Tuesday, May 13, 2008

27 lat temu

13 maja 1981 roku, Turek Mehmet Ali Agca probowal zamordowac polskiego papieza Jana Pawla II Wielkiego. Matka Boska Fatimska nie pozwolila mu na to. Do dnia dzisiejszego nie wiadomo na czyj rozkaz strzelal Turek do papieza. Czy to na rozkaz sowieckiego wywiadu, czy fanatycznych islamistow, trudno powiedziec. Ale jednego mozna miec 100% pewnosci: i dla bolszewii sowieckiej, jak i dla islamistow papiez nie jest na reke.

W roku zamachu na papieza przebywalem w Hamburgu. Bylem tam tzw. "azylantem". Bralem kursy j. niemieckiego. Wtedy moim celem bylo pojscie na studia na Uniwersytet Hamburski. Najblizszy tej daty dokument, ktorym mam w segregatorze to BESCHEINIGUNG z 1 kwietnia 1981 r.

Dzisiaj wtorek. Zmawiam Tajemnice bolesne w intencji papieza Jana Pawla II Wielkiego.

V Tajemnica bolesna
Ukrzyzowanie i smierc Pana Jezusa
Wtedy Jezus zawolal donosnym glosem: Ojcze, w Twoje rece powierzam ducha mojego. Po tych slowach wyzional ducha.
(Lk 23, 46)
Owoc tajemnicy: Wytrwalosc

Na Golgocie Jezus sklada za nas w ofierze swoje zycie. Wybila godzina naszego odkupienia. Przedziwna jest tajemnica smierci Chrystusa, ktory przez smierc swoja usmiercil smierc nasza i przywrocil nam zycie. Syn Bozy poddal sie prawu smierci, ale Matke swoja przed nia uchronil. Dopuscil tylko do zasniecia, ale zaraz sprawil cud wniebowziecia. Przez co chcial powiedziec, ze skuteczna jest Jego meka dla kazdego z nas.
Matko zycia, Ty staniesz na czele orszaku zmartwychwstalych, bo Ciebie nie dotknal cien smierci. Wielbimy Cie w tym przywileju, ktory wysluzyl Ci Twoj Syn. Pragniemy podazac za Toba i innych ta droga prowadzic.

Fernsprecher 2 91 88-1
Durchwahl 2 91 88-2302
Behordennetz 9.63
Behorde fur Schule und Berufsbildung, Postfach 76 10 48, 2000 Hamburg 76

Edward Kuciak
c/o Raphaels-Werk
Adenauerallee 41

2000 Hamburg 1

Geschaftszeichen (Bei Antwort bitte angeben)
S 214/392.06

1. April 1981



Herr Edward Kuciak, am 4. Oktober 1951 geboren, hat am 27. Mai 1978 das Reifezeugnis eines allgemeinbildenden Lyzeums in Polen erworben.
Das Zeugnis ist ein auslandisches Hochschulzugangszeugnis, das den Inhaber nach Bestehen der Feststellungsprufung zum Studium an den Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik berechtigt. Er kann sich auf die Feststellungsprufung durch den Besuch eines staatlichen Studienkollegs vorbereiten lassen (Meldung bei den Universitaten, in Hamburg beim Amt fur Schule, S 301-331).
Das Zeugnis schliesst die Berechtigungen eines hamburgischen Realschulabschlusses mit ein.
Diese Bescheinigung gilt nur in Verbindung mit einer amtlich beglaubigten Ubersetzung des oben genannten polnischen Reifezeugnisses.


06:38 Hrs. Zielone wzgorza nad Solina, pokrywa szarym plaszczem braz - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze slonecznie. 9-stopniowo. Spiew ptakow. W dzienniku: "Traktuje to jako zwieczenie tej prowokacji" - mowi Antoni Macierewicz o przeszukaniu przez ABW. 27 lat temu Turek strzelal do papieza Jana Pawla II. Gorbaczow zaprzeczyl, ze zamachu dokonalo KGB. Ale mogl dokonac tego GRU. Chiny sa bezpieczne, uwaza rzad Chin po trzesieniu ziemi.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $1.24.2.

AGCA, Mehmet Ali (b. 1959), attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II (b. 1920) on May 13, 1981, as the pontiff was being driven around Rome's St. Peter's Square in an open Jeep-like vehicle nicknamed the Popemobile, which he stopped now and then to give personal blessings to some of the crowd of ten thousand. The Holy Father was on his third orbit of the square when Agca stepped from the crowd and, from less than six metres away, opened fire with a 9-mm Browning semi-automatic pistol. The pope was struck twice, one bullet grazing a hand and arm producing little more than superficial wounds, the other bullet lodging in his abdomen. Agca dropped his pistol and turned to escape when he was knocked to the ground and subdued by Suor Letizia, a large and robust nun. Letizia shouted, "Why did you do it? To which Agca responded, "Not me, not me." Agca was held until police arrived. The pope was rushed to the Gemelli Clinic, which has a special section reserved for papal medical emergencies. His blood pressure was falling rapidly and his pulse was almost undetectable. Just before surgery, last rites were administered to the unconscious patient. Although his situation was grave, John Paul had been lucky. The second bullet had not shattered on impact as it was supposed to. Also, in a pattern that duplicated almost exactly that of the bullet that entered US president Ronald Reagan only weeks earlier, it missed the aorta by millimetres. The pope's surgery lasted over five hours and the doctors removed almost two feet of the victim's intestines. In spite of losing sixty per cent of his blood to internal hemorrhaging, the pope survived.
Mehmet Ali Agca was born in the shantytown of Yesiltepe, just outside Malatya, Turkey. His family's situation worsened with the death of his alcoholic father when Agca was only seven. Agca was forced to work from a very young age selling water at the local train station. Intelligent and industrious, he managed to continue his education in spite of his circumstances.
While attending Malatya's Teachers' Training High School in 1975, he became affiliated with the Grey Wolves, a right-wing, anti-Western terrorist group affiliated with the National Action Party. In 1979, while attending Istanbul University, Agca was arrested for his involvement with the assassination of Abdi Ipekci, the editor of the leftist newspaper Milliyet. Agca pleaded guilty to the murder and insisted, in spite of eyewitness testimony, that he had acted alone. Within a month of his arrest, Agca had escaped from prison, simply walking out wearing an army uniform that had been smuggled into his cell. He left a letter for Milliyet declaring that the pope's impending visit to Turkey was intended to erode Islamic unity and that John Paul II would be killed if he entered the country. Agca did not attempt to kill the pope on his visit to Turkey, but at about the same time the informant who had fingered Agca in the editor's assassination was murdered.
A report prepared by the Vatican following the shooting stated that after his time in prison Agca left Turkey and travelled to more than twenty countries between 1979 and 1981. His time abroad apparently included training by the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Evidence also pointed to the conclusion that Agca had four confederates the day the pope was shot to help him make his escape. When Agca was apprehended at the scene, the others dispersed; only one was ever located.
Agca's motives have been the subject of much speculation, as was the question of who financed his travels and activites. Rumours suggested that the order to assassinate John Paul was probably issued by the Bulgarian secret service, though the exact nature and extent of Bulgarian involvement have never been determined. Some speculate that the Bulgarians were merely carrying out orders for the Soviet Union through the KGB. For his part, Agca, after serving about ten months of his life sentence, began to talk about Bulgarian involvement in the affair. His statements led to the arrest of three Bulgarians and four Turks. The trial of these conspirators, however, broke down when Agca rose in court and declared loudly, "I am Jesus Christ. In the name of the omnipotent God, I announce the end of the world. No one, neither the Americans nor the Soviets, will be saved. There will be destruction." The chief prosecutor, whose case relied completely on Agca's testimony, said, "When he starts speaking of facts, he is very believable." Agca changed his testimony from implicating the Bulgarians to placing the blame for the attempt on members of a secret Italian Masonic lodge and Italian intelligence. After nine months of such farce, all the defendants were acquitted for want of evidence. Agca remains the only person incarcerated for the attempt to kill the pope.
John Paul II, as is traditional for popes who have survived assassination attempts, visited Agca in his cell to forgive him for the attack. The two men chatted in Italian for twenty minutes. As the pope was leaving, Agca kissed his hand and declared to the press, "The pope knows everything."
The pope's own theory was that the attack was the work of Islamic forces, not communists. He also believes that he was saved through a miracle performed by the Virgin of Fatima whose feast day is May 13, the date of the attack. "One hand fired," the pope declared, "and another hand guided the bullet." Mehmet Ali Agca remains imprisoned in Italy. When the pope visited the shrine of Fatima in Portugal in 2000, he finally revealed the so-called third secret of Fatima, as given by the Virgin Mary to three children in a 1917 vision. The third secret was that there would be an attempt on the pope's life in 1981. In June 2000, Italy's president granted clemency to Agca, who therupon resumed serving a ten-year sentence for the assassination of the newspaper editor.
RESOURCES: His Holiness: John Paul II and the Hidden History of Our Time by Carl Bernstein and Marco Politi (New York, 1996). To Kill the Pope by Tad Szulc (New York, 2000) is a novel inspired by the Agca affair (George Fetherling, "A Biographical Dictionary Of The World's Assassins", Random House Canada, 2001).

18:53 Hrs. ABC NEWS wspominaja zmarla szlachcianke Irene Sendlerowa i jej wyczyn w ratowaniu Zydow przed Holocaustem.

19:43 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj wtorek. 13 maja 2008. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 7 godzin 56 minut. Imieniny Serwacego, Ofelii, Roberty, Arona, Roberta, Magdaleny, Glorii.

1908 - Urodzil sie Lucjan Ruszala, polski duchowny katolicki, kapucyn, misjonarz w Estonii, gdzie sprawowal opieke duszpasterska nad mieszkajacymi tam Polakami; zajmowal sie tez dzialalnoscia patriotyczna, kolportujac polska prase i organizujac obchody polskich swiat narodowych (zm. 1945 r.).
1958 - Zmarl Eugeniusz Mossakowski, spiewak operowy (baryton), solista opery warszawskiej, pedagog (ur. 1885 r.).
1981 - Na placu sw. Piotra w Rzymie turecki ekstremista probowal zastrzelic papieza Jana Pawla II; papiez zostal ciezko ranny ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").

Rzym Odkrycie amerykanskiego dziennikarza Johna O. Koehlera, ktory dotarl do dokumentow potwierdzajacych, ze KGB otrzymalo od wladz ZSRS rozkaz zabicia Jana Pawla II, nie dla wszystkich jest zaskoczeniem. Emerytowany wloski sedzia sledczy Ferdinando Imposimato, ktory od lat zajmuje sie kulisami zamachu na polskiego Papieza, twierdzi, ze znal ten dokument od dawna. Przypomina, ze o jego istnieniu mowil takze w kilku wywiadach dla wloskiej prasy sam Michail Gorbaczow. Co wiecej, wloski sedzia przekonany jest, iz na tej samej naradzie w listopadzie 1979 roku zapadla decyzja o zamachu na placu sw. Piotra. Tego jednak, jak uwaza, Gorbaczow nigdy nie potwierdzi. Imposimato twierdzi, ze posiada dowody na to, iz od chwili wyboru Karola Wojtyly na papieza sowiecki wywiad podjal intensywna akcje spenetrowania Watykanu. Zdaniem sledczego, zakonczyla sie ona pelnym sukcesem i juz w 1980 roku KGB mialo swoich ludzi w sekretariacie stanu Stolicy Apostolskiej oraz w kierownictwie watykanskiej dyplomacji ("Przeglad Tygodnia", GONIEC, 2-8 maja 2008).

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