Sunday, December 27, 2015


Image result for the holy family
Giuseppe Chiari, "The Holy Family"

pospiewalem sobie koledy, pospiewalem. Na Mszy sw. porannej. Niby mowia, swieta, swieta i po swietach, ale duch jeszcze swiateczny i w pelnej krasie. Choc za oknem ponuro, deszczowo i wietrznie. Z kosciotrupami drzew kolyszacych sie na tle wiszacych granatowych chmur.

Czyz nie wiecie, ze cialo wasze jest przybytkiem Ducha Swietego, ktory w was jest, a ktorego macie od Boga, i ze juz nie nalezycie do samych siebie? Za [wielka] bowiem cene zostaliscie nabyci. Chwalcie wiec Boga w waszym ciele! ("Pierwszy List do Koryntian", PISMO SWIETE STAREGO I NOWEGO TESTAMENTU, Pallottinum, Poznan 2000).

Koleda podnosi ducha, tak samo jak MARANATHA! MUSIC!_Music, ktora dzis sluchalem przy komputerze.

Niepokoja mnie represje wobec pacjentow uzywajacych medycznych konopi jako lekarstwa. Cywilizowane panstwo jakim jest Kanada nie powinno pozwolic na takie glupawe prawa, ktore zabraniaja pacjentom uzywac lekarstwa, tam gdzie chca i w formie jakiej sobie wybiora. Tu chyba uklon do nowego premiera Kanady pana Justina Trudeau, ktory obiecal skonczyc z ta paranoja.

Marijuana charges remain in limbo


Many caught waiting for legalization

While Rose Miranda waits for her April court date to face potential charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking, the 65-year-old retired education assistant can't take cannabis for her arthritis. Mounties have also banned her from contacting anyone at Phoenix Pain Management Society, the medical marijuana dispensary where she volunteered when she was arrested in Nanaimo, B.C.
"I love Baby Trudeau, but he says, 'We're going to fix this.' When? Meanwhile, I have clients who don't have their medication," Miranda said. "I take care of people who are housebound, people in wheelchairs and people who are poor. They need their medication and right now they can't access it."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has vowed to legalize and regulate marijuana but no timeline is in sight. Meantime, cannabis-related crimes continue to tie up police and court resources, leaving some feeling like they're in legal limbo.
Miranda began using medical marijuana about two years ago, after she said prescription drugs turned her brain into "mush." She began volunteering at Phoenix, primarily to educate seniors about cannabis as a pain-relief option.
Nanaimo RCMP raided three dispensaries on Dec. 1. "They came in like a SWAT team, guns out, 'Hands up!,' screaming, yelling, terrifying everybody who was in there," said Miranda. THE CANDAIAN PRESS (METRO, Thursday, December 24, 2015).


Air Canada
grounds medicinal
marijuana user


Michael Korchak says he could see the stares and hear the whispers. He'd hit a snag on his trip home to Burlington last Thursday for Christmas and a group of Air Canada employees was gathering around him at its busy departure gate at the Halifax airport.
The 25-year-old Canadian Armed Forces member, who's in the process of receiving a medical discharge because of a traumatic injury suffered on duty, has a prescription for medicinal marijuana to help with chronic pain.
But despite having a legal prescription and all the necessary paperwork, he was repeatedly told he couldn't board the plane unless he threw out the medicine - worth about $100.
Korchak says when he tried to prove his case with his documents, he was told he was being "difficult" and Air Canada workers threatened to call security.
"It was humiliating," he said. "Clearly, the stigma (around marijuana) is still there. I don't think if I was a diabetic with insulin I would have been treated the same way."
Korchak says he arrived for his flight three hours early with all his paperwork in order because he hoped to avoid any hassle.
His prescription was verified by the RCMP and the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, but no one from the airline would explain its policy, which only allows medicinal marijuana in pill form, he said.
Korchak says he asked for a refund so he could fly with another airline, but Air Canada initially refused. The airline changed its mind, but he says he still hasn't received the cash.
Korchak eventually flew to Toronto on Porter. The airline had no problem with his medicinal marijuana, he said.
"At Porter, they couldn't believe what I went through with Air Canada," he said. "They were absolutely stunned."
Air Canada issued an apology to Korchak Wednesday, saying it has now changed its medicinal marijuana policy. Talk about a hero (24HRS, Thursday, December 24, 2015).

"A law which can only be enforced in a haphazard and accidental manner is an unjust law" - LE DAIN COMMISSION

The long war over legalization of marijuana


By 1971, marijuana's scent hung over much of Canada. Some 1.5 million folks had taken at least one drag on a joint. Hundreds of thousands were regularly firing up, grooving to Three Dog Night and learning from the leaked Pentagon Papers that the U.S. administration had lied about the Vietnam War.
Convictions for simple pot possession exploded: from 431 in 1967 to 5,399 in 1970 and 8,389 in 1971. More than half were against otherwise law-abiding baby boomers under 21 who would now carry criminal records along with their university degrees.
In May 1972, a federal commission of inquiry into the non-medical use of drugs handed an audacious recommendation to the government of then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau, whose flower-child bride, Margaret, was smoking weed behind the backs of her RCMP bodyguards.
After two years of public hearings, including testimony from John Lennon and Yoko Ono, the Le Dain commission said laws against simple possession of marijuana and hashish should be abolished in the face of a blossoming social attitude among a growing minority of people that grass was relatively harmless. It stopped short of saying the stuff should be made legally available and consumed.
The heavy-handed use of criminal law to suppress the youthful pursuit of a buzz that offended many people's sense of justice and threatened to erode the moral authority of the law, the commission said.
"The can be no doubt that the law on the books is at extreme variance with the facts. It is simply not a feasible policy in the long run."
Forty-three years later, recognition of pot's reality has arrived. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government will do what his father's would not be legitimizing simple possession of recreational marijuana and regulating its sale.
In the meantime, the 426-page Cannabis Report of the Le Dain commission, headed by Gerald Le Dain, then-dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, remains an insightful guide, even if some of its psychedelic language is demode. ("Cannabis" denotes both marijuana and hashish.)
The chief question back then was whether there was a well-founded social concern about cannabis's non-medical use, and if so, how that concern should express itself in social policy. The issue turned on teh question of whether marijuana was harmful.
Le Dain and his four fellow commissioners concluded the developing brains of adolescents could be damaged by cannabis and singled that out as the most serious issue in the legalization debate.
The inquiry found no evidence to support the decades of "reefer madness" sensationalism that followed Canada's criminalization of marijuana in 1923 without any apparent public debate, scientific basis or real social urgency.
The growing costs for police, prosecutors and the courts was another concern, as was the hit-and-miss prosecutorial assault on recreational dopers.
The law, the commission revealed, was catching less than one per cent of a conservative estimate of the total number of users. "A law which can only be enforced in a haphazard and accidental manner is an unjust law," it proclaimed.
It recommended laws against trafficking and distribution be softened but kept on the books to restrict availability. And it called for what became a new law against the cultivation of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
Reaction to the report split along predictable lines: Church and social groups approved. Police, justice officials and many politicians did not. Ottawa Citizen (NATIONAL POST, Saturday, December 26, 2015).

Canadians with cannabis convictions want pardon

Marcus Richardson is, in the eyes of the law, a criminal. Never mind that a judge ruled the six kilograms of cannabis police found in his car was for severely ill patients at a medical marijuana dispensary.
Or that the same judge imposed only a minimum sentence because anything more would fail to maintain "a just, peaceful and safe society."
He's a criminal - and so are scores of other Canadians who face barriers to travel and work because they were caught with a drug that the government now intends to legalize.
"My charge wasn't like, 'He was practising civil disobedience at a place that was helping sick and dying people improve the quality of their last days on earth,'" Richardson said.
"If the charge read like that, I'd have no problem with it. It reads like, 'I'm a marijuana trafficker."
Canadians with criminal records for marijuana crimes are eagerly waiting to see if Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will offer pardons when pot is legalized. Ten of thousands are charged with possession every year, and if convicted face consequences that can be devastating.
Richardson was driving across Vancouver's Lions Gate Bridge in 1998 when police stopped him at a roadblock and found several kilograms of marijuana nad $6,000 in his trunk.
A judge found the drugs were intended only for B.C. Compassion Club Society members. But he was convicted of possession for the purpose of trafficking and received a suspended sentence and six months' probation.
Today, the 42-year-old father of three holds a federal licence to grow and possess marijuana and runs a business selling equipment for medical cannabis users.
THE CANADIAN PRESS (METRO, Wednesday, December 23, 2015).

01:02 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

02:22 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

04:16 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (jasno-slomkowe) + deszcz wali o parapet.

06:06 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (prawie przezroczyste).

07:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 0-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 23C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Ze wszystkich rzeczy wiecznych milosc jest ta, ktora trwa najkrocej" - MOLIER.

07:04 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 6.4 mmol/L = 115 mg/dL.

07:07 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Tygodnik Powszechny".

Statystyki robia wrazenie: w ciagu ostatnich dziesieciu lat liczba uczacych sie w Polsce studentow z Ukrainy wzrosla ponad dwunastokrotnie. W 2005 r. bylo ich niespelna 2 tys., dwa lata temu 15 tys., rok temu juz 24 tys. Dzis wiekszosc zagranicznych zakow w naszym kraju to Ukraincy (drudzy sa Bialorusini). Dla porownania, liczba studentow na Uniwersytecie Opolskim to 11 tys., a Rzeszowskim 18 tys. Studiujacych Ukraincow jest mniej wiecej tylu, ilu wszystkich uczacych sie na Uniwersytecie Slaskim...
Mimo szybkiego wzrostu liczby ukrainskich studentow nad Wisla, Polska nie wypada dobrze na tle Europy. Siwinska: - W dalszym ciagu procentowo uczy sie u nas nie tylko o wiele mniej studentow niz w najwyzej rozwinietych krajach Zachodu czy w Chinach, ale tez mniej niz u naszych sasiadow: w Czechach, na Wegrzech, Slowacji, Litwie, Lotwie, Estonii, a nawet w Bulgarii.
Polskie uczelnie sa, obok chorwackich, najmniej umiedzynarodowione w Unii Europejskiej (Zbigniew Rokita, "Majdan w trakcie sesji. Juz przeszlo co drugi zagraniczny student w Polsce to Ukrainiec. Jest ich tu kilka razy wiecej niz uchodzcow, ktorych przyjazdu tak sie obawiamy", TYGODNIK POWSZECHNY, 1 listopada 2015).

07:33 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg + arytmia.

07:40 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + tabletki na serce. 0.0625 mg TOLOXIN DIGOXIN + 5mg SANDOZ-BISOPROLOL FUMARATE + czestuje sie czekoladka GIDDY YOYO CHAI SPICE 77%.

07:49 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne + spiew ptakow + mokro + zachmurzenie duze. Petro-Canada na rogu bierze za litr paliwa $1.00.9.

07:58 Hrs. W kosciele sw. Kazimierza.

"Blogoslawiony, kto sie boi Pana."

09:22 Hrs. W domu + na dworze deszcz. 1-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

09:30 Hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe + lekko puszyste) + jablko.

10:14 Hrs. Jem 3 smazone jajka na oleju awokadowym + 2 kromki chleba + 2 zabki czosnku + 5 rzodkiewek.

10:25 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki 1000 mg (3000 mg) witaminy C Ester-C + kapsulka 99 mg Potassium Citrate + kapsulka 250 mg koenzymu Co-Q10 + 2 kapsulki 150 mg (300 mg) magnezu Magnesium Bisglycinate Plus + 5 tabletek 1000 IU (5000 IU) VITA-D3 + szklanka herbaty owocowej ZURAWINA + szkockie ciasteczko Shortbread.

12:08 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe) + jablko.

13:00 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z konopi.

13:15 Hrs. 2-ga szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + czestuje sie czekoladka GIDDY YOYO SPIRULINA 76% + suszona figa + ciasteczko szkockie + kawalek chalwy.

14:57 Hrs. Siusiu (prawie przezroczyste + lekko puszyste).

16:30 hrs. Siusiu (jasno-slomkowe).

16:45 Hrs. 4-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + garstka orzesszkow cashews.

17:15 Hrs. Jem jablko.

17:51 Hrs. Obiad. Kawalek pieczonej kaczki + szparagowka + 2 zabki czosnku.

18:17 Hrs. 5-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + 3 kapsulki LIV-J Nature's Sunshine + 2 tabletki 150 mg (300 mg) magnezu.

19:10 Hrs. 6-ta szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + tabletka 20 mg XARELTO RIVAROXABAN + czestuje sie czekolada GIDDY YOYO SPIRULINA 76%.

19:31 Hrs. "Everybody let's get stoned!" - spiewa Bob Dylan w utworze "Rainy Day Women" na krazku "BLONDE ON BLONDE".

19:26 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + lekko puszyste).

20:30 Hrs. Jem jablko.

21:16 Hrs. Jem awokado + 10 lyzeczek octu jablkowego.

21:44 Hrs. 7-ma szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + lyzka stolowa oleju z lnu + kawalek chalwy + czestuje sie czekolada GIDDY YOYO X DARK 89%.

22:15 Hrs. Biore kropelki na serce HAWTHORN + 8-ma szklanka wody ZYWIEC ZDROJ + lyzeczka cynamonu.

23:29 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe).

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