Tuesday, August 21, 2012


lekko chlodnawe. Ale dobrze sie spi przy otwartych oknach. Tez powietrze przyjemne do oddychania. Lato pomalu gasnie. Mnie to nie szkodzi, poniewaz jesien jest moim sezonem. Urodzilem sie w pazdzierniku.

"We can do whatever we want" - POLICE OFFICER.

What have cops got against cameras these days? Increasingly, people are getting arrested, charged or even assaulted by police officers, merely for attempting to take photos or videos of officers at work. Often, police simply command people to stop photographing. Scared into thinking they must be breaking some law, citizens comply.
When Polish visitor Robert Dziekanski died after being tasered at the Vancouver airport in 2007, police seized the now famous video made by witness Paul Pritchard, who had to hire a lawyer and threaten court proceedings to get it back...
Police must be made to understand that being on duty or executing a search warrant does not transform an officer into a petty dictator with carte blanche to issue arbitrary orders to everyone in sight. Police cannot do "whatever they want." Citizens have the right to hold them accountable for their actions. Personal cameras are important tools in implementing that right. Bullying people out of using them must cease (Karen Selick, "You have the right to a camera...", NATIONAL POST, Friday, August 17, 2012).

Fly the flag of a terrorist organization, get Toronto police protection. Fly the flag of the democratic state of Israel, and Toronto police tell you to pack it, or face crimianl charges...
The pro-Iran, pro-Khomeini protesters, flying a Hezbollah flag, were receiving police protection. But a pro-democracy counter-protester was handcuffed for walking his dog "insensitively." Got it...
How, in the name of "tolerance," our police are doing the intolerable. How, to protect the feelings of bullies, the police themselves have become bullies.
That is the outrage of the weekend. Not foreigners acting like barbarians. But our own police doing so (Ezra Levant, "Police politicization. Toronto cops do the intolerable at anti-Israel protest", THE TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, August 21, 2012).

01:21 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 12-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 20C.

04:12 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:21 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Uwazam Rze HISTORIA".

W 1920 r. nie wygralibysmy z bolszewizmem, gdyby nie odwolanie sie do narodu. Po 1989 r. elity okazaly pyche i stracily kontakt ze znaczna czescia spoleczenstwa. Stad wziely sie pomysly przeprowadzenia czegos w rodzaju zamachu stanu, wulgarnie mowiac "wziecia ludzi za morde", zeby wymusic na nich przejscie do gospodarki wolnorynkowej (Andrzej Chojnowski, "Elita marzen i pycha elit. Po 1989 r. nie skorzystano niestety z doswiadczen II Rzeczypospolitej - z prof. Andrzejem Chojnowskim rozmawia Maciej Rosalak", UWAZAM RZE HISTORIA, Maj 2012).

04:55 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 76 kg.

05:00 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP +2 iranskie daktyle CEDAR PHOENICIA + 680 News w radiu + laptop (3 imelki + 16 spamu).

05:59 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki chemii + zielona herbata.

06:05 Hrs. Biore tabletke CENTRUM FOR MEN + zielona herbata + zelatynka cynamonowa CINNAMON FORCE.

06:17 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "The Canadian who converted to jihad. Young boxer slain in Dagestan became 'a different person,' father says" na okladce + biore pigulke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

06:37 Hrs. "Czas na zimne drinki, zabawy szalone" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM.
ESSO bierze za litr paliwa $1.27.5. Petro-Canada $1.28.7.

09:12 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

15:21 Hrs. Oddaje 3 koszule do pralni PARKVIEW CLEANERS.

15:32 Hrs. Na poczcie wysylam urzedowy list polecony ($10) + zamawiam w aptece lekarstwa.

15:41 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie 25-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 26C + mily powiew wiatru. Ze skrzynki wyjmuje 2 magazyny. "Hello! Canada" z "Kate sets a Royal example at the Olympics" na okladce + "Market News" z "Time to get certified. Wilson Electronics, manufacturer of the best selling cellular signal boosters announces its Certified Installer Training Program" na okladce.

18:22 Hrs. Biore 4 tabletki chemii + popijam woda + galaretka cynamonowa CINNAMON FORCE.

20:35 Hrs. Jem garstke jader z pestek moreli + kisc winogron + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

Canadians are among the top sellers and buyers of marijuana, steroids, cocaine and other drugs available at the click of a mouse on an anonymous website that functions like a black market version of eBay, a study has found...
Marijuana is the top-selling drug on the website, accounting for 13.7 per cent of sails (Adam Miller, "Canadians among top buyers, sellers of illegal drugs online", TORONTO STAR, Thursday, August 16, 2012).

Veteran RCMP officer Cpl. Benjamin "Monty" Robinson, whose involvement in Robert Dziekanski's death and unrelated conviction in a fatal accident made him an example of the bad apples the Mounties have been unable to fire, voluntarily left the force Friday (Tamsyn Burgmann, "Convicted Mountie voluntarily leaves force. Facing perjury charges for testimony on Dziekanski's death", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, July 21, 2012).

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