Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lopata od sniegu

oficjalnie schowana

Synoptycy przekonali mnie, ze wiekszego opadu sniegu nie ma co sie spodziewac. Jesli spadnie bialy puch pod koniec maja czy w czerwcu to nie zostanie na dlugo i sie zaraz roztopi. Lopata bedzie zbyteczna. Dlatego dzisiaj oficjalnie schowalem ja w szopie.

06:27 Hrs. Ona i on. Ten ludzki marsz. Dwa krazace ciala - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze zachmurzenie duze. 9-stopniowo. Slychac radosny spiew ptakow. W dzienniku: Lech Kaczynski przeciwko autonomii samorzadow w Polsce. Uwaza, ze Polska jest za slaba na takie wolnosci. Rosja przygotowuje odpowiedz na amerykanska tarcze antyrakietowa.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire biora za litr paliwa $1.28.7. Petro-Canada $1.29.3.

15:22 Hrs. "My heart, my mind, my soul. My feelings over you" - unosi sie w CBC RADIO I na fali 99.1 FM jak wracam z pracy do domu. Wczesniej w dzienniku o propozycji socjalistycznego burmistrza Toronto Davida Millera o zakazaniu klubow strzeleckich i strzelnic w Toronto. Panie Burmistrzu, a moze by tak zakazac samochody na ulicach miasta? One tez zabijaja. Inny socjalista, wszak narodowy, w Niemczech w latach 30. ubieglego wieku najpierw zabronil klubow strzeleckich, pozniej wprowadzil rejestracje broni palnej. Gdy juz mial te informacje to skonfiskowal wszystka bron i zniewolil swoj wlasny narod.

17:00 Hrs. Sprzatam troszke w ogrodku. Powyrywalem chwasty. Zgrabilem stare liscie. Rozsypalem czarnoziem. Poprzycinalem krzewy.

Don't blame the Poles (II)
Re: Not All Poles Were Innocent, letter, May 16; Don't Blame The Poles, letter, May 12.
I was surprised to read Rabbi Charles Grysman's letter assailing a letter that quite correctly took issue with Jeet Heer's charge that the Poles were co-responsible for the Holocaust.
Although a tiny number of Polish individuals did collaborate with the Nazis - as was the case among the Jews themselves - Israel Gutman, Israel's formost authority on the Holocaust in Poland, has been unequivocal in dismissing any blanket accusations against the Poles as baseless: "When it is said that Poles supposedly took part in the extermination of the Jews on the side of the Germans, that is not true. It has no foundation in fact. There was no such thing as Poles taking part in the extermination of the Jewish propulation."
Professor Gutman goes on to say: "I should like to make two things clear here. First, all accusations against the Poles that they were responsible for what is referred to as the 'Final Solution' are not even worth mentioning. Secondly, there is no validity at all in the contention that Polish attitudes were the reason for the siting of the death camps in Poland."
Rabbi Grysman also levels accusations against those Poles who simply did not help Jews, for whatever reason. He conveniently ignores the fact that any act of kindness toward Jews was punishable by death and that several thousand Poles - women, men and children - were indeed executed, burned alive or killed in concentration camps for helping Jews.
Cantor Matus Radzivilover, who survived the war in hiding, wrote: "I loved my neighbours, the Poles I grew up with and lived with in love and peace. I never accused them of failing to help us because they were in great danger themselves. Hundreds of thousands of them were killed or deported to concentration camps. They paid their price under Nazism, too."
Hanna Sokolski, media relations, Canadian Polish Congress, Toronto District ("Letters", NATIONAL POST, Monday, May 26, 2008).

21:13 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj wtorek. 27 maja 2008. Odmawiam Tajemnice bolesne. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 8 godzien 35 minut. Imieniny Jana, Juliusza, Radowita, Magdaleny, Augustyna, Fryderyka.

1878 - Urodzil sie Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski, podroznik, pisarz, publicysta, autor m.in. zbeletryzowanej relacji Przez kraj ludzi, zwierzat i bogow, reportazy, opowiadan i powiesci podrozniczych oraz utworow dla dzieci i mlodziezy (Lisowczycy, Pod polska bandera i in.); w czasie okupacji bral udzial w pracy konspiracyjnej (zm. 1945 r.).
1928 - Z inicjatywy Stronnictwa Chlopskiego po raz pierwszy obchodzono w Polsce Swieto Ludowe (obecnie obchodzone w dniu Zielonych Swiatek) ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").
If you are arrested or confronted by the police:
1. FIRST, ask to call your lawyer.
2. Be courteous; do not resist.
3. Do not consent to search or entry.
4. Do not talk about anything; do not admit OR DENY anything.
5. Ask if you are free to go. If you are, GO.
Jeffrey Steinborn
(206) 6222-5117

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