Friday, August 17, 2012


w mediach na temat zasadnosci posiadania tak duzo policjantow i tak ogromnych budzetow policyjnych trwa. Mamy nadmiar policji. Co jest cecha panstw policyjnych. Nadmierni policjanci aby sie wykazac i usprawiedliwic swoja egzystencje tworza atmosfere zastraszenia + niepewnosci. Wymyslaja przestepstwa i zajmuja sie blachostkami.

Polowanie na krzaczki konopi uzywajac ciezkiego kosztownego sprzetu i dziesiatki policjantow jest przykladem marnowania pieniedzy podatnikow. Dziwne, ze politycy zgadzaja sie na takie policyjne blazenady, zamiast pogonic to mundurowe towarzystwo do pracy. Do lapania przestepcow i zapewnienia bezpieczenstwa obywatelom.

Przez te policyjne ekscesy spoleczenstwo boi sie policji. Unika jej i nie ufa jej. Nie chce z nia wspolpracowac. Dystans pomiedzy policja a obywatelami rosnie. Dazymy do sytuacji jak w PRL-u. Relacje pomiedzy obywatelami i Milicja Obywatelska nie istnialy. Milicja nie miala zadnego respektu. Byla odizolowana. Wstyd bylo byc milicjantem.

Teraz bycie policjantem tez duzej chluby nie przynosi. A szkoda. Jako wnuk przedwojennego polskiego policjanta z Wolynia wstydze sie za dzisiejsza policje. Dziadek Wladyslaw Kuciak byl oficerem Policji Panstwowej. Nie polowal na krzaczki konopi, ale na prawdziwych przestepcow i wrogow Polski. To jest przyklad do nasladowania.

Helicopter called in to spot 350 marijuana plants in corn field
Toronto Sun

York Regional Police officers were performing a routine inspection of Rouge Valley Park on ATVs when they decided to be extra cautious and call in a helicopter.
That's when officers in the helicopter spotted some strange-looking corn growing in fields just north of the park, near Hwy. 48 and Elgin Mills Rd., in Markham. "The guys in the helicopter directed our officers on the ATVs towards the corn fields and they found a large marijuana grow-op mixed-in amongst the corn," Const. Andy Pattenden said Thursday.
Once the officers on the ATVs made their way to the grow-up, they discovered 250 pot plants, some six-feet tall and worth at least $1,000 each.
Not far from the first discovery, officers found another grow-up of at least 100 plants, each of them just as big. The bust is worth at least $350,000, said Pattenden.
Pattenden said the officers on the ATVs were looking for squatters, kids partying or hazards in remote areas of the park not accessible by foot or car Wednesday when they called in the helicopter.
"Our guys in the helicopter get to know what marijuana plants look like from up there," said Pattenden, noting 19 outdoor grow-ups were spotted in York Region last year by using the helicopter.
"We began ripping out the plants and had to continue our work Thursday morning because we ran out of time," said Pattenden, noting no suspects have been identified and police are tracking down the farmer and owner of the land.
Pattenden said the Drugs and Vice Unit of York Regional Police will now examine the seized marijuana and take over the case to determine who's responsible for the grow-up. Some of the plants will also be sent to Health Canada for analysis, added Pattenden. "After that, they'll be destroyed," Pattenden said (THE TORONTO SUN, Friday, August 17, 2012).

Canada's ratio of police to residents is at its highest in 31 years - with costs almost having doubled in the past decade Statistics Canada says. The 69,299 officers in 2010 cost taxpayers $12 billion, due to "increases in police personnel."
The extra 2,000 officers between 2009 and 2010, with a total of 11% more over the past decade, was largely driven by Ontario's population growth. A 2% increase in Ontario, with 803 additional coppers, brought the total number of municipal officers to 20,541, plus 4,371 in the OPP (Ian Robertson, "More boots on the beat", THE TORONTO SUN, Friday, August 17, 2012).

Police must return man's marijuana, court rules

A judge has ruled that a Medicine Hat man not only gets back his marijuana grow-op equipment - he gets his pot, too. Police found a 60-plant grow op at Corey Robin Maxwell's home in February. Maxwell, 48, was charged with possession of stolen property as well as with cultivation, possession and trafficking of marijuana.
It turns out Maxwell had been issued a Health Canada licence to grow pot plants and possess medicinal marijuana to treat pain from a spinal injury. All charges were withdrawn in June - and the judge has now decided that police must return Maxwell's pot as well as the equipment he already got back (TORONTO STAR, Wednesday, August 15, 2012).

01:34 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 19-stopniowo. odczuwalne 24C. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

04:17 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Glos Polski".

W zeszlym roku tego dnia patriarcha Moskwy i Wszechrusi Cyryl uznal, ze zwyciestwo z 1612 r. ma dla jednosci narodu rosyjskiego takie samo znaczenie jak zjednoczenie sie w walce przeciwko faszyzmowi (za: Wydarzenia, ktore dla Polakow moglyby i dzis stanowic wielkie moralne wsparcie, Rosjanie zaklamuja i dyskontuja - chocby w najwyzej budzetowym filmie rosyjskiej kinematografii "Rok 1612" (Pawel Paliwoda, "Przemilczany hold ruski", GLOS POLSKI, 8-14 sierpnia 2012).

04:55 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 76 kg.

05:00 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + daktyl + 680 News w radiu + laptop (4 imelki + 17 spamu).

05:54 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki chemii + zielona herbata.

06:16 Hrs. Biore tabletke CENTRUM FOR MEN + zielona herbata + podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Pussy Riot case takes Canadian twist. Russian punk band. Leader accused of being resident of Canada" na okladce.

06:28 Hrs. Biore pigulke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata + zelatynka CINNAMON FORCE.

06:37 Hrs. "Wiem, ze jestes sam. Masz na glowie tyle waznych spraw" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze mokro. W dzienniku: Cyryl-Michalik czyli pojednanie polko-ruskie.

15:14 Hrs. Kupuje prase w ksiegarni Husarz ($6.10). "Gazeta Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Historyczna wizyta patriarchy calej Rusi w Polsce. Cyryl powitany w Polsce niemal z prezydenckimi honorami.
* Co ciekawego w Kanadzie?
* Gorale z calego swiata przyjada do Zakopanego.
* Tymczasowa legalizacja pobytu w USA mlodych nielegalnych imigrantow.
Jedna fotografia: Patriarcha Moskwy i calej Rusi Cyryl I i przewodniczacy Konferencji Episkopatu Polski abp Jozef Michalik po podpisaniu przeslania wzywajacego do pojednania obu narodow Polski i Rosji, 17 bm. na Zamku Krolewskim w Warszawie, 17 bm.

"Goniec". Na okladce:

* Po odpust do Midland.
* Obchody Dnia Wojska Polskiego.
* Historyczna wizyta.
* Kapitan Lutczyk znow na czolgu.
* Sylwester Chylinski: Dlaczego Honda!

Z Polski kupuje "Gazete Polska" z "Wolnosc bolszewicka. Bij bolszewika! - numer wraz z dodatkiem poswiecony rocznicy Bitwy Warszawskiej" na okladce.

Przy wyjsciu czestuje sie darmowym "Merkuriuszem polskim" z "71. rocznica meczenskiej smierci sw. Maksymiliana" na okladce.

15:21 Hrs. W Warmia Deli kupuje obiad ($7.79). Zupa pieczarkowa + 2 nalesniki.

15:48 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 24-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 27C. Temp. w kuchni 23C.

16:48 Hrs. Zdejmuje z jablka nalepke ROYAL GALA #4173 CHILE + myje jablko + wycieram papierowym recznikiem. Wbijam w jablko zeby + delektuje sie = zgaszone laknienie.

18:41 Hrs.Biore 4 tabletki chemii + popijam woda.

As a rising star in Hungary's far-right Jobbik Party, Csanad Szegedi was notorious for his incendiary comments on Jews: He accused them of "buying up" the country, railed about the "Jewishness" of the political elite and claimed Jews were desecrating national symbols.
Then came a revelation that knocked him off his perch as ultranationalist standard-bearer: Szegedi himself is a Jew...
Szegedi came to prominence in 2007 as a founding member of the Hungarian Guard, a group whose black uniforms and striped flags recalled the Arrow Cross, a pro-Nazi party which briefly governed Hungary at the end of World War II and killed thousands of Jews (Pablo Gorondi, "Anti-Semitic leader gets surprise. He's Jewish", TORONTO STAR, Wednesday, August 15, 2012).

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