Monday, March 11, 2024


spokojny. Bez wiekszych egzaltacji. Troche treningu nadgarstka szabla i troche treningu umyslu na lekturze "Knife Bible". *** You will find a wealth of knowledge embedded in this text, related to what a knife is and why it is humanity's most important to understand what the definition of a knife is before you start reading this book. A knife is mankind's oldest multi-purpose tool, typically made of a flattened piece of hand forged or machined cut, heat-treated steel that has a sharpened edge, flat cheeks, with some form of handle; used for cutting, chopping, slicing, slashing, or stabbing. There are several objects that can be referred to as a form of knife, such as a dagger, sword, machete, parang, golok, kukri, karambit, even a spear. Their dimensions and uses are what set them apart, which is why they were given different names to help distinguish them (A. J. Cardenal, "Knife Bible"). *** "Mysmy po prostu chcieli dobrze zrobic, ale sie po prostu nie udalo" - JAROSLAW KACZYNSKI h. Pomian. *** "Bedziemy walczyc z ta zielona komuna" - POLSKI ROLNIK. *** "Thunberg jest liderem i ikona - dla niedojrzalych oraz dla idiotow" - MATEUSZ KUCHARCZYK. Trzy lata temu Jean Messiha, rzecznik Erica Zemmoura, kandydata w wyborach prezydenckich we Francji, napisal w ten sposob o dziwnej koalicji islamistow i ekologow. "Laczy ich kolor zielony. Ale nie tylko to. Laczy ich rowniez totalitarne podejscie do spoleczenstwa" (Mateusz Kucharczyk, "Era Grety Thumberg dobiegla konca", WIADOMOSCI, 7 marca 2024).

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