Monday, February 05, 2018

Miska jagly +

Miska jagly
glowka czosnku. Jagla mnie zwalila z nog + czosnkiem sie jeszcze dobilem. Caly dzien w stanie medytacyjnym + modlitwa o wstawiennictwo sw. Agaty.

"Gdzie sw. Agata, tam bezpieczna chata" - PRZYSLOWIE POLSKIE

5 luty
Sw. Agata jest patronka od ognia. W ten dzien poswieca sie chleb, sol i wode, ktore chronia ludzi od pozarow i piorunow. Kiedy przechowujemy w domach poswiecony chleb i sol mozemy byc pewni, ze ogien ani uderzenie pioruna nie naruszy naszego domu. Dostrzegamy wstawiennictwo tej Sw. dziewicy, kiedy ten poswiecony chleb wrzucimy w plomienie ognia, ktory sie gdzies rozprzestrzenil. Dlatego dobrze nosic ze soba chociazby malenki kawalek takiego chleba.
Kiedy 5 lutego karmi sie bydlo poswieconym chlebem i sola, chroni sie je w ten sposob przed zaraza. Sw. Agata meczennica byla poddawana roznym torturom. Niewiasty w roznych swoich chorobach zwracaja sie do niej.

Panie Boze, Sw. Agata zawsze podobala sie Tobie dzieki swej czystosci i przez swoje meczenstwo. Niech za jej wstawiennictwem otrzymamy milosierne przebaczenie naszych grzechow. Amen ("Modlitwa Ofiara i Pokuta jedyna droga do prawdziwego zycia w Bogu", MARIA VINCIT, Wroclaw 2016).

Wczoraj, jak szedlem do kosciola (+ robilem fotki mijanych kosciolow), zdalem sobie sprawe w jak chrzescijanskim miescie ja zyje. Sw. Kazimierz jest 4-tym kosciolem na mojej drodze (3 katolickie + 1 protestancki - United Church). Najblizszy mojego domu to kosciol Sw. Joanny d'Arc (St. Joan of Arc). 5 minut drogi. Kosciol wybudowany w 1919 roku (tym samym co moj dom). Raz tylko z Ryskiem bylem w nim na Mszy sw. pogrzebowej z powodu smierci sasiada z ulicy. Starszym od niego jest kosciol St. Vincent De Paul na ul. Roncesvalles z 1914 roku.

Z mojego miejsca zamieszkania w obrebie 1.5 mili (2.4 km) jest 15 kosciolow. Na tak malym terenie miasta 15 kosciolow! Co to swiadczy o ludziach, ktorzy budowali ten kraj. To jest kraj wyrosly z cywilizacji lacinskiej, kraj chrzescijanski. Bede musial zrobic sobie taki projekt i odwiedzic wszystkie "moje" 15 kosciolow.



Why Baby Boomers
Should Get Tested
for Hepatitis C

Canadians often hear about celebrities who live life in the fast lane contracting hepatitis C, a blood-borne disease that can lead to liver damage and even cancer, and assume the disease is spread only through injecting illicit drugs.
"But not all of those who infected with the virus have engaged in high-risk behaviour," says Dr. Morris Sherman, a Hepatologist and Chairperson. "People born between 1945 and 1965 are five times more likely to have the disease regardless of their actions." In fact, about 75 percent of the 250,000 Canadians infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) were born during that time.
Dr. Sherman and other experts suspect that some of these baby boomers contracted the disease through medical equipment used before universal infection control procedures were adopted, while others contracted it through contaminated blood products used before 1992, when widespread screening all but eliminated HCV from blood supply.
About half of those infected with the virus don't know they have it, as HCV can linger for decades without symptoms.

Advocates push for wider access to hepatitis C screening
Many health care providers are encouraging boomers to get tested. A blood test looks for antibodies to the virus, and if the result is positive, a second test is ordered for confirmation.
Advocacy groups are lobbying policy makers to revise screening guidelines to include routine testing for all boomers, rather than just for individuals traditionally considered at risk - intravenous drug users, former prison inmates, people who received blood products before 1992, and those who emigrated from countries where HCV is more prevalent.
"We've been taking steps to make that happen," says Dr. Sherman. He notes that among other initiatives, advocates sent a letter to Jane Philpott, the former Minister of Health. "We're looking for a comprehensive response."
The Canadian Treatment Action Council (CTAC) is also calling for expanded access to testing and treatment of HCV so that no Canadian falls through the cracks. "Equitable access to treatments for those infected with hepatitis C would go a long way in reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with viruses such as HCV and HIV, and would also limit the level of risk posed to public health," says Amanda Fletcher, a policy researcher at CTAC.
Treatment for HCV used to involve months of drug injections and the success rate was low. Today, patients take a pill for 8 to 12 weeks, after which 90 to 100 percent of them are cured.
CTAC feels Canadians should not have to live with HCV. "People should realize that they have a right to get tested and to be tested in a way that is comfortable to them," says Shelina Karmali, Executive Director (Randi Druzin, PERSONALHEALTHNEWS.CA).

00:17 Hrs. 1-sza szklanka wody.

01:03 Hrs. Jem jablko.

01:10 Hrs. Jem kawalek czekolady 74%.

02:00 Hrs. Jem kawalek czekolady 85 % + 2-ga szklanka wody.

02:27 Hrs. Jem 3 garstki (30) orzeszkow ziemnych + kawalek czekolady 74% + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Gdy luty z wiatrami, rychla wiosna przed nami".

02:56 Hrs. Siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste) + waze sie przed pojsciem do lozka. 74 kg.

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