Saturday, July 15, 2023

613. rocznice bitwy pod

Grunwaldem obchodzimy dzisiaj. Z ktorej warto byc dumnym i przypominac innym. Skroilismy tylki arogantom germanskim. Trzeba Grunwald znow powtorzyc. Za bardzo wtracaja swoje nosy do polskiej polityki. Oni nas cywilizowac i demokratyzowac nie beda. *** "Nie ma nic gorszego, niz donosic na wlasna Ojczyzne za granica" - MATEUSZ MORAWIECKI. When this came in the great war of 1409-10, it resulted in the devastating defeat of the Order on the battlefield of Grunwald (Tannenberg) by a combined force under the command of Wladyslaw and Vytautas. The battle was one of the largest and longest of the middle ages. It was also one of the bloodiest. The Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen and all the Order's officers but one were killed in the field, and the whole of Prussia was there for the taking. Much to the exasperation of the Polish commanders Wladyslaw reined in the pursuit and in the treaty signed later he demanded only a thin strip of land to be ceded to Lithuania, and nothing for Poland (Adam Zamoyski, "The Polish Way: A Thousand-year History of the Poles and their Culture").

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