Tuesday, May 20, 2014


glowy przez czaly dzien. Pogoda nijaka. Raz deszcz, raz slonce. Wedlug Biblii to koalicja 3 bestii (Rosja, Chiny, Iran) zaatakuje wolny swiat zachodu. Ale Europa zwyciezy. Pod przewodnictwem Niemiec. Pierwszy raz w historii Niemcy nie beda sila niszczycielska cywilizacji zachodniej, ale jej obronca. Ciekawe, ciekawe. Czy dozyjemy?

Of the half-billion dollars spent in Canada on cancer research each year, less than 2% is devoted to finding the causes - and preventing - cancer. Meanwhile, cancer incidence rates continue to climb. While cancer is often touted as a disease of the elderly, in 2009 best estimates predicted that 30% of new cancer cases and 18% of cancer deaths would occur in young and middle-aged adults ages 20-59. As for older Canadians, yes, the percentage share rises: 43% of new cancer cases and 60% of cancer deaths will occur among those who are at least 70 years old (Dr. Paul Hrkal, "Xenoestrogens. Hormone Disrupting Compounds Linked to Cancer Growth", VITALITY MAGAZINE, May 2014).

02:02 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + kapsulka 250 mg magnezu.

06:31 Hrs. Wyjmuje ze skrzynki na listy "National Post" z "Credit Suisse pleads guilty. U.S. tax evasion case. Fined $2.6B in largest criminal tax penalty" na okladce  + odpalam maszyne + spiew ptakow.

06:36 Hrs. "Hey rock & roll, hey rock & roll, hey rock & roll. Let's go, let's go, let's go" - unosi sie w Radio 7 na fali 1320 AM gdy czestuje sie ze skrzynek na chodniku 2 gazetami. "24hrs" z "Ontario Place a no-condo zone: Wynne" na okladce + "Metro" z "Syria's death toll climbs past 160,000, group finds. Britain-based organization documents number of people killed in the conflict" na okladce.

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