Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wycinki z krolowa Elzbieta II

"The Prime Minister Website ( joining the Governor General's Website ( in prominently displaying how Canadians can send birthday greetings to Her Majesty" (Robert W. Finch - The Monarchist League of Canada -

Elzbieta II krolowa zycia

Brytyjska krolowa nie rzadzi, ale panuje i reprezentuje majestat Zjednoczonego Krolewstwa. W tej roli poddani uwielbiaja obchodzaca wlasnie 80. rodziny Elzbiete II i nawet nie chca slyszec o zniesieniu monarchii. Przynajmniej dopoki na tronie zasiada Jej Krolweska Mosc.

Ciezar berla i korony

mloda Elzbieta Aleksandra Maria Windsor poznala 6 lutego 1952 rok. Tron Zjednoczonego Krolewstwa objela w wieku 26 lat po niespodziewanej smierci swojego ojca krola Jerzego VI (NEWSWEEK 23.04.2006).


Queen Elizabeth II is turning 80 on April 21. The 40th British monarch since William the Conqueror, the Queen has ruled through the terms of 10 U.S. presidents, and has visited 129 countries (24 HOURS, April 11, 2006).

Warszawa Krolowa Wielkiej Brytanii Elzbieta II Windsor obchodzi w piatek 80. urodziny. Z tej okazji przypominamy kilka bardziej i mniej znanych faktow dotyczacych zycia i dzialalnosci brytyjskiej monarchini. Na tron Elzbieta II wstapila 6 lutego 1952 r., bezposrednio po smierci swojego ojca. Koronowana zostala 2 czerwca 1953 r. Byla to pierwsza koronacja transmitowana w telewizji, co pozwolilo setkom tysiecy ludzi uczestniczyc w uroczystosciach. Od dziecinstwa wolny czas poswiecala jezdzie konnej i plywaniu - jako trzynastolatka wygrala zawody plywackie organizowane przez londynski Bath Club - Children's Challenge Shield. Interesowala sie teatrem amatorskim ("Przeglad Tygodnia", GONIEC, 21-27 kwietnia 2006).


Szczere podziekowania dla wszystkich moich przyjaciol, ktorzy przysylaja na moj adres ( swoja dzialalnosc polityczna, artystyczna, linki do ciekawych stron internetowych, cale fora dyskusyjne z roznych portali. Fajne rzeczy. Trzymajcie tak dalej! Czytam to wszystko na ile czas i kochana zonka pozwalaja. I jesli nie odpowiadam do WAS (wyk. aut.) indywidualnie na te imelki, to nie znaczy, ze WAS (wyk. aut.) ignoruje - PO PROSTU KOCHAM WAS I MAM WAS GLEBOKO W SERCU!!!

Happy 80th, my Queen

Today is the 80th birthday of a remarkable woman, our Queen, Elizabeth the Second. Most of us have never known a time when she was not our Queen. She has been a comforting symbol of continuity in an ever-changing world. She has advised many prime ministers, including Sir Winston Churchill, who fell completely under her spell. Even republicans cannot help but admire her and have given up on their plans in her lifetime.
We have been very well served by Her Majesty, and I wish her a very happy birthday and many, many more to come.
Roy Eappen, Montreal ("Letters", NATIONAL POST, Friday, April 21, 2006).

Queen still going strong

The Queen turns 80 tomorrow, but her schedule - and her famously good skin with few wrinkles - make it easy to forget she's a grand-mother who sailed past Britain's retirement age 20 years ago and seems unlikely to slow down anytime soon.
Her ceremonial birthday is celebrated across Britain in late June, when the weather is warmer, so tomorrow's affair will be modest - birthday wishes from the people of the town of Windsor, where she has a castle, and a black-tie dinner hosted by Prince Charles, her eldest son, at Kew, another suburban London palace.
- The Associated Press (24 HOURS, April 20, 2006).

The Queen is 80

On the throne for 54 years. Queen Elizabeth II is Europe's longest-reigning monarch, and given her apparent good health, could well surpass her illustrious ancestor Queen
Victoria's 63 years on the throne.
The Queen turnes 80 today. Her ceremonial birthday is celebrated nationally in late June, when the weather is warmer, so today's affair will be modest - birthday wishes from the people of the town of Windsor, where she has a castle, and a black-tie dinner hosted by Prince Charles at Kew, another suburban London palace.
But Britons are treating today as a milestone. Although the Queen has no political powers, she has become a symbol of stability in tumultuous times.
- The Associated Press (24 HOURS, April 21-23, 2006).

Przegladajac weekendowa prase w rytmie slow Etta James: "The blues is my business and business is good" wpadlem na pomysl umieszczania na moim blogu tytulow artykulow z okladek moich dwoch ulubionych polonijnych gazet weekendowych pt.

Chcialbym dzisiaj zaczac pod tym tytulem nowy cykl przegladu okladek weekendowych wydan dwoch polonijnych torontonskich gazet:
1. Gazeta $1.50 (
2. Goniec $1.50 (

Czytam je od pierwszego dania ich wydania. Duzo z nich czerpie informacji i wiedzy, co zreszta widac to w ilosci "wycinkow" umieszczanych na moim blogu. Przeglad tytulow artykulow umieszczonych na oklace pierwszej strony, daje krotki obraz priorytetu wydarzen waznych z punktu widzenia redakcji tych gazet.

"Gazeta" (21 - 23 kwietnia 2006)
Szansa na czworprzymierze - LPR i PSL coraz blizej koalcji z PiS i Samoobrona

Kanada nie wpuscila premiera Bialorusi

Dunaj sieje spustoszenie na Balkanach

Kaczynski chce dialogu Warszawy i Moskwy

"Goniec" (21 - 27 Kwietnia 2006)
Emigranci to dezerterzy...

Michal [Maryniarczyk] nie zyje

PiS, Samoobrona, PSL i LPR

Nie ma dowodow na Kobylanskiego

Andrzej Gwiazda w szpitalu

If there is one item of clothing that defines the Queen, it is the hat. From the simplest berets and plain straw bonnets to exotic turbans, toques and tricorns, hats are central to her look, a visible marker of her changing tastes.
The Queen is rarely seen without her head covered - even on a casual walk with the corgis, she wears a headscarf - but for official engagements, a hat is de rigueur, and its design is as important as the outfit worn with it (Clare Coulson, "Hats off to Her Majesty's famous toppers", NATIONAL POST, Friday, April 21, 2006).

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