Sunday, July 15, 2012


domu trzese sie z zimna. Klimatyzacja chodzi bez ustanku juz 2 tydzien. Do ogrzania sie wychodze na taras. Okulary od razu paruja. Pobujam sie troche na laweczcze hamaku i cialo rozgrzewa sie od razu. I znow wchodze do lodoweczki + blues na GALAXIE The Blues na kanale 727 + lektura.

Obama or Bust
What is our fearless leader really thinking?! Shortly after being elected, President Barack Obama appeared to be our golden boy for the cannabis movement after vowing to protect state medical marijuana laws, including 17 states across the country. With the recent raid activity on medical marijuana providers (more than Bush), one can only question the true honesty and thinking behind this highly elected official. Just recently in a huge election year, Obama stands up supporting gay marriage in America, while bashing legal pot providers in the same week. So he's okay with the age old gay rights movement, but is going to fight one last time against good 'ol Mary Jane? Doesn't Obama realize that the vast majority of the gay community worldwide actually loves pot, and more than 70 percent of America is in favor of legalization? If you want to know the truth, 90 percent of the Republicans in Congress recently voted against states allowing medical marijuana, once again proving their affiliation to the "Big Pharma Phraternity," making trillions, killing millions. With current research showing that cannabis might help treat cancer, one can only wonder why Obama doesn't welcome cannabis rights in the same light as gay rights.
Stay high!
Ann S. ("Letters", HIGH TIMES, September 2012).

03:34 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

06:45 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + wstaje. Na dworze 23-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 30C. Temp. w kuchni 19C.

06:53 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

06:58 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Gazeta Polska".

"Kibicuje pani Kasi Tusk, ktora poszla w pani slady i zajela sie moda?" - to pytanie padlo niedawno w wywiadzie Wirtualnej Polski z Monika Jaruzelska. "Nie powiedzialabym, ze poszla w moje slady. Idzie swoja droga. Mysle, ze dla corki polityka jest to bardzo dobre zajecie (blog o modzie), wowczas mniej naraza sie na ciosy, bo moda jest zupelnie apolityczna" - stwierdzila corka komunistycznego przywodcy (Piotr Lisiewicz, "Kasia Tusk w butach Moniki Jaruzelskiej", GAZETA POLSKA, 27 czerwca 2012).

07:33 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 69 kg.

07:46 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Jade do kosciola. Zachmurzenie duze + spiew ptakow. Petro-Canada bierze za litr paliwa $1.28.1.

07:58 Hrs. W kosciele Sw. Kazimierza.

"Okaz swa laske i daj nam zbawienie."

09:09 Hrs. W Benna's kupuje sloiczek konfitur z wisni LOWICZ + 4 male chlebki z makiem ($8.95).

09:20 Hrs. W domu.

09:44 Hrs. Biore 2 tabletki chemii + popijam mlekiem.

Russia always has been an impostor in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) clique, a completely corrupt (the other three are pretty rotten by this criterion, but Russia is positively rancid) country with a narcissistic embezzler and thief of elections at its head, dependent on exports of oil and precious metals. Russia doesn't manufacture anything of quality adequate for export, except weapons. The reduction in American petroleum imports due to fracking is sharply reducing Russian economic growth (which, even in the best of times, is largely reflected in the Caligulan extravagances of the Kremlin's rich proteges anyway). Political agitation against the Putin despotism is escalating, and although mass discontent in Russia has been relevant only a few times in the last four or five centuries, the middle class of Moscow are not Tolstoyan serfs, and Putin does not possess the repressive aptitudes of Peter The Great, Catherine the Great, much less the ne plus ultra of the Slavic autocrat Stalin (whom Putin publicly reveres) (Conrad Black, "What goes up ... The rules of economic gravity apply to all nations - even the much ballyhooed members of 'BRIC' ", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, July 14, 2012).

17:55 Hrs. Biore 4 tabletki chemii + popijam sokiem z granata.

21:29 Hrs. Biore lyzke stolowa oleju z oliwek + garsc winogron.

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