Thursday, May 29, 2008


OR 3-1

Three voices of totalitarian darkness (Barry Lubotta, C. Gwendolyn Landolt, Akbar Hussain) vs. one voice of reason, enlightement, love & compassion (Jodie Emery).

Reefer madness propaganda 3. Truth and reality 1.


Decades after Woodstock, the pot debate still rages

Re: Barbara Kay vs. Mary Jane, editorial, May 23.
My late teenage years were spent at a U.S. college, playing in a rock band, sleeping in the mud at Woodstock and frequently participating in the newly discovered rcreational activity of smoking dope. It took a couple of years, but I eventually came to the realization that my personality was undergoing change for the worse, my confidence was saggingand my thinking process becoming less cohesive. Thus, for the most part, I gave up pot in 1969.
My observation was that for those who didn't, regular marijuana use often resulted in a deep disconnect from society, their families and even themselves. Frequent users sought the company of those who shared their habit, while non-users become less desirable as friends because they were straight. Paranoia was rampant. The negative effects of pot may not appear as quickly as an alcohol-fuelled auto accident, but I have no doubt that it takes a dangerous toll over the years. Those who smoke for long periods are usually not aware of their diminished personality, limited thinking process and boring insights.
The idea of legalization marijuana is an agenda being moved forward by a minority of vocal citizens and self-interest groups. Adding legal pot to cigarettes and alcohol is a recipe for disaster that, if allowed, would put future generations at an ever greater risk for selfdestruction.
Barry Lubotta, Toronto.

This editorial posits that alcohol and cigarettes are more dengerous than marijuana. This position, however, has been outdated by both events and data. The United Kingdom recently reclassified marijuana because of its dangers, and the Netherlands is reviewing its policy of essentially legalizing marijuana through its coffee houses. These countries are not changing their policy on marijuana for whimsical reasons, but rather because of hard data that points out marijuana's dangers, both physically and psychologically.
C. Gwendolyn Landolt, national vice-president, REAL Women of Canada, Richmond Hill, Ont.

National Post columnist Barbara Kay is an honest soul who relentlessly reminds us that morality is not a matter of convenience. Your editorial fails to appreciate her moral viewpoint. Instead, you have reminded your readers that an epoch is fast approaching when mankind will indulge itself into such behaviours which once it abhorred and detested. And we, in the name of freedom and privacy, will tolerate them.
Akbar Hussain, Toronto.
Cannabis prohibition has created the harms and dangers associated with growing, selling and consuming marijuana. The Special Senate Committee on Illegal Drugs declared in their 2002 report, Cannabis: Our Position for a Canadian Public Policy that "the continued prohibition of cannabis jeoparadizes the health and well-being of Canadians much more than does the substance itself."
Once people realize that the prohibition of cannabis is the root of the dangers associated with it (unsafe grow-ops, uncontrolled sales to underage buyers, gang turf wars, etc.) they will realize that drug prohibition has failed to stop any drug-related problem.
In fact, it has made them worse.
I urge readers to ask themselves who benefits from prohibition? As far as I can tell, those who benefit the most are criminal organizations and police associations. How many more gang turf shootings are needed before we try something different?
Jodie Emery, editor, Cannabis Culture Magazine, Vancouver (NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, May 27, 2008).
06:40 Hrs. Jak statek co gdzies zgubil zagle, plyniemy przez bezmiar morz - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze slonecznie. 7-stopniowo. Ptaki spiewaja. W dzienniku: Stocznie w Gdynii i w Szczecinie w opalach. Rzad juz nie moze je subsydiowac. Cena paliwa w Polsce nie rozni sie od cen w krajach zachodniej Europy. Litwa i Polska przeciwko rurociagowi na dnie Baltyku.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.29.9.
19:17 Hrs. "Come together, right now, follow me" - spiewaja The Beatles na GOLDR 727 Galaxie GoldRock. Czytam ksiazke: "Risk Analysis and The Security Survey", James F. Broder, CPP
"nie lap malej trawy, niech sobie rosnie" - ZYGMUNT JAN PRUSINSKI ("Jerzy Urban czyta moja poezje!!!", AFERY PRAWA -
Salony i saloniki, korzeniami siegajace glebin peerelu, nadal dominuja w polskich debatach i pretenduja do roli oswieconych autorytetow. Saloniki takie czynne sa w kazdym polskim srodowisku, nawet emigracyjnym (Andrzej Kumor, "Plwajmy na skorupe!", GONIEC, 23 - 29 maja 2008).
21:40 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj czwartek. 29 maja 2008. Odmawiam Tajemnice swiatla.

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