Friday, June 28, 2019


I'm Ford Nation
jak na wojnie. Wiatraczek miele powietrze na calego + usmiech skromny, nie cala japa. A to z powodu dentysty, ktory usunal mi 2 zeby, chociaz nie bolaly. Ale profilaktycznie, bo niby korzenie ropne, no i wtedy pracowalem to ubezpieczenie pokrywalo tylko usuwanie i czyszczenie zebow. Wykorzystal wiec w pelni sytuacje. Po przejsciu na emeryture ani jednego dzwonka od niego. Wie, ze emeryta nie stac na takie luksusy jak dentysta.

"Podmiotowa i silna Polska jest czynnikiem, ktory zmienia geopolityke europejska" - JAROSLAW KACZYNSKI


"Nic Putina tak nie zadowoli jak armia ruskich trolli" - LEWED

Rozgorzala dyskusja na temat antysemityzmu. Czy krytykowanie panstwa Izrael za obecna proputinowska i neo-nazistowska polityke wobec Palestynczykow jest antysemityzmem? Byloby to nielogiczne, a poza tym uderzaloby w wolnosc slowa, opinii i wypowiedzi.

Polakow bardziej interesuje antypolonizm, polakozerczosc czy polakofobia. Przykladami antypolonizmu sa tzw. "historycy" Jan Grabowski i Jan T. Gross, ktorzy pisza neo-nazistowska historie alternatywna i niczym sie nie roznia od Davida Irvinga w podwazaniu prawdy o II wojnie swiatowej? Czy krytykowanie ich "dziel naukowych" jest antysemityzmem?

Two racism definitions,
one common problem


OTTAWA * Your could be forgiven for having missed the fact  that Canada has adopted a fromal definition of anti-Semitism. It was included as part of the government's new anti-racism strategy, announced by Heritage Minister Pablo Rodrguez earlier this week, in a list of terminology toward the end.
"Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews," it reads. "Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
This is a relatively recent definition, adopted in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), an intergovernmental body with 31 member countries, including Canada. It's since been adopted by a handful of countries, including the U.K., and Germany.
But controversy has bubbled up around the IHRA definition, fuelled by those who believe it's over-broad and could chill legitimate criticism of the Israeli state.

IHRA parses

Though Canada isn't passing any new laws to curtail debate about Israel, some believe the IHRA definition is a threat to free speech.
If this sounds strangely familiar, that's because the debate bears a certain resemblance to the controversy that raged for months over M-103, the Liberals' anti-Islamophobia motion that Conservatives claimed would threaten people's right to criticize Islam. The arguments in both cases are oddly similar - they're just coming from very different quarters.
The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is brief, but includes a list of 11 contemporary examples, such as "the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy," and the claim that Jews invented or exaggerated the Holocaust. It also lists as anti-Semitic "applying double standards by requiring of (Israel) a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation."
Aidan Fishman, former national director of B'nai Brith Canada's league for human rights, said his organization pushed for Canada to adopt the IHRA definition because of a "really alarming rise" in anti-Semitic incidents in recent years.
"it's a very comprehensive definition, which really encapsulates anti-Semitism in its modern form," he said. Canada's decision comes in the midst of an international effort by Jewish organizations to urge governments and political parties to formally adopt the IHRA definition.
Anthony Housefather, a Liberal MP from Montreal and chair of the House of Commons justice committee, said defining anti-Semitism is key to fighting it. "Most people just need to be educated and understand where something crosses the line," he said.
Still, the IHRA definition has not been universally embraced. Last week, just days before the anti-racism strategy was released, the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) released a statement saying the definition is "extremely vague," "open to misinterpretation" and could undermine Charter rights to free speech. "We fear that if adopted, the IHRA definition will serve to severely chill political expressions of criticism for Palestinian rights," the association said.
In statement to the National Post on Thursday, the NDP said the party supports the anti-racism strategy, but likewise raised concerns about the IHRA definition, saying it "could be a threat for people who legitimately denounce grave human rights abuses by the government of Israel against Palestinians."
Independent Jewish Voice, an organization that supports the call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, is urging Ottawa to reconsider. "The full definition's examples conflate fundamental criticism of Israel and/or Zionism with anti-Semitism - a position IJV strongly rejects," the organization said in a statement, adding its adoption "would pose a serious threat to freedom of expression and acaemic freedom in Canada."
Fishman and Housefather both denied this, pointing out that definition states that "criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-Semitic." But Fishman said support for the BDS movement does constitute anti-Semitism under the IHRA definition to the extent that supporters also, for example, call for the lifting of sanctions against Iran - a double standard, he argues.
"There are many parts of BDS which are indeed a new form of anti-Semitism when you single out Israel," Housefather said.
Canada's anti-racism strategy does not propose any new penalties for anti-Semitism, nor does it propose new legislation -it provides only a definition. But Meghan McDermott, staff counsel for BCCLA, said she worries it could eventually be incorporated into the Criminal Code. "It's kind of what we would call soft law for now," she said. "We just worry about that whole floodgates argument."
That "floodgates argument" is strikingly similar to the concerns raised by Conservatives and other critics of M-103, the 2017 motion that called on the government to condemn Islamophobia and all forms of racism and religious discrimination. Though M-103 was not a government bill and proposed no changes to legislation, critics claimed that because Islamophobia was not preisely defined, the motion could restrict legitimate criticism of Islam.
B'nai Brith was among those critics. At a 2017 meeting of a parliamentary Heritage committee conducting a study of systemic racism as required by M-103, Michael Mostyn, CEO of B'nai Brith, called Islamophobia a confusing" term with competing definitions. "We must ensure that no one can hide behind the idea that any criticism of Islam represents Islamophobia, or a vague definition to this effect," he said.
Ultimately, the Heritage committee recommended Canada update its national action plan against racism, a commitment that's now been fulfilled with the release of the new anti-racism strategy, which defines both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia. Its definition of Islamophobia "includes racism, stereotypes, prejudice, feat or acts of hostility directed towards individual Muslims or followers of Islam in general."
The Conservatives did not respond to a request for comment about the new strategy and its definitions.
McDermott insisted the two debates - about anti-Semitism and Islamophobia - are not analogous, as the controversy over the IHRA definition centres around criticism of a foreign nation. The debate over M-103, she said, wasn't "grounded in reality."
"It seemed to me that it was ... people who were Islamophobic who were making those arguments," she said (NATIONAL POST, Friday, June 26, 2019).


W Polsce to juz calkiem pogmatwanie pojec. Neo-nazistowska lewica oskarza o "faszyzm" polska prawice. Komunizm juz przepadl? Wyglada na to, ze neo-nazista Putin narzucil polskiej lewicy swoja narracje.

00:36 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

01:25 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Coz z tego, ze ktos zna szesc jezykow, jesli w zadnym nie potrafi sluchac" - ANDRZEJ NIEWINNY DOBROWOLSKI.

01:43 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 74 kg.

03:14 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

04:16 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

06:33 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste). Na dworze slonecznie + spiew ptakow.

08:26 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

09:24 Hrs. Budze sie + lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

Daniel Passent w obronie rosyjskiego mestwa: "Wyobrazmy sobie, ze prezydent Putin w obecnosci prezydenta USA mowi, iz mestwo Rosjan wieksze jest od mestwa Polakow. Dla nas bylby to policzek. Dlaczego prezydent Duda to zrobil, po co?". Gdyby Putin oglosil w Ameryce, ze Sowieci 17 wrzesnia 1939 roku przyszli w Polsce z bratnia pomoca, w roku 1920 chcieli wyzwolic polski proletariat, a zbrodni w Katyniu dokonali Niemcy, tez bylby to dla nas policzek. Co nie znaczy, ze mamy nie mowic, jak bylo naprawde. Nawet jesli tygodnik "Polityka", organ KC PZPR, majacy siedzibe w Palacu Kultury, w kazdym z tych trzech przypadkow falszowal prawde przez dziesieciolecia.

Wiem, ze Passentowi takie kalumnie nie przejda nigdy przez gardlo, ale wybitny polski rosjoznawca Wlodzimierz Baczkowski o niezdolnosci Rosjan do mestwa pisal w 1938 roku tak: "Z azjatyckiego charakteru Rosji wyplywa swoisty, podszyty mistycyzmem materializm swiatopogladowy Rosjan. Stad zas wyplywaja dwie cechy rosyjskiego zycia zbiorowego: niezdolnosc do poswiecen zycia w walce o idealy narodowe lub panstwowe oraz szukanie innych metod walki, a unikanie walki zbrojnej, wymagajacej krwi i najwyzszej ofiarnosci. Ta inna droga walki jest akcja polityczna, prowadzona roznorakimi metodami i skrajnie przewrotna". No i miedzy innymi dlatego mamy w Polsce Koalicje Europejska oraz Konfederacje (Piotr Lisiewicz, Zyziu na koniu Hyziu", GAZETA POLSKA, 12 czerwca 2019).

09:48 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg.

09:55 Hrs. Jem batona NATURE VALLEY TRAIL MIX. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 25C. Temperatura na tarasie. 28C + temp. w kuchni 23C.

10:00 Hrs. Jem banana.

10:05 Hrs. Biore 2 tabletki chemii + 1-sza szklanka wody slodzona lyczeczka miodu akacjowego.

10:10 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu ACTIVIA.

10:17 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody slodzonej lyzeczka miodu akacjowego + czekoladka FERRERO ROCHER.

11:29 Hrs. Pije kubek herbaty Tetley + bulka posmarowana maslem i drzemem z czarnych porzeczek. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 25C. Temperatura na tarasie. 31C + temp. w kuchni. 24C.

12:23 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + 3-cia szklanka wody slodzona lyzeczka miodu akacjowego.

12:55 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

13:11 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + puszyste).

13:53 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + puszyste).

14:41 Hrs. Budze sie + siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste). Na dworze zachmurzenie duze + lekki wiatr.

13:49 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

15:14 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg + deszcz + wysoka wilgotnosc wilgotnosc. Uczucie jakby czlowiek byl w saunie.

15:20 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

15:25 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Canada-China tension rises as world leaders gather. Fresh antagonism as Canadian navy ships sail near Taiwan" na okladce + na dworze deszcz.

16:15 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

16:30 CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 23C, ale odczuwalne 28C + deszcz.

16:59 Hrs. Jem talerz salatki z gotowanych warzyw (ziemniaki, cebula, marchew, pietruszka) zalanych obwicie olejem z oliwek.

17:05 Hrs. 3-cia lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

17:25 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 73 kg + przestalo padac na dworzu i wyszlo na chwile slonce + parowa.

17:56 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

18:21 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

18:44 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste).

19:06 Hrs. Biore tabletke chemii + 1/2 bulki posmarowanej maslem i dzemem z czarnych porzeczek + szklanka mleka migdalowego.

19:18 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu ACTIVIA.

20:00 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

20:24 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + puszyste).

20:45 Hrs. 6-ta + 7-ma szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

20:55 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

21:16 Hrs. Jem 2 udka kurczaka duszone w sosie warzywowym + mini pomidorki.

21:30 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

21:53 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

22:10 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste).

22:40 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

23:00 Hrs. 8-ma szklanka wody + ciasteczko + 2kawalki czekolady 74%.

23:25 Hrs. Ulewa + parowa. Temperatura na tarasie. 25C + temp. w kuchni. 25C.

23:37 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + burza, grzmoty, ulewa i brak wiatru.

23:59 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + puszyste).

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