Thursday, November 24, 2016

Jak wolnosci

Image result for polish-american friendshipto tylko polskiej - zlotej, zycze Amerykanom w ten Dzien Dziekczynienia i nowemu prezydentowi, panu Donaldowi Trumpowi (wiadomo szlachcic, no, ale w historii Stanow Zjednoczonych kazdy prezydent musial miec szlacheckie pochodzenie).

Tez smacznego indyka zycze rodzine, Zarembom ze Stanow + znajomym, przyjaciolom i amerykanskim sympatykom, ktorzy nie zapominaja, ze idee amerykanskiej zlotej wolnosci wykuwala tez polska szlachta, z sarmata Kazimierzem Pulawskim h. Slepowron  Image result for herb slepowron  na czele.

Dzien mokry + prawie caly zlecial w szpitalu. Jak zwykle duzo czasu spedzilem w ksiegarnii INDIGO.CA. ulokowanej w budynku szpitala. Mile spedzony czas + wspaniale ksiazki. Wyszedlem z pozycja Colonel Bernd Horn pt. "A most ungentlemanly way of war: The SOE and the Canadian Connection" + magazyn "Time" z "Donald Trump President-elect. Nov. 9, 2016" na okladce.

"In general, commanding a large number is like commanding a few. It is a question of dividing up the numbers. Fighting with a large number is like fighting with a few. It is a question of configuration and designation" - SUN-TZU

DURING THE SECOND WORLD WAR, British prime minister Winston Churchill created the Special Operations Executive (SOE) to conduct acts of sabotage and subversion and raise secret armies of partisans in German-occupied Europe. With the directive to "set Europe ablaze," the SOE undertook a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the Nazi Gestapo. An agent's failure could result in indescribable torture, dispatch to a concentration camp, and, often, a death sentence.
The SOE has and important Canadian connection: Canadians were among its operatives and agents behind enemy lines. Camp X, in Whitby, Ontario, was a special training school that prepared agents for overseas duty, and an infamous Canadian, code-named "Interpid," ran SOE operations in the Americas (Colonel Bernd Horn, "A most ungentlemanly way of war: The SOE and the Canadian Connection", DUNDURN, Toronto 2016).

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