei jest zatem grzechem?
- Jezeli laczy sie z rozpacza, to tak. Od czasow Piotra Lombarda (zm. 1160) teologowie zaliczaja rozpacz do grzechow przeciwko Duchowi Swietemu ("Czy brak nadzei jest grzechem? Z ks. prof. Janem Sochoniem z UKSW - poeta i filozofem - rozmawia Milena Kindziuk", NIEDZIELA NR 50, 10 grudnia 2006).

Bez patyczkowania

Toronto Prokurator generalny Ontario Michael Bryant poinformowal w czwartek o zaostrzeniu walki z hydroponicznymi hodowlami marihuany.
Wykorzystano do tego okazje ogloszenia przepadku domu, w ktorym wykryto nielegalna uprawe. Zajecie posesji bylo mozliwe w oparciu o Civil Remedies Act. Wlasciciel domu z Oshawy usilowal sprzedac nieruchomosc, kiedy do akcji wkroczyla prokuratura (GONIEC, 19-25 stycznia 2007).

"Dziennik": Czy chcesz, zeby Jezus byl krolem Polski?
Ponad polowa ankietowanych (51 proc.) nie popiera inicjatywy grupy poslow, by Sejm przyjal uchwale nadajaca Chrystusowi tytul Jezusa Krola Polski - wynika z sondazu "Dziennika".
Sondaz przeprowadzil TNS OBOP na reprezentatywnej grupie 1004 osob. Na pytanie, czy nalezy oglosic Jezusa Chrystusa krolem Polski, 33 proc. badanych odpowiedzialo "tak"; 16 proc. nie ma zdania na ten temat.
Z inicjatywa nadania Chrystusowi tytulu Jezusa Krola Polski wystapila grupa poslow PiS wywodzaca sie w wiekszosci z dawnego ZChN oraz parlamentarzystow LPR i PSL. Projekt uchwaly trafil na biurko marszalka Sejmu Marka Jurka. Jego autorzy przekonuja, ze za nadaniem tego tytulu Jezusowi przemawiaja argumenty historyczne i teologiczne. Kluby parlamentarne oraz hierarchowie koscielni sa krytyczni wobec tej inicjatywy ("Przeglad prasy krajowej", GAZETA 247, Boze Narodzenie 2006).

Mienie zabuzanskie
Szukam materialow przedwojennych o ziemiach Wolynia, chodzi mi o Doszno kolo Ratna i Datynia w powiecie Kowel.
Mapy, publikacje potrzebne mi sa, aby okreslic lasy, jakie wowczas tam rosly, tj. moj dziadek mial 13 ha lasow, ale nie ma na to dokumentow okreslajacych jednomyslnie ich charakter, dlatego potrzebne sa dane. Pozdrawiam.
Kazimierz Chudzinski
Od redakcji: Moze ktos pomoze ("Poczta Gonca", GONIEC, 19-25 stycznia 2007).

Miedzy nami blogerami
Jako stary bloger powiem do blogera oseska komisarza Marcinkiewicza: Kaziu! Jak juz zaczales pisac, to pisz chociaz ciekawie.
Ryszard Czarnecki, eurodeputowany Samoobrony, o pamietniku internetowym bylego premiera Kazimierza Marcinkiewicza, Fakt, 3 sierpnia ("Wyrwane z Kontekstu", NEWSWEEK, 13.08.2006).

Newsweek opiniotworczy
Tygodnik "Newsweek" jest najczesciej cytowanym tygodnikiem spoleczno-politycznym - podal Instytut Monitorowania Mediow na podstawie danych z pierwszej polowy 2006 roku. Dziennikarze innych mediow powolywali sie w tym czasie na artykuly "Newsweeka" 946 razy. "Wprost" cytowano 921, a "Polityke" 534 razy. Jak wynika z danych IMM, najbardziej opiniotworczym dziennikiem jest "Gazeta Wyborcza". Liderami wsrod mediow elektronicznych sa Radio Zet i telewizja TVN (NEWSWEEK, 13.08.2006).

Nic dziwnego

Montreal 59 proc. mieszkancow Quebecu przyznaje, ze "do pewnego stopnia" podziela rasistowskie poglady. Poza ta prowincje procent ten wynosi 47. Sondaz przeprowadzila agencja Leger Marketing. 35 proc. Quebekow ma zla opinie o Zydach, 27 proc. o Murzynach, a 50 proc. o muzulmanach. Jean-Marc Leger z Leger Marketing uwaza, ze to ostatnie to rezultat stereotypow obecnych w mediach po 11 wrzesnia 2001 (GONIEC, 19-25 stycznia 2007).


Assuming the plan is approved by the UN Security Council, Serbia will be told to relinquish the region it considers the ancient centre of the Serbian nation and the Serbian Orthodox Christian Church to the Muslim ethnic Albanian majority living there today...

[Kosovo] the province - which he and other Serb leaders frequently describe as Serbia's Jerusalem...

Just as the victorious Second World War allies handed large swathes of ancient east German and Prussian lands to neighbouring states after the defeat of the Nazis, the UN wants to shrink Serbia.
Germany under the Nazis had caused so much death and destruction there was little sympathy when more than 16 million Germans were forced westward from lands their ancestors had called home for centures (Steven Edwards, "Serbia's mayhem followed only by more misfortune").

The Deep State stands behind Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code, created to maintain public ignorance by making criticism of Turkey a crime. Article 301 was the basis of charges, eventually dismissed, against Pamuk. It was also behind the charge of insulting Turkishness brought in 2005 against Hrant Dink, a journalist who belonged to Turkey's small Armenian minority. He was convicted but given a six-months suspended sentence. In nationalist eyes, that certified him as an enemy.
Apparently as a result, he was shot to death on Jan. 19. As he lay on the sidewalk, the murderer ran away, shouting, "I have killed an Armenian!" (Robert Fulford, "A nation in denial").

France's Fifth Republic, founded by Charles de Gaulle in 1958, has been the most successful system of government in French history. That's because de Gaulle designed a constitutional but authoritative monarchy, and called it a republic...

Even today, scores of automobiles are burned almost every night in France by disaffected Muslims, a practice that the French, with their often admirable, shrugging, sangfroid, officially ignore...

Thera are many in France who think the country would benefit from a somewhat heavy-handed police minister who happen to be partly Jewish...

Only France has the material importance, political credibility, and flare and style to lead Europe, but not try to dominate it (Conrad Black, "Can this man save Europe? French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy is the centre-right candidate in April's presidential election").

Our security agencies can't be trusted

Re: Change Of Heart, Dahlia Lithwick, Feb.2.

Ms. Lithwick is wrong about the reasons why the Americans refuse to accept Canadian input on Maher Arar. Canadian police and intelligence sources have a well-deserved reputation for incompetence when dealing with terrorists, as shown in the Air India investigation.
Thus, we should not be surprised that Canadian claims about Mr. Arar's innocence are falling on deaf ears. America will trust her own judgment and refuse to share specific intelligence with our unrealiable security services.
Ron Banerjee, director, Hindu Conference of Canada, Toronto ("Letters").

America comes and liberates them from the tyrant who kept everyone living in fear, and the ancient animosities and more recent resentments begin to play themselves out to deadly effect...

Fundamental division between Sunni and Shiite, are ancient...

The late al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was even chided by headquarters in Afghanistan for his relish in killing Shiites for sport of it.
Iraqis were given their freedom and yet many have chosen civil war...

"We did not give them a republic," insists Newsweek's Pareed Zakaria, "We gave them a civil war."...

We gave them a civil war? Why? Because we failed to prevent it? Do the police in America have on their hands the blood of the 16,000 murders they failed to prevent last year?...

We have made a lot of mistakes in Iraq. But when Arabs kill Arabs and Shiites kill Shiites and Sunnis kill all in a spasm of violence that is blind and furious and has roots in hatreds born long before America was even a republic, to place the blame on the one player, the one country, the one military that has done more than any other to try to separate the combatants and bring concilliation is simply perverse.
It infantilizes Arabs. It demonizes Americans, It willfully overlooks the plainest facts: Iraq is their country. We midwifed their freedom. They chose civil war (Carles Krauthammer, "Don't blame the liberators").

If the 2004 election marked the coming age of online fundraising and online video advertising, the 2008 campaign is already being shaped by bloggers, social networking sites such as and "viral video" sites like YouTube.
"The viral nature of the Web makes information that is both true and false available instantaneously to just about everyone," said Wendell Cochran, director of the journalism program at American University in Washington...

"The Internet accelerates everything, and flattens everything in terms of what counts as important news," said Trevor Parry-Giles, a communications professor at the University of Maryland.
"In the 1970s and 1980s, candidates were dealing with ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN a little bit, a couple of newspapers and the major newsmagazines. Now you've got to account for every blog under the sun" (Sheldon Alberts, "'Every blog under the sun'").


Fitness enthusiast asks Vatican to annul marriage to an unrepentant smoker

A man is asking the Vatican to annul his marriage because his wife refuses to stop smoking. The health and physical fitness enthusiast asked his girlfriend to marry him on condition that she would eventually quit smoking. After they tied the knot she tried her best but her addiction was stronger than her and the marriage went up in smoke - at least from the husband's point of view. A first diocesan marriage tribunal granted him the annulment but a second tribunal overturned the decision. They are still married in the eyes of the Church. The Vatican's Sacra Romana Rota, a top court that decides the most complicated of marriage annulment requests, is hearing the case.
Reuters (NATIONAL POST, Saturday, February 3, 2007).
Emigracja do Kanady

- Co z tego, ze produkujemy tyle swietnych jachtow, skoro wszystkie wyjezdzaja za granice? Ze zachodni zeglarze zachwycaja sie nimi na targach, skoro nie moga do nas przyplynac, bo nie beda mieli gdzie zacumowac? Polski Baltyk to skansen bez marin, armatorow i firm czarterowych - mowi Waldemar Heflich, szef magazynu "Zagle".
Nad polskim morzem, od Szczecina po Gorki Zachodnie, cumuje kilkaset jachtow - tyle, co w jednej duzej marinie w Niemczech, trzy razy mniej niz w atenskim porcie jachtowym Alimos. I to w sytuacji, gdy zeglarstwem i sportami wodnymi interesuje sie juz prawie dwa miliony Polakow, ktorzy wlasne lodzie cumuja za granica - w Chorwacji i Grecji. Posrednicy zagranicznych firm czarterowych co sezon maja wiecej klientow z Polski.
Zeglowanie wzdluz naszych plaz - jednych z najpiekniejszych w Europie - wciaz traktowane jest jak ekstremalne wyzwanie. Male porty sa zaniedbane, bez infrastruktury dla turystow i z podejsciami pelnymi niebezpiecznych mielizn. A o budowie duzych przystani wciaz tylko sie mowi. Przez pietnascie lat powstala w Polsce zaledwie jedna zeglarska marina - w Lebie. Kosztowala 21 mln zl. I dzis - po osmiu latach dzialalnosci - jest wizytowka miasta. Co sezon zawija do Leby 900 jachtow z Niemiec, Szwecji, Finlandii i Holandii. Niektorzy goscie zostaja na pare dni, inni przez kilka tygodni. Wydaja pieniadze w restauracjach i sklepach, miasto kwitnie. Dlaczego takich miejsc nie ma na Wybrzezu przynajmniej kilku? Odpowiedz jest banalna - ani lokalne wladze, ani spolecznosci nadmorskich kurortow nie rozumieja zeglarskiego biznesu. Wola inwestowac w parkingi i aquaparki dla wczasowiczow kopiacych na plazy grajdolki. Nie maja ani dosc rozumu, ani odwagi, by rozwinac zagle (Krzysztof Olejnik, "Polska zaplatana w zagle", NEWSWEEK, 10.09.2006).

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