Friday, December 25, 2015

Swieta z

Pasterka 2015 sw. Kazimierz, Toronto
arytmia, opuchnietymi nogami + oglonie raczej smutne z powodu chorob i smierci Stasi. Ale nie mozna sie poddawac. Walka trwa. Nowonarodzony Chrystus dodaje otuchy i werwy aby nie ustawac w dochodzeniu do perfekcji i piekna wbrew przeciwnosciom losu.

Lecze sie juz przez pewien okres tabletkami na serce, ktore wcisnal mi lekarz. TOLOXIN DIGOXIN + SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL FUMARATE. Jak do tej pory zadnej ulgi. Arytmia w pelni  + wysoki rytm serca + opuchniete z tego powodu nogi.

Watpie aby intencja lekarza bylo wyleczenie mnie z migotania przedsionkow serca stosujac te leki. Po prostu zrobil klienta farmaceutycznej kompani do konca zycia (a sobie benefity fundowane przez te kompanie). Wie, ze nie wyleczy mnie tymi tabletkami, dlatego zmusil do brania bardzo drogi rozcienczacz krwi. Tez trzeba go brac do konca zycia, zaznaczyl.

Bog jakos zaprowadzil mnie wczoraj do ksiegarni w szpitalu i kupilem "The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine". Pod haslem "Heart Arrhythmias" duzo wlasnie o leku DIGOXIN, ktorego efektywnosc jest mniejsza od placebo. Takze wytlumacza dlaczego mam opuchniete kostki nog + suchy kaszel. Wlasnie z powodu arytmii! Kiedy zapytalem o powod tych symptomow, doktor nie znal odpowiedzi.

Poniewaz jest to wszystko tak intrygujace i pokazuje naocznie roznice pomiedzy medycyna konwencjonalna (bazujacej tylko na lekach syntentycznych + operacjach) i medycyna naturalna. Konwencjonalna stosujac chemie nie wylecza tylko zalecza symptomy choroby. Czlowiek dalej jest chory, a leki ktore bierze dodaja mu ekstra nowe choroby. I tak kolo biznesu sie kreci.

Heart Arrhythmias

* Shortness of breath, especially with exertion
* Fatigue
* Sensation of palpitations
* Signs of reduced blood flow (blue extremities, swelling of the ankles)
* Abnormal finding with electrocardiograph and/or echocardiograph evaluation

Arrhythmia is a disturbance in the rhythm of the heartbeat. Some arrhythmias are very mild and nothing to worry about (such as mild atrial fibrillation and premature ventricular contractions); others are potentially life-threatening (ventricular tachycardia and severe ventricular arrhythmias). While atrial fibrillation may not be immediately life-threatening, over time it can result in congestive heart failure and increases the risk of stroke.
Each heartbeat originates as an electrical impulse from a small area of tissue in the right atrium of the heart called the sinus node (or sinoatrial node, or SA node). The impulse initially causes both atria to contract, then activates the atrioventricular (AV) node, which is normally the only electrical connection between the atria and the ventricles (main pumping chambers). The impulse then spreads through both ventricles, causing a synchronized contraction of the heart muscle.
In adults the normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 80 beats per minute. A slow rhythm (less than 60 beats per minute) is called bradycardia. It may be caused by a slowed signal from the sinus node (sinus bradycardia), by a pause in the normal activity of the sinus node (sinus arrest), or by blocking of the electrical impulse on its way from the atria to the ventricles (AV block or heart block). Bradycardias may also be present in the normally functioning heart of endurance athletes or other well-conditioned people.
In adults and children over 15, a resting heart rate faster than 100 beats per minute is labeled tachycardia. Tachycardia may result in palpitations - an awareness of one's heartbeat. Not always is tachycardia an arrhythmia. Increased heart rate is a normal response to physical exercise or emotional stress.
One o the most common arrhytmias is atrial fibrillation, a minor arrhythmia in which the atria (the upper chambers of the heart) beat irregularly and very rapidly (up to 300 to 500 beats per minute). An atrial fibrillation is usually minor because the atrium's job is simply to fill the ventricle - the lower chamber. Atrial fibrillation is more common with age and is found in about 8% of those over the age of 80. Premature ventricular contractures simply reflect an occasional irregular heartbeat; the heartbeat itself is normal. In contrast, in ventricular tachycardia the beat is too fast (120 to 200 per minute). Other ventricular arrhytmias tend to be even more serious, such as ventricular fibrillation - rapid, uncontrolled, and ineffective contractions of the heart.

Diagnostic Considerations

If you feel that your heartbeat is irregular, you should see your doctor for evaluation. Your doctor will check you for heart disease, which may require a complete physical exam to look for signs of poor blood flow, an electrocardiogram to assesses the electrical functions of the heart, and an echocardiogram to assess the mechanical function of the heart and determine the heart's shape and size.
Minor arrhythmias, like other types of heart diseases, are most effectively treated with natural measures in the early stages. Hence, early diagnosis and prevention by addressing causative factors is imperative. The first symptom of significant heart disease of any type is usually shortness of breath. A chronic cough may also be the first presenting symptom.

Therapeutic Considerations

The therapeutic goals in the treatment of arrhythmias are quite similar to those given in the chapter "Angina": improve energy metabolism within the heart and increase the blood supply to the heart. Not surprisingly, the natural measures used to achieve these goals are also similar to those used in the treatment of angina. In addition, natural therapies can ensure normal nerve functioning.


The guidelines given in the chapter "A Health-Promoting Diet" are appropriate here. In addition, consult the chapter "Heart and Cardiovascular Health." Many people with arrhytmias, mitral valve prolapse, or cardiomyopathy may be on the drug warfarin (Coumadin). This drug is used to prevent the formation of blood clots. It works by blocking the action of vitamin K. Since green leafy vegetables and green teas contain high levels of vitamin K, you should avoid increasing your intake of these foods while taking Coumadin. You can eat the same levels you're accustomed to - just don't increase your consumption. Your physician will monitor your blood using a test known as the international normalized ratio (INR) and will adjust your dose of Coumadin as needed.
In addition to high-vitamin-K foods, other natural remedies may interact with warfarin. For example, coenzyme Q10 and Saint-John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) may reduce the efficacy of Coumadin, while proteolytic enzymes and several herbs, including Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng), devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens), and dong quai (Angelica sinensis), can increase its effects. It's likely that you can continue using these products, but don't change the dosage from what your body is accustomed to. INR values must be monitored appropriately.
Garlic (Allium sativum) and ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) extracts may reduce the ability of platelets to stick together, increasing the likelihood of bleeding. However, neither appears to interact directly with Coumadin.
We generally tell people taking Coumadin to avoid these products at higher dosages (more than the equivalent of one clove of garlic per day or more than 240 mg per day of ginkgo extract) but not to worry if they are just on the typical support dose.
Iron, magnesium, and zinc may bind with Coumadin, potentially decreasing its absorption and activity. Take Coumadin at least two hours before or after any product that contains iron, magnesium, or zinc.

Nutritional Supplements

The level of magnesium in the blood correlates with the ability of the heart muscle to manufacture enough energy to beat properly. Also, low levels of magnesium can make the nerves overly sensitive. Not surprisingly, many disorders of heart rhythm are related to an insufficient level of magnesium in the heart muscle. Magnesium was first shown to be of value in the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias in 1935. More than 75 years later, there are now many clinical studies that show magnesium supplementation to be of benefit in treating many types of arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias. The current understanding is that magnesium depletion within the heart muscle leads to potassium depletion as well. Given the importance of these two electrolytes for proper nerve and muscle firing, it is little wonder that low levels of these substances can produce arrhythmias.
According to the results from one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, magnesium supplementation may offer significant benefit in the treatment of new-onset atrial fibrillation. The drug of choice for this condition is digoxin; unfortunately, it has been shown to offer no better results than a placebo for facilitating proper heart rhythm. Because of the benefits noted in several studies of patients with atrial fibrillation who were taking magnesium, researchers decided to conduct a study to determine if magnesium and digoxin were better than digoxin alone in controlling ventricular response.
Eighteen people with atrial fibrillation of less than seven days' duration received either digoxin plus a placebo or digoxin plus magnesium, both intravenously. Those who received magnesium were given 20% of magnesium solution during the initial 15 minutes, with the rest infused over the next six hours. The benefit of magnesium was obvious within the first 15 minutes, as heart rate decreased immediately from average of 130 to 120 beats per minute. After 24 hours, the group that received the magnesium had an average heart rate of roughly 80, while the group that received only digoxin had an average heart rate of 105. In the magnesium group, 6 of 10 patients (60%) converted to normal rhythm, whereas just 3 of 8 in the digoxin-only group (37.5%) converted.
The recommended intake for oral magnesium in arrhythmia appears to be approximately 6 to 10 mg/kg per day. Be sure to use a form that is easily absorbed, such as citrate, as other forms can cause diarrhea at these dosages.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)
Coenzyme Q10 plays a critical role in the cellular production of energy. As the heart is among the most metabolically active tissues in the body, a CoQ10 deficiency can lead to serious problems there. A good analogy is that the role of CoQ10 is similar to the role of a spark plug in a car engine. Just as the car cannot function without that initial spark, the human body cannot function without CoQ10. CoQ10 supplementation is indicated in amy condition affecting the heart.

Botanical Medicines

Hawthorn (Crataegus species) preparations have a long history of use in minor arrhythmias. The benefits in congestive heart failure have been repeatedly demonstrated in double-blind studies (see the chapter "Congestive heart Failure").


* Individuals suspected of having any heart disease should have an extensive cardiovascular  evaluation.
* The therapeutic goals in the treatment of arrhythmias are to improve energy metabolism within the heart and to improve  the blood supply to the heart.
* The level o magnesium in the blood correlates with the ability of the heart muscle to manufacture enough energy and with the neurological activity necessary for the heart to beat properly.
* Many disorders of heart rhythm may be related to an insufficient level of magnesium in the heart muscle.
* The recommended intake for magnesium in arrhythmia appears to be approximately 6 to 10 mg/kg per day.
* CoQ10 is important natural prescription for all types of heart disease.

The primary goals of therapy for arrhythmia are to improve the blood supply to the heart and to improve energy production within the heart muscle. Follow the general guidelines on diet and lifestyle in the chapter "Heart and Cardiovascular Health."


Follow the guidelines given in the chapter "A Health-Promoting Diet." If you are taking Coumadin (warfarin), follow the guidelines in the "Diet" section (above) in this chapter.

Nutritional Supplements

* A high-potency multiple vitamin and mineral formula as described in the chapter "Supplementary Measures."
* Key individual nutrients:
- Vitamin B6: 25 to 50 mg per day
- Magnesium (bound to aspartate, citrate, fumarate, malate, or succinate): 200 to 300 mg three times per day
- Vitamin D3: 2,000 to 4,000 IU per day (ideally, measure blood levels and adjust dosage accordingly)
- CoQ10: 150 to 300 mg per day

Botanical Medicines

* Hawthorn (Crataegus species) extract (1.8% vitexin-4'-rhamnoside or 10% proanthocyanidin content): 100 to 250 mg three times per day (Michael T. Murray, N.D., & Joseph Pizzorno, N.D., "The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine", ATRIA, New York 2012).

01:20 Hrs. Wychodze z kosciola. Pasterka skonczona.

01:35 Hrs. W domu.

01:42 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + lyzeczka cynamonu + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Jesli stracicie rano godzine, bedziecie jej bezskutecznie szukali przez reszte dnia" - PHILIP CHESTERFIELD.

01:53 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe + lekko puszyste).

06:00 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe = puszyste).

08:13 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste) + wstaje.

08:16 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.4 mmol/L = 115 mg/dL.

08:22 Hrs. Biore tabletki na serce. 0.0625 mg TOLOXIN DIGOXIN + 5 mg SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL FUMARATE.

08:25 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Tygodnik Powszechny".

Co uderza: przy tak wielkiej liczbie uchodzcow, tylko niewielka czesc z nich zdecydowala sie na wyjazd za granice. Wprawdzie w pierwszej fazie konfliktu okolo pol miliona osob ucieklo z Donbasu do Rosji, ale masowych wyjazdow do Unii Europejskiej jak dotad nie widac. Najpopularniejszym krajem unijnym jest Polska - nad Wisla o azyl wystapilo kilka tysiecy uchodzcow z Ukrainy.
Ale ta liczba moze byc mylaca: w Polsce pracuje dzis bowiem legalnie okolo 400 tys. ukrainskich de facto imigrantow (w 2014 r. bylo ich ok. 280 tys.); kolejnych 52 tys. Ukraincow otrzymalo w Polsce karte stalego pobytu. W tym roku polskie konsulaty wydadza Ukraincom lacznie okolo miliona wiz - to wzrost o kilkadziesiat procent w stosunku do roku poprzedniego.
Natomiast wsrod wygnancow z Donbasu emigracja za granice pozostaje wciaz relatywnie niska. Wynika to zapewne z tego, ze niemal trzy czwarte z nich to emeryci i dzieci. Ponadto warto pamietac, ze do wybuchu wojny ludnosc Donbasu nalezala do najbardziej "nieruchliwych" - az 70 proc. mieszkancow tego regionu nie mialo paszportu zagranicznego (Marta Jaroszewicz i Wojciech Kononczuk, "Wypedzeni z Donbasu. Ukraina zmaga sie z utrzymaniem poltora miliona uchodzcow z ogarnietego wojna Donbasu. Nieszczescie tej rzeszy ludzi - zyjacych w biedzie i coraz bardziej zmeczonych - pozostaje niemal niedostrzezone przez swiat", TYGODNIK POWSZECHNY, 1 listopada 2015).

09:20 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 72 kg + arytmia + opuchniete kostki u nog. Na dworze cieplo, mokro. 5-stopniowo + zachmurzenie duze.

09:32 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + 2 daktyle + spiew ptakow.

11:00 Hrs. Jem jablko.

11:07 Hrs. Jem suszona fige + szklanka herbaty owocowej ARONIA + czestuje sie czekolada GIDDY YOYO BANANA 70% + MACA 76%.

11:35 Hrs. Biore kapsulke 250 mg koenzymu Co-Q10 + 3 tabletki 1000 mg (3000 mg) witaminy C Ester-C + 2 kapsulki 150 mg (300 mg) magnezu Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus + 5 tabletek 1000 IU (5000 IU) witaminy D3.

12:03 Hrs. Siusiu ( slomkowe + puszyste).

12:24 Hrs. Jem kawalek smazonego karpia + kromka razowego chleba + kiszony ogorek.

13:25 Hrs. 3-cia szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + kawalek chalwy + szkockie ciasteczko Shortbread + na dworze 10-stopniowo.

16:45 Hrs. Budzie sie po poludniowej drzemce + siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

17:00 Hrs. Jem 2 jablka.

17:25 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z konopi + czestuje sie czekoladka GIDDY YOYO MINT 76%.

17:45 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ.

18:34 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + puszyste).

18:57 Hrs. Obiad swiateczny. Pieczona kaczka. Kawalek piersi z ziemniaczkami i sosem grzybowym + 2 zabki czosnku + ogorek kiszony + rozmowa telefoniczna z Tereska z NY.

19:35 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + 3 kapsulki LIV-J + 2 tabletki STRESS FORMULA Nature's Sunshine + tabletka 20 mg XARELTO RIVAROXABAN.

20:07 Hrs. Jem jablko + czestuje sie czekoladka GIDDY YOYO SPICE 77%.

21:00 Hrs. Biore 2 kapsulki 150 mg (300 mg) Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus + tabletke 250 mg witaminy B6 + kapsulke 99 mg Potassium Citrate + zelatynka 100 mg koenzymu Co-Q10 + kapsulka witaminy B-Complex + 6-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + czestuje sie kawalkiem czekoldady GIDDY YOYO CHAI SPICE 77%.

21:50 Hrs. Pije szklanke herbaty ziolowej POKRZYWA + kawalek chalwy + garstka ziaren ze slonecznika i z dynii + kawalek czekolady GIDDY YOYO X DARK 89%.

23:50 Hrs. 7-ma szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + lyzeczka cynamonu + kapsulka 99 mg Potassium Citrate + tabletka 150 mg Magnesium Malate.

23:55 Hrs. Siusiu (zoltawe + puszyste).

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