Tuesday, July 10, 2012


na jednego czyli zycie w panstwie policyjnym.

Policjanci zdejmuja mundury i staja sie tajniakami. Sa Swiadkami Jehowy, sprawdzaja liczniki gazu, elektrycznosci. Udaja malarzy, robotnikow drogowych, handlazy narkotykow, zebrakow. Tym ostatnim zaprzestalem rzucac do czapek drobniaki, bo moze to byc policjant zarabiajacy ponad 100 tys. rocznie dolarow z moich podatkow.

Demokratyczne panstwo policyjne staje sie opresyjnym rezymem milicyjnym. To w ramach konwersji systemow politycznych. Demokracja zlala sie z komunistyczna tyrania. Witamy w XXI wieku.

Ostatnio duzo w prasie o aresztowanym i pobitym przez policje panu Jamesie Bishop, ktory sadzi policje torontonska i zada odszkodowania $2 milionow dolarow. Aresztowalo go 7. Powinien zadac 7 milionow dolarow. Jak to robili bohaterzy w mundurach mozna obejrzec na YouTube. Nie moge dac linku do tego filmiku, bo ocenzurowany. Trzeba sie najpierw zalogowac. W YouTube film jest pod tytulem: "Toronto Police Thugs Gang Up And Beat Guy Senseless". Takze jest do obejrzenia na stronie Thestar.com pod tytulem "Arrest of James Bishop for trespassing".

Thuggery comes knocking


As James "Ross" Kennedy learned first-hand, sometimes it's better to not answer the doorbell on a Sunday morning. On March 24, thinking it was drug dealers, or the Jehovah's Witnesses who had just been there, Kennedy did just that and got himself thumped by two plain-clothes police officers followed by trips to jail and the hospital.
But in this bizarre case of Toronto Police having the wrong house, Ian Scott, the province's director of the Special Investigation Unit, has cleared the two unnamed officers. As reported by the Sun's Ian Robertson, Kennedy insisted the pair did not properly identify themselves as police, which Scott said the one officer who co-operated with investigators denied.
The SIU report states Kennedy aggressively ordered them away, was shoved by one officer as he "came very close," then pulled an officer's hooded sweatshirt "over his head."
The officer's partner tried to control Kennedy' who "may have briefly lost consciousness during the arrest process." While satisfied Kennedy never intended to assault cops "because he did not think they were officers," Scott said he was "equally satisfied the officers were acting in good faith ... and that they did, from their perspective, identify themselves as police officers."
No matter how it's justified, it still needs to be said 25-year-old Kennedy was asleep at home with his wife and kids when police knocked on the wrong door.
If Scott's report is correct, it also states Kennedy did not strike them first but still ended up being physically pushed.
There has been a number of people in recent times beaten by police despite there being no major reason to precipitate it. For some officers it seems escalation is the answer instead of de-escalation. Comply or die.
For example, with his son on the same court, James Bishop was about to shoot a basket at the Scarborough YMCA when police officers came on to the court in numbers that rivalled the number that took down alleged cannibal killer Luka Magnotta in Berlin.
However, this suspect was not a guy wanted for a murder but one whose gym fees were said to be overdue. Just as troublesome is when developmentally handicapped Charlie McGillivary was out with his mom for a slice of pizza and ice cream cone on Bloor St. in 2010 and in a case of mistaken identity was taken down to the cement because he wouldn't answer to the name "Raymond" - a bail-breacher police were looking for.
Kennedy and Bishop were charged with assaulting police. McGillivary was spared this since he died of a so called "pre-existing medical condition."
Smarter policing could have avoided all three cases where there was no drug deal, no robbery, no car-jacking, no weapon and no real need for a physical incident.
Police have to protect their brothers and sisters who really do have a difficult and dangerous job. But appropriate behaviour is appropriate behaviour. And thuggery is thuggery.
Intelligent people, on or off the job, know the difference. There are some officers who don't want to be tarnished by the ones who seem to want to inflict excessive, sadistic and unnecessary punishment instead of calming things down and have no blood spilled. There are others who see it differently.
If you watch the YouTube video of Bishop's arrest, you will see a guy who was unarmed and playing basketball. There were other ways to go about this including just letting the guy play the game with his kid for free at the purported to be Christian institution. Instead, there were more than 10 vicious and repugnant blows with batons and elbows inflicted to a person's head as five or six cops struggled with this one guy over basically nothing.
Another disturbing part of the video is the way an officer gets in the face of another player who was filming this arrest on his cellphone, which was eventually seized. If everything was done on the up and up, why confiscate an innocent person's phone in a free society where a person is permitted to film? If this is how your being trained now, do your beatings and let people film it. What's the worry?
Meanwhile Kennedy, who is still before the courts on assaulting the officers, may choose to stay in bed the next time the doorbell rings (THE TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, July 10, 2012).

02:59 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 19-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 21C. + ABC News w TV.

04:14 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04: 18 Hrs. Lektura tronowa "Przekroj".

MARJA RUSZPEL: Bo Palikot zdominowal ten temat.
KATARZYNA MALINOWSKA-SEMPRUCH: Mam nadzieje, ze przeciwwaga bedzie prezydent Aleksander Kwasniewski, ktory mowi i o dekryminalizacji, i o niekrzywdzeniu ludzi, ktorzy bardziej od policyjnej interwencji potrzebuja pomocy. I o marnowaniu pieniedzy, ktore zamiast na karanie ludzi wiezieniem powinny isc na profilaktyke, rehabilitacje, edukacje, terapie.
MARJA RUSZPEL: Kwasniewski jednak zostal skrytykowany za zmiane stosunku do narkotykow - bo to on, nie kto inny, podpisal w Polsce najgorsza ustawe. Co z tego, ze dzis wyznaje na lamach "New York Timesa", ze popelnil 12 lat temu blad?
KATARZYNA MALINOWSKA-SEMPRUCH: Prezydent podpisuje wiele ustaw. Robiac to radzi sie swoich doradcow i ufa im. W przypadku ustawy o przeciwdzialaniu narkomanii z 2000 r. bardzo nieszczesliwie sie zlozylo, ze doradca Aleksandra Kwasniewskiego byla Barbara Labuda ("Joint a spoleczenstwo obywatelskie", PRZEKROJ, 18 czerwca 2012).

05:05 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg.

05:08 Hrs. Pije ziolo SKRZYP + daktyl + radio 680 News + laptop (13 imelek + 5 spamu).

06:03 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki chemii + zielona herbata + podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Scenes from a Taliban execution. A woman crouches before being executed, allegedly for adultery, by a member of the Taliban in Parwan, Afghanistan. The killing was watched by 150 men" na okladce.

06:29 Hrs. Biore pastylke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

06:44 Hrs. "I widze tylko twoje kapelusze, jak statki na niebie" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM.
ESSO bierze za litr paliwa $1.21.4. Shell + Petro-Canada $1.22.5.

09:08 Hrs. Czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

15:22 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 26-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 28C. Ze skrzynki wyjmuje "MARKETNEWS Business Directory 2012" + magazyn "The Good News" z "What makes a true leader?" na okladce.

16:36 Hrs. Wychodze. Ide do dentysty. Na dworze slonecznie + iPod (Rolling Stones).

16:58 Hrs. U dentysty.

18:05 Hrs. Wychodze od dentysty. Bylo bezbolesnie.
 W sklepie ze zdrowa zywnoscia i naturalna medycyna PEACHTREE czestuje sie 3 darmowym magazynami:

1. "Vitality" z "Annual guide to organics" na okladce.
2. "Eternity Watch" z "Let living foods be thy medicine" na okladce.
3. "Healthy Directions" z "Allergy free naturally" na okladce.

18:48 Hrs. W ksiegarni CHAPTERS kupuje ksiazke z DVD Steve MacKay "Lead Guitar. Discover the secrets of guitar soloing and improvisation!" ($13.64).

18:53 Hrs. W restauracji McDonalds zamawiam obiad ($8.13). Big Mac + srednie frytki + srednia Diet Coke.

Obiad z widokiem na ul. Bloor
18:59 Hrs. Siadam + robie fotke ul. Bloor + zegnam sie + maczam frytke w keczupie.

19:05 Hrs. Biore 4 tabletki chemii + popijam Diet Coke.

19:19 Hrs. Wychodze z McDonaldsa + iPod (B.B. King).

19:46 Hrs. W domu. Na dworze 25-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 27C. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

Dostala mi sie do rak ciekawa ksiazka pt. "The Path of the Most High" autora Sha'ul Bayn Yahukhenun Haiyahudah.

1 comment:

Anna Barańska said...

Bardzo ciekawie to zostało opisane.