Thursday, June 27, 2019

Przesikalem cala

Niagara na gorace dni
noc + dzis ostatni dzien szkoly. Sasiedzi usmiechnieci, bo bedzie wiecej miejsca do parkowania na ulicy. Z powodu szkoly parkowanie jest ograniczone nawet dla mieszkancow posiadajacych swoja wlasnosc na mojej ulicy. Zmuszeni sa do parkowania podwojnego, czy na pobliskich ulicach. Szkola wiec jest przeklenstwem dla lokalnych mieszkancow.

Zapytal ich: "A wy za kogo Mnie uwazacie?" Piotr odpowiedzial: "Za Mesjasza Bozego" - SLOWA EWANGELII WG SW. LUKASZA


"Leze sobie pod palma dachu domu na golasa, wiatraczek chlodzi, usmiech na twazy, jem ananasa" - LEWED

Dalej pieknie grzeje + wiatraczek na pelnych obrotach + pootwierane okna. Prognostycy daja na dzis 30C, odczuwalne z czynnikiem wilgotnosci 36C.  Maly wiaterek.

Chiny chca rzucic Kanade na kolana, ograniczajac eksport wszystkiego co da sie z Kanady wywiezc. Po kanoli przyszla pora na wieprzowine. A wystarczylby jeden podpis premiera Kanady aby ograniczyc import wszystkiego, co ma nalepke Made in China. A jak do tej pory to prawie 100% wszystkich produktow, nawet zywnosc. No, ale liberalni wladcy tego kraju zauroczeni sa komunistyczna tyrania z dalekiego Wschodu. Tatus obecnego premierea Pierre Trudeau byl zwolennikiem komunizmu i naczelnika Mao. Przytulal sie z nim, fotografowal, na czolgu wspolnie przejazdzki urzadzal. A ze jablko nie pada daleko od jabloni to i obecny premier Kanady uzaleznil sie od Chin jak od opium. I mamy to co mamy, batog od chinskiego satrapy w tylek i uborzenie spoleczenstwa kanadyjskiego. A tylko maly podpis dla sluzb ochrony granic, aby nie wpuszczali chinskich produktow i apel do calego spoleczenstwa kanadyskiego, aby nie kupowac nic z nalepkami Made in China, otworzylby oczka chinskiemu dyktatorowi.


"Ruski agent wplywu to wielki balamutnik, przysyla mu info putinowski Sputnik" - LEWED

W 1990 r. Polska byla na 10 miejscu wsrod rozwinietych panstw swiata...
Terz zastanowmy sie czy naprawde Rosja zagraza Polsce i krajom baltyckim czy ma konkretny interes w napadnieciu na kraje?
Nie widze go, smiem twiwrdzic, ze nie, bo co to by im dalo, a jesli sie myle to chetnie dowiem sie co mialaby w wyniku takiej agresji uzyskac...
Raz ogladalem program TV Sputnik po polsku i to byly lewackie wypociny ale czesto ogladam z przyjemnoscia angielski, a czasem nawet francuski program Russia Today (Aleksander Pruszynski, "Inna opcja", GONIEC, 20-26 czerwca 2019).


"Wacpan dobrze gadasz, jezykiem jak szabelka wladasz" - LEWED

Nareszcie Kanada wziela sie za nazistow w Kanadzie. Cieszy to, bo dotychczas tolerowano to pro-hitlerowskie scierwo. Teraz organizacje neo-nazistowskie zakwalifikowano jako terrorystyczne. Zwolennikow socjalizmu tu jest duzo. Nie tylko narodowego, tez i bolszewickiego. Leninisci, maoisci, ktorych tez powinno sie zwalczac, bo nic dobrego nie glosza, a przynosza wstyd Kanadzie.

Przed grupami skrajnie prawicowymi i nazistowskimi w Kanadzie ostrzegal juz lata wczesniej Warren Kinsella, autor wspanialej ksiazki pt. "Web of Hate: Inside Canada's Far Right Network".

This extraordinary book is the first inside investigation of the far right that takes us into a world of racial intolerance few Canadians can begin to imagine.
Warren Kinsella reveals that organized racism is growing dramatically in our country, and nowhere is it more evident than in the beliefs and actions of far right groups from coast to coast. Though small in number, they are deadly in intent. Whether it is the Aryan Nations, the Ku Klux Klan, the Heritage Front or the Aryan Resistance Movement, whether it is words scrawled on synagogues, unprovoked attacks or hate hotlines, the messengers of racial intolerance and white supremacy continue to spread their views. Kinsella argues that it is not just their hatred and, at times, violence that make them so dangerous. It is their ability to infiltrate more moderate political parties such as the Reform Party, and even the Canadian Armed Forces. It is their willingness to use new technologies to circumvent the law, and to join forces with their German and U.S. counterparts.

Web of Hate introduces you to the little-known, often underground world of the far right in Canada, profiling key leaders such as Terry Long, Wolfgang Droege, George Burdi, Ernst Zundel, Carney Nerland and Edgar Foth. Uncovering the workings of their organizations, Kinsella demonstrates that each province has its own combination of far right groups which are actively recruiting members, especially among high school students and prison inmates. The face of the far right takes many forms: racist skinheads marching through the street or a cross burning at a summer Aryan Fest: a preacher in the Church of Jesus Christ Christian delivering a sermon of hate; or simply a flier in your mailbox. Whatever shape racism comes in, the message is always one that fair-minded Canadians find repugnant.

Combining extensive first-hand interviews with original investigative research from coast to coast, Web of Hate is one of the most revealing and disturbing portraits of the racist right ever produced. Arguing for a heightened awareness on the part of government, the judicial system, the police and ordinary citizens, Warren Kinsella asks each of us to face the reality of the far right today and the consequences of its beliefs for our way of life.

Warren Kinsella is a journalist, lawyer and lecturer at Carleton University School of Journalism. He first became interested in the far right movement when he was on staff at the Calgary Herald. As one of Canada's experts on neo-Nazis and other far right group, he is frequently consulted by human rights organizations such as B'nai Brith. He is the author of Unholy Alliances, an investigative look at Libyan terrorists in Canada. Formerly a special assistant to Jean Chretien, Warren Kinsella is now Executive Assistant to a cabinet minister in the Federal Government ("Web of Hate: Inside Canada's Far Right Network", HARPERCOLLINSPUBLISHERSLTD, Toronto, Canada 1994).

"Nawet organizacje walczace o prawa czlowieka zgadzaja sie z tym, ze terroryste, ktory stanowi zagrozenie dla ludzkiego zycia, mozna zabic bez sadu. Nie tylko w sytuacji, gdy ma przy sobie bombe, lecz takze gdy grzecznie spi w lozku" - RONEN BERGMAN

Not long after Canadian neo-Nazi leader Wolfgang Droege was gunned down in an East Toronto hallway this week - within minutes, in fact - the phone calls began. Calls from reporters, wondering whether Droege's violent death also signalled the death of the organized neo-Nazi and white supremacist movement in Canada...
Just as the Internet had changed the world for the rest of us, it also changed the world for neo-Nazis and white supremacists. But Walfgang Droege did not change with the times. He largely remained on the sidelines, never renouncing his former views, but never again recapturing his glory days.
Until this week, that is, when he won his final headline, and he fell into the abyss for good (Warren Kinsella, "Yesterday's neo-Nazi", NATIONAL POST, Friday, April 15, 2005).



Brian Platt
in Ottawa

Canada's official list of terrorist organizations now includes a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization and its "armed branch," marking the first time that right-wing extremist groups have appeared on the list.
The move comes as the country's national security agencies have increasingly identified right-wing extremism as a threat to Canadian security in their public reports. The updated list also includes three new group described as Iranian-backed Shia militants.
Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale announced the updated list on Wednesday in Regina, along with new measures to help prevent the spread of extremist content online.
The Criminal Code list of terrorism entities now include Blood and Honour, "an international neo-Nazi network whose ideology is derived from the National Socialist doctrine of Nazi Germany," according to Public Safety Canada's website. "Through their armed branch, Combat 18 (C18), the group has carried out violent actions, including murders and bombings."
Goodale said both groups have "a presence in various places across the country," and said the government has been examining how to respond to white supremacist groups over the past couple of years.
"There has been accelerating public interest in this regard," he said. "The government is constrained from commenting any further, but what the listing demonstrates is that these two entities have been thoroughly investigated, that the proper police and security reports have been presented to the government, and the evidence is clear that they fall within (the criteria for a terrorist entity)."
Public Safety Canada's listing says the group was founded in the United Kingdom in 1987 and established branches throughout Europe by the end of the 1990s. It says attacks have occurred in North America and Europe, including a February 2012 firebombing in the Czech Republic that targeted a building occupied by Roma families. It also says four Blood and Honour members in Tampa, Fla., were convicted of murdering two homeless men they considered "inferior."
Blood and Honour is active in Canada, and its members and events are closely monitored by anti-hate activists. In 2011, two B.C. men identified as Blood and Honour members were charged over an alleged series of attacks on visible minorities, including setting a Filipino man on fire, but the charges were later stayed or resulted in acquittals. In 2012 and 2013 there were numerous court cases in Calgary and Edmonton involving Blood and Honour members, some of whom were convicted on weapons and assault charges.
The RCMP identified both Blood and Honour and Combat 18 as right-wing extremist groups in its 2017 Terrorism and Violent Extremism Awareness Guide, and said they were active in Ontario, Quebec and Alberta. "The various divisions of Blood & Honour organize concerts and white pride rallies that bring together skinheads and other neo-Nazi supporters," the guide says. "Many acts of violence are attributed to members affiliated to the group."
Officially listing a group as a terrorism entity allows authorities to seize the group's property, prevent financial institutions from doing business with the group, and prosecute people who "knowingly participate in or contribute to, directly or indirectly, any activity" of the group. "This participation is only an offence if its purpose is to enhance the ability of any terrorist group to facilitate or carry out a terrorist activity," Public Safety Canada's website says.
The government's 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada says the principle threat "continues to stem from individuals or groups who are inspired by violent ideologies and terrorist groups, such as Daesh or al-Qaida," but also says Canada "remains concerned about threats posed by those who harbour right-wing extremist views."
Goodale's announcement also included a $1-million grant to the United Nations' Tech Against Terrorism initiative "to create a digital repository that will notify smaller companies when new terrorist content is detected, which will support them in quickly removing it." He said the government will also help organize a youth summit to "bring young people together to learn about violent extremism and terrorism online, and develop effective tools to push back against this content and discourage its sharing."
The commitments are part of Canada's response to the Christchurch Call to Action, a vow to take action against the spread of extremist content online. It was at a meeting of world leaders in Paris last month in response to a mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, that killed 51 people (NATIONAL POST, Thursday, June 27, 2019).

00:47 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Swoj chlop to taki, ktory nigdy nie popelni dranstw, jakie mu sie przypisuje" - KARL KRAUS

00:50 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 74 kg.

01:18 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste).

01:48 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

02:27 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (przezroczyste).

03:32 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

04:52 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste) + glosny spiew ptakow za oknem.

05:40 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + spiew ptakow + wstaje.

06:04 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Historia Do Rzeczy". Stacja radiowa 640 Global News podaje temperature w Toronto. 18C + slonecznie.

07:00 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg.

07:16 Hrs. Wstawiam do zamrazalnika sloik przegotowanej wody na wode z lodu. Temperatura na tarasie. 24C + temp. w kuchni. 22C.

07:26 Hrs. 1-sza + 2 szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 20C.

08:30 Hrs. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 22C + jem banana.

08:37 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Norman to quit in secret deal. Undisclosed settlement was 'mutually acceptable' " na okladce + spiew ptakow.

08:59 Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu OIKOS.

09:16 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

09:37 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

10:09 Hrs. Biore 2 tabletki chemii + kromka chleba z kabanosem + musztarda KEEN'S.

10:44 Hrs. Jem 3 smazone jajka + 2 kromki chleba posmarowana maslem + plasterki szynki i zoltego sera + 2 zabki czosnku + slodka papryka + 4 rzodkiewki.

12:42 Hrs. Budze sie + siusiu (slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

14:28 Hrs. Budze sie + siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste. Temperatura na tarasie. 33C + temp. w kuchni. 25C.

14:10 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody z lodu.

15:31 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

15:55 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste. CBC radio podaje temperature w Toronto. 28C, odczuwalne z wilgotnoscia powietrza. 33C.

16:20 Hrs. Jem miseczke zupy botwinkowej + 2 jajka na twardo + ziemniaki gotowane polane oliwa z oliwek.

16:50 Hrs. Pije kubek herbaty Tetley + baton NATURE VALLEY TRAIL MIX + tabletka 81 mg ASPIRIN + czekoladka FERRERO ROCHER.

17:32 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

17:47 Hrs. 2-ga lektura tronowa. "Historia Do Rzeczy".

18:29 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 74 kg. Temperatura na tarasie. 30C + temp. w kuchni. 25C.

18:54 Hrs. 6-ta szklanka wody z lodu.

19:03 Hrs. Jem kubek 100 g jogurtu ACTIVIA.

19:09 Hrs. Biore tabletke chemii + baton NATURE VALLEY TRAIL MIX + czekoladka FERRERO ROCHER.

19:57 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

20:12 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste).

20:27 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

21:30 Hrs. Kosze trawe w ogrodku + podlewam warzywa i kwiatki. Zalany potem + komary giganty. Temperatura na tarasie 37C + temp. w kuchni. 25C.

21:36 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + puszyste.

21:55 Hrs. 7-ma + 8-ma szklanka wody + szczypta soli himalajskiej.

21:35 Hrs. Jem 25 kopytek ziemniczanych polanych sypropem klonowym.

21:40 Hrs. Siusiu (przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

21:50 Hrs. Podlewam kwiatki na werandzie + upal.

23:50 Hrs. Jem paczuczke rzodkiewek.

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