Sunday, March 10, 2024


PAMIETAMY! Dzis obchodzimy Miesiecznicze Smolenska. Teraz, kiedy klamstwo smolenskie znow stalo sie oficjalna wersja rzadowa zamachu bombowego na prez. Polski i caly owczesny rzad nalezy odnowic regularne wspominanie tej zbrodni kazdego 10 dnia miesiaca. Zrobili to Rosjanie we wspolpracy z skorumpowanymi przez Rosjan sluzbami polskimi. Morderstwo to oficjalnie jest tuszowane przez wladze. Tak jak wczesniej bylo morderstwo w Katyniu. *** "Wstydze sie tego, ze jestem Polakiem" - JERZY STUHR. *** "Frasyniuk - w 1989 roku golas, w jednych portkach chodzil, a dzisiaj 200 najnowszych tirow ma. Niech on pokaze jak to sie robi, to beda wszyscy w Polsce tak robic" - ANDRZEJ LEPPER. *** Dzis zima, caly dzien odczuwalne minus 8C, z powodu wiatru. Ale juz za dwa dni bedziemy miec slonce i plus 16C. Takie 24-godzinne zimy mamy tej zimy. Wieczorowa Msza sw. "W KOSCIELE SWIETYCH NIE ZAPOMNE CIEBIE". *** Utah was the first US state to criminalize the use and possession of cannabis. Whitebread and Bonnie first presumed that this was due to the immigrant invasion, but further investigation revealed that Utah had only a tiny Mexican population. The antiweed laws were more influenced by that other American intoxicant, religion. In 1910, elders in the church of Latter-Day Saints declared polygamy to have been a mistake and banned it. A number of Mormons were unhappy with this change and emigrated to north-west Mexico in hopes of setting up "traditional" communities that would convert heathen Indians to Mormonism and allow them to take multiple wives. After four years, those plans weren't panning out. The Indians weren't buying Mormonism, and the Mormon faithful were unhappy being separated from their flock. Many of them leaded home, and they brought weed with them. The church elders have always opposed stimulants of any kind, including tea and coffee, so when these apostates were discovered taking a puff, Utah's legislature turned a religious prohibition into the country's first drug law in 1915. Other states quickly followed suit, including Wyoming (1915), Texas (1919), Iowa (1923), Nevada (1923), Oregon (1923), Washington (1923), Arkansas (1923), and Nebraska (1927). Despite this flurry of legislative zeal, the majority of Americans still had no idea of what marijuana was (Joe Dolce, "Brave New Weed: Adventure into the Uncharted World of Cannabis").

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