Thursday, August 02, 2012

Torontonska policja

za swoje chuliganskie wybryki sadzona jest przez obywateli o milionowe odszkodowania. Ostatnio grupa kobiet domaga sie miliona czterysta tysiecy dolarow za chamskie traktowanie ich w czasie szczytu G20 w Toronto. Policja przewaznie przegrywa takie procesy sadowe, albo idzie na pieniezne ugody. Za to wszystko placimy my. Podatnicy.

01:24 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 19-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 20C.

04:15 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:18 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Glos Polski".

Cynamon jest szczegolnie wazny dla cukrzykow. Nawet jego szczypta wspaniale wspomaga prace przyjmowanej insuliny (Krystyna i Andrzej Motyl, "Cudowne leki natury. Cynamon", GLOS POLSKI, 18-24 lipca 2012).

05:00 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 76 kg.

05:07 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + daktyl + 680 News w radiu (wirus zachodniego Nilu przenoszony przez komary zaatakowal Toronto) + laptop (8 imelek + 5 spamu).

05:30 Hrs. Gole sie + klade maselko SHEA na twarz + ceremonia lancuchowa.

06:01 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki chemii + zylatynke CINNAMON FORCE + zielona herbata.

06:16 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Parties rush to define Quebec vote. Sept. 4 election. Charest runs on student unrest; Marois says Liberals 'corrupt' " na okladce.

06:27 Hrs. Piore tabletke CENTRUM FOR MEN + pigulke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

06: 37 Hrs. "Za toba szaleje caly czas" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. W dzienniku: "Bogurodzico przegon Putina". Za te slowa piosenki rosyjski zespol pankoworockowy PUSSY RIOT moze pojsc siedziec + Moskwa za rzezia Syryjczykow. Czego od turanskich barbarzyncow mozna sie spodziewac. 68 lat temu tez Ruscy byli za rzezia Polakow przez Niemcow w Powstaniu Warszawskim. "Sierpem i mlotem w czerwona holote" - krzyki demonstrantow w czasie uroczystosci Powstania Warszawskiego.
ESSO bierze za litr paliwa $1.25.4. Shell + Petro-Canada $1.26.6.

 09:13 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

12:11 Hrs. Biore zelatynke cynamonowa CINNAMON FORCE.

15:01 Hrs. W Warmia Deli kupuje obiad ($13.38). Bigos z ziemniaczkami + 3 nalesniki + czestuje sie dwoma darmowymi gazetami: "Wiadomosci" z "Nie masz nowej Karty OHIP? No to masz problem. Ponad dwa miliony mieszkancow Ontario nie wymienilo jeszcze starej, bialo-czerwonej karty OHIP na nowa, ze zdjeciem i kodem paskowym. Nie zrobili tego, mimo iz rzad apeluje o wymiane od dwoch lat i wciaz wysyla okolo 3 tysiecy przypomnien miesiecznie. Obecnie coraz czesciej spotykaja sie z tym, ze przy korzystaniu z pomocy lekarskiej lub szpitalnej - ich ubezpieczenie medyczne nie dziala. Wkrotce bedzie to regula" na okladce + "Zycie" z "Obie strony medalu. Najbardziej pozadane trofeum sportowe, zmienialo sie z uplywem czasu, ale jedna strona czesciej niz druga" na okladce.

15:30 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze zachmurzenie. 27-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 32C. Temp. w kuchni 22C. + klimatyzacja wlaczona + magazyn "MACLEAN'S" z "The Internet is a scam. How the Web takes advantage of you when you shop online" na okladce + TORONTO STAR z "Group sues Toronto Police for $1.4M over G20 arrests. 'All parties appear to be protesters ... females all have hairy legs'. That's what independent review found an officer wrote following arrests" na okladce.

W Toronto Star jest klasyfikacja medalowa na Olimpiadzie. 49 panstw zdobylo juz medale. Kanada jest na 26 pozycji. Polska na 32. Dalej tylko z 1 medalem srebrnym.

Thence to Warsaw, where Romney - in an address that baffles many of his listeners - insists that struggling, sclerotic, post-Communist Poland is a model of sound economic management, and suggests the United States would do well to copy it...

Then there was Poland. Ah, Poland. According to Romney it is a beacon of capitalist self-reliance, a country that eschews Obama-style government intervention and, as a result, is going gangbusters.
But as Associated Press later reported in a poker-faced reality check from Warsaw, none of this is true. With its universal medicare and handsome welfare systems, Poland's government intervenes more in the economy than America's. The country's economic growth rate is robust but that's in part because of subsidies from other European Union nations.
And with an unemployment rate near 13 per cent as well as an economy that suffers from persistent corruption and red tape, it is hardly a model.
If Romney had known he was telling whoppers, his Warsaw speech might have just been an example of crafty politics aimed at Polish-American voters back home. What's disturbing, however, is that he didn't seem to know he was spouting fiction. He had no idea (Thomas Walkom, "The dark side of Mitt's adventures", TORONTO STAR, Thursday, August 2, 2012).

Mitt comes to praise Poland
In final leg of foreign tour, Romney tries to avoid gaffes

WARSAW - U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney held up Poland's transition from Communism to democracy as an example for the rest of the world while saying on Tuesday that Russia had faltered on the path to freedom.
Romney was speaking in the Polish capital at the end of a three-country foreign tour that also took him to Britain and Israel. The trip was supposed to show voters back home that the Republican could serve on the world stage just as well as President Barack Obama, but it has been marked by faffes and missteps.
In a speech in the library of Warsaw University, Romney evoked Poland's struggles two decades ago to bring down the Iron Curtain and praised its efforts since then to embrace small government and a market economy - the same model he says is needed to revive spluttering U.S. growth.
"In the 1980s, when other nations doubted that political tyranny could ever be faced down or overcome, the answer was, 'Look to Poland,' Romney said. "And today, as some wonder about the way forward out of economic tecession and fiscal crisis, the answer is to 'Look to Poland' once again."
Romney's comments on Russia will resonate in Poland, which has a history of occupation by its eastern neighbour and has looked to the U.S. as a friendly counterweight to the Kremlin's influence.
"Unfortunately, there are parts of the world today where the desire to be free is met with brutal oppression," Romney said, listing the Moscow-allied state of Belarus, the Syrian leadership, and Venezuela's leader Hugo Chavez.
"And in Russia, once-promising advances toward a free and open society have faltered," he said. Romney has previously said Russia is "without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe." Romney has run a fairly smooth campaign in the U.S. by sticking closely to a message that the U.S. economy under Obama has faltered with 8.2% unemployment. Abroad, however, he has suffered a series of problems.
On the first leg of his trip, in London, Romney drew howls of derision from the British press after questioning whether the city was ready to host the Olympics.
On the next stopover in Israel, he angered Palestinian leaders by calling Jerusalem the Israeli capital and saying cultural differences made Israel more successful economically than the Palestinians.
In Poland on Tuesday, he studiously avoided making any off-the-cuff comments to the media. Romney stuck closely to his message, going from meeting to meeting with Polish officials and thanking them for Polish contributions to the U.S.-led war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan (THE TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, August 1, 2012).

18:29 Hrs. Biore 4 tabletki chemii + popijam woda.

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