Thursday, April 07, 2011

Panstwo policyjne

? Zadaja sobie to pytanie wolnosciowscy, blogierzy i niektore media kanadyjskie. Wyczyny policji kanadyjskiej to pasmo niedorzecznosci, glupoty, arogancji, ignorancji, lamania prawa i chamstwa. Czy taka chcemy miec policje w panstwie praworzadnym? Nie. Powiedziala sedzina Lucia Favret skazujac gline nadgorliwca w wojnie z narkotykami na 90 dni wiezienia. Sierzant Chris Higgins zmaltretowal zatrzymanego chorego, uzaleznionego od heroiny, pana Gary Shuparski. Skazany glina dostal w sadzie poparcie dziesiatkow swoich kolesi (braci) w mundurach. Oczywiscie wiekszosc aprobujacych policyjnego huligana metody sledcze. I to przeraza. To pachnie PRL-em.

"Citizens expect police to respect
the law, not be above law."
- Justice Lucia Favret

Judge's message clearly fell on deaf ears as Higgins' cop pals go after reporter

Did you think the 40 police officers who flooded Det. Christopher Higgins' sentencing hearing Tuesday understood this judge? Not even 20 seconds after she sentenced a Toronto copper to 90 days in jail for a disgraceful abuse of power in beating up a prisoner in his care, witnesses say some of the police brotherhood were out in the 1000 Finch Ave. courthouse hallway behaving like thugs. "It was intimidating," said Toronto Sun police reporter Chris Doucette.
The Blue Wall can be. And like it often does when one of its own is in court, every seat is filled in solidarity.
But this 275-pound copper garnering such support was convicted of "kicking like a football" 120-pound, now-deceased drug suspect Gary Shuparski and breaking his arm in 2004.
Tuesday's strange incident stemmed from a disagreement over a seat in the courtroom. Reporters in the front row were asked to move, in favour of Higgins' supporters. Reporter Shannon Kari, freelancing for The Globe and Mail, decided to stay where he was and, after the hearing, was accosted by officers.
"I was 10 steps outside the door when I heard a commotion," Doucette said. "I initially though it may be a relative of the victim who had upwards of a dozen men in suits around him."
Doucette described a scene in which 'several ot the officers were right up in the reporter's face" and profanity was used. "One big man said gruffly" 'Show some respect for the family!'"
Just doing job
He said Kari calmly tried to explain he was just trying to do his job. "We had just left a courtroom where a judge had spent an hour talking about how wrong it was for officers to abuse their power." Doucette said.
As a former member of the Canadian Armed Forces, and someone who has a disdain for bullies, Doucette "told the crowd of officers to 'settle down.' " He said one "looked at me and shot back angrily: "Settle down?" Doucette reiterated: "Yes, settle down." Things did, but Doucette said Kari wondered whether he's be safe to go to his car after one person called him a "coward" and another called him a "dick?"
Kari declined to comment further, but Toronto Police spokesman Mark Pugash said he can file a complaint to the Office of the Independent Police Review Director.
'2 people shouting'
However, he said that police witnesses said it was nothing more than "two people shouting at each other."
Perhaps the Professional Standards Branch could pull the security tapes or maybe Chief Bill Blair could ask for a "chief's investigation," since he has a vested interest in the service's reputation.
Remember the police apologized to Adam Nobody, apologized for the "slut" comment at Osgoode Hall and in my view owe one to this reporter.
Either way, some Toronto coppers seem out of control and need to be reined in. The leadership needs to remind them they're not gang members but police officers who have a standard to uphold. With or without command acknowledgement, this behaviour Tuesday was appalling.
Later, after getting bail, the same dozen officers surrounded him as Higgins left the courthouse, one of the pack asking: "Should I stop and get the liquor?"What was there to celebrate? Higgins, sentenced and convicted, is now a known criminal and they aren't supposed to consort with those.
Pugash confirms Higgins was suspended without pay Tuesday but must appear at 54 Division at 9 a.m. Wednesday, where a final decision on what happens to him will be conveyed.
Section 89, Subsection (6) of the Police Services Act of Ontario clearly states that "if a chief of police, deputy chief of police or other police officer is convicted of an offence and sentenced to a term of imprisonment, the chief of police board, as the case may be, may suspend him or her without pay, even if the conviction or sentence is under appeal."
Whatever happens to this criminal, it has nothing to do with what a reporter writes. It's not a police state and the good cops understand that (Joe Warmington, THE TORONTO SUN, Wednesday, April 6, 2011).


26 A gdy Jezus dokonczyl wszystkich
tych mow, rzekl do uczniow

2. Wiecie, ze za dwa dni bedzie Pascha
i Syn Czlowieczy bedzie wydany
na ukrzyzowanie.

3. W tym czasie zebrali sie
arcykaplani i starsi ludu w palacu
arcykaplana, ktorego zwano Kaifasz.

4. I naradzali sie, aby Jezusa
podstepem pojmac i zabic.

5. Mowili jednak: Tylko nie w swieto,
aby nie powstaly rozruchy miedzy

03:13 Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworzu 1-stopniowo + mgla. Temp. w kuchni 22.9C.

04:13 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:15 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Uwazam Rze".

Spoleczenstwo rosyjskie bowiem zawsze - jeszcze w czasach przedrewolucyjnych, potem radzieckich - cechowalo sie wieksza niz np. polskie swoboda erotyczna...
Ostatnio kariere polityczna w prokremlowskiej mlodziezowce zaczela slynna agentka Anna Chapman...
Wszystkie te panie w jakims momencie laczono z WeWe, jak Rosjanie nazywaja niekiedy Wladimira Wladimirowicza Putina (najmniej moze jak dotad z Anna Chapman, o ktorej relacji z premierem wiadomo obecnie tyle, ze na spotkaniu wymienionych z USA agentow razem wykonywali nieoficjalny hymn czekistow, "duszoszczypatielna" radziecka ballade "S cziewo naczinajetsia Rodina?" (Piotr Skwiecinski, "Orbita Putina", UWAZAM RZE, 14 III - 20 III 2011).

05:05 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 82 kg.

05:09 Hrs. Biore 24 kropelki BLACK WALNUT na wode.

05:13 Hrs. Pije ziola SKRZYP + daktyl + CBC + laptop (19 spam + 5 imelek). Radio podaje pogode w Toronto. Minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -5C. + mgla.

06:00 Hrs. Biore 6 tabletek chemi + woda.

06:20 Hrs. Biore tabletke ziolowa RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

06:25 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne. Podjezdza van. Dziewczyna Hinduska podaje mi "National Post" z "Will peace or reprisals be next in Ivory Coast?" na okladce.

18:04 Hrs. Biore 24 krople BLACK WALNUT.

18:42 Hrs. 3 tabletki chemii + zielona herbata.

20:34 Hrs. Biore 24 krople BLACK WALNUT.

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