Friday, November 03, 2023


KNIVES - A BRIEF HISTORY. Knives have been around since before the beginning of recorded history. Various mainstream archeological digs have unearthed evidence of man's usage of knives dating back plus or minus 8,000BC and some research even prior. The historical evidence throughout the evolution of mankind with regards to development of early edged tools demonstrates that the knife was one of the very first hand-held tools ever created. No one really knows of the knife's first use as a weapon or as a tool. In fact, more than ten thousand years later the debate still rages on today with regards to the development of modern knife usage (weapon or tool) policy for US law enforcement agencies. As with all useful inventions, the knife was a pretty good idea and withstood the test of time - lots of time, roughly ten to possibly twenty thousand years worth of time. Overall knife design went through various stages of development. The very first materials were most likely a sharpened bone or stick. Later on chipped stone and eventually modern metallurgy came into play. The very first knives were of course "fixed" - meaning that there were no moving parts. An early knife user simply reached for his fixed knife and pulled it out (hopefully by the handle) and began using it. Throughout history, the knife proved to be such an effective and efficient tool that it was further refined and developed. New variations were added such as a more comfortable handle and more sturdy materials which were able to hold an edge longer. Later on down the timeline sheaths were invented so that the knife could be carried by the owner for both convenience and in such a manner as to not inflict any unintended bodily damage upon himself or his neighbors. By the time of the Roman Empire knives were very well-developed and in addition to functionality, aesthetics had entered into the development equation. New innovations flourished in the manufacture of knives until roughly about the 2nd or 4th century AD when, according to archeological records, folding knives were introduced. Although fragments were found sporadically from various cultures, the first complete folding knife unearthed demonstrated clearly advanced workmanship. Drawing upon both functionality as well as aesthetics, these early Roman knife-makers developed one of the world's first truly functional folding knifes. Elsewhere on the planet there were other innovative ideas, such as carrying the blade between two broken pieces of bone. The concept of "knife between broken bones" originated in the Philippines. The term "Bali" (like the island of Bali located due east of the island of Java and the Indonesian Archipelago) literally translates to the word "broken." The term "soung" is from a dialect which means "bone" - the two terms used together literally translate to "broken bone" or more appropriate when referring to the folding knives of the Balisong Barrio in the Philippines "knife hidden in broken bone" (Steve Tarani, "Folding Knives: Carry & Development). *** Caly dzien studiowalem ksiazke Steve Tarani o scyzorykach. Steve Tarani jest policjantem i napisal taki podrecznik dla Policji. Scyzoryki sa tematem tabu, ale wiekszosc policjantow ich uzywa i potrzebna byla taka pozycja wyjasniajaca wszystko o scyzorykach. Tez przegladalem polonijna bibule. "Glos". Na okladce: *W 2022 poddano eutanazji w Kanadzie 13 tys. osob; *Kijow wie, ze koniec jest bliski; *Delegacja Izraela w ONZ zalozyla zolte gwiazdy; *Niech powroci pokoj! Kard. Pizzaballa poswiecil Ziemie Swieta Niepokalanemu Sercu Maryi; *Pionierzy Tradycjonalizmu katolickiego mieli racje + "Goniec". Na okladce: *Izrael rozwaza etnicznie "wyczyscic" Gaze; *Artur Pawlowski w Mississaudze; *Zapal znicz na grobie polskiego bohatera; *Wiedza o holokauscie obowiazkowa; *Ontario przedluzy obnizke stawki podatku od paliw. Bezplatne gazety "Wiadomosci" z "Mlodzi Kanadyjczycy tona w dlugach" na okladce + "Zycie" z "Wystawili rachunek na $2,500 za godzine. Polityka poprawnosci uszczupli budzdet" na okladce.

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