Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Bylem jednym

Wrak Stoczni "Ustka", 2012
z pierwszych, ktorzy mieli odwage wpisac sie na liste wolnych zwiazkow SOLIDARNOSC w Stoczni "Ustka". Zwyciezylismy. Z malej iskry w Stoczni "Ustka" zapalilo sie cale srodkowe Pomorze. Pozniej podlaczylismy sie do Gdanska. Do Walesy. Wtedy mnie i innych wspomagajacych strajk w Stoczni "Ustka" zaczeto odsuwac. Ja juz i tak bylem gdzie indziej myslami. Na wolnosci. Na Zachodzie. W czasie strajku komunistyczne wladze decydowaly czy dac mi passport. Dali. Po kilku dniach po strajku opuszczam Polske. Wyjezdzam do swojej dziewczyny Nicole z Genewy. Mamy spotkac sie w Hamburgu.

Co z tego, ze jestem tworca i to dosc aktywnym stworzenia 1-szej Solidarnosci? Na Zachodzie nie marnowalem czasu, tylko szybko sie uczylem i poznawalem system demokratyczny, aby kiedys w wolnej Polsce sluzyc swoja wiedza. Gdy komuna padla w Polsce wrocilem z emigracji do tzw. "wolnej Polski" w 1992 roku. Po wizycie prez. Walesy w Kanadzie i jego slawnym zawolaniu, ze Polska jest wolna i mozemy wracac. Wrocilem z Mama, patriotka z krwi i kosci. Wiadomo Zarembianka. Najpierw poszedlem w Ustce do siedziby Solidarnosci w bylej biblotece publicznej. Mowie, wrocilem, wolna Polska, chce jej sluzyc. Popatrzeli na mnie jak na warjata. Sluzyc? Mowie, znam jezyki, skonczylem studia w Kanadzie. Na pewno potrzebujecie takich ludzi. Studia jakie?. Zapytal jeden z zwiazkowcow. Polityczne, mowie. Tacy "polityczni" to juz nami rzadzili wczesniej, odezwal sie filozoficznie jakis 2-gi zwiazkowiec. Mowie powiadomcie centrale, Walese, obojetnie kogo, ze taki czlowiek, ktory budowal 1-sza Solidarnosc zjawil sie i chce sluzyc Polsce + wyszedlem.

Wszystko zrobiono abym jednak nie zostal w Polsce. Okpiono, wysmiano, nic nie moglem odzyskac ze swoich skonfiskowanych przez komune rzeczy. Szczegolnie mieszkania stoczniowego, kore Tatus swoja krwawica, wyrzeczeniami i ciezka praca w stoczni sobie wypracowal. Nic nie odzyskalem. Nic nie zalatwilem. Moja edukacja kanadyjska okazala sie gowno warta dla III RP. Jednym slowem joke. Po tyranicznych walkach z urzedami polskimi ponownie wyemigrowalem do Kanady w 1996 roku. 4 lata zmarnowane. Zycie zaczalem od nowa. Ktory to juz raz z rzedu?

Dzis wielki dzien. Tak wielki, ze nie uniosl bym pracy na swoich barkach. To wzialem wolne. Musialem jechac do ministerstwa. Sprawy urzedowe. No i ta 37 rocznica podpisania umow strajkowych i koniec strajku, ktory odmienil moje zycie. I chyba zycie wszystkich Polakow. Gratulacje dla siebie i moich przyjaciol, ktorzy nie bali sie wbrew pogrozkom Cyrankiewicza, ze bedzie obcinal rece podniesione na komune, podniesc je. Podnieslismy i zwyciezylismy.

Skoro dzien wolny, to nadrobilem zakupy. Zrobilem wielki deal ksiazkowy w VALUE VILLAGE, na ktorym zarobilem $126.94. Kupilem 5 ksiazek wartosci $135.84 za $19.90. Nowe, nieuzywane. Tez zaliczylem zwykle sklepy i sklep z naturalna zywnoscia i suplementami. Skonczyl mi sie magnez, glog, koenzym Q10.

Pomyslalem, ze zaczne ten blog wlasciwie 5 poczatkowymi paragrafami ksiazek, ktore kupilem I po powrocie do domu zaczalem ostro studiowac.

"The book is truly excellent ... the standard of the contributions is extraordinarily high" - OBSERVER.

The history of Greece and Rome can be looked at in two different ways. It can be seen as forming a single whole, all the way from the emergence of the Greek city-state (the polis) in the eighth century BC to the enormous expansion and eventual disintegration of the Roman Empire, a society which rested on Roman military and political power but whose culture, literature, and arts were truly Graeco-Roman. It can also be seen as two separate stories: first, the rise of the Greek polis from poverty and obscurity to the self-confident splendours of the 'classical period in the fifth century BC, its extension over great areas of Asia by the conquests of Alexander, and its eventual subjugation by the Roman legions. Then there is the second story: the small city of Rome fighting its way to supremacy, first in Italy, and then in the whole of the Mediterranean basin; losing its republican constitution and becoming an Empire; conquering and exploiting the cities and kingdoms of Greece, and, and ruling the world until the 'barbarians' gradually become too strong and transformed the empire into a number of states which rested on quite different practices and beliefs. Each of these two perspectives contains some important truth.
The truly creative period of antiquity is quite a short part of that very long tale. The decisive advance was made in the archaic and classical periods of Greece, from the late eighth to the early fourth century BC. In that short period, in a small area of the eastern Mediterranean, societies emerged which are uniquely important to us. It was there that democracy was invented and argued about, achieved and attacked. Romans disapproved of democracy, and after the conquest of Greece by the Macedonian kings, and then by the Roman Republic, democracy was suppressed in favour of the domination of the upper class. Other basic questions were discussed, in works of literature which have survived the centuries. Is slavery wrong ('against nature')? What is the ultimate source of law, human or divine? Should the family be abolished in favour of the state? (Plato abolished it in theory, and the Spartans went a long way towards abolishing it in fact.) Is civil disobedience sometimes right? (Sophocles' Antigone is a classic discussion.) What is the right relation of the sexes? (Plato envisaged, and Aristophanes burlesqued, the idea of women holding political power.) How can the rule of law be established over blood-feud and family loyalties? What justifies a state in ruling other states, or is there no such thing as justification, but only the ruthless logic of power? (This greatly exercised Thucydides.) What is the ideal size for a community? What is the role of heredity and what of education in the formation of character? It is notable that the decline in creative thought in Greece went along with the loss of political independence (Jasper Griffin, "The Oxford illustrated history of Greece and the Hellenistic world").

"Mazzini autorizza furti incendi e avvelenamenti" - MAFIA

Nearly 150 years have passed since the word mafia first appeared in a 1863 theatrical work composed by Giuseppe Rizzotto and Gaetano Mosca entitled I mafiusi di la Vicaria. The protagonists were men endowed with a profound sense of morality, cruel to the arrogant but kind and helpful to the needy. This image of the Mafioso as a "man of honor," good to the weak, above the laws of the state, but subject to a precise code, remained firmly rooted in the collective imagination. Only in 1984, thanks to the testimony of Tommaso Buscetta, has light been thrown on the structure of the criminal organization, on its objectives and the strategies behind its actions.
This illustrated history begins at the origins of the mafia phenomenon in Sicily, traveling across continents with the great wave of Italian immigrants to the Unites States and the formation of the first mafia families and Prohibition, through the situation in Italy under Fascism and during the postwar years, the bloody conflicts between mafia families, the Maxi Trial of 1986, and the resulting period of mafia outrages. The names and portraits of criminals who have entered popular legend are here, including Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel, as are those notorious for their cruelty, such as Toto Riina and Bernardo Provenzano.
Together with these there are the people who have been victims of the mafia - civil servants such as judges, police officers, and private citizens - all of whom tenaciously fought against the Cosa Nostra at the price of their lives. This book is primarily their story (Massimo Picozzi, "Cosa Nostra. An illustrated history of the Mafia").

"Man is the measure of all things" - PROTAGORAS

As a general practitioner working in a large metropolitan center - Toronto, Canada - for almost 30 years, I have encountered a vast population of diverse ethnic groups with different cultural and ideological backgrounds. Over the years I have seen that almost half of my patients suffer not from organic illnesses but from anxieties and psychological problems. Some of my patients' problems are caused by situational stress and others are triggered by identifiable metabolic causes such as drug abuse, alcoholism, chemical imbalances, and other ailments. However, a large number of my patients create, manifest, and reinforce their own anxieties, without knowing the root cause of their problems. In this book, I identify these problems as resulting from their inability or unwillingness to let go of their own beliefs, values, ideologies, traditions, and religions. Tunnel vision and narrow-mindedness have prompted them to see things from their own perspective only. Typically, they either stubbornly refuse to tolerate or simply ignore alternate points of view (Wing C. Cheong, M.D., "The expansion of human consciousness").

"Something about our republic makes us go armed" - THOMAS McGUANE

I like guns. That's a difficult admission, as if I were confessing to some kind of perversion, though it ought not to be. People like all kinds of things: cars, sailboats, acoustic guitars, fountain pens, Swiss watches, split-cane fly rods, canoes. Nobody has to justify liking these things, as I continually asked to justify liking guns. My reason is simple: shooting is fun, just as blasting music is fun, or canoeing, or fly fishing, or driving a powerful car at irresponsible speeds. Nobody thinks you're weird for liking power tools (A.J. Somerset, "Arms. The culture and credo of the gun").

"If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it" - ANCIENT SAYING

Millions of people in history have studied Tao (pronounced dow) and continue to study Tao. People who have not studied Tao, and even people who have studied Tao, may think that Tao is very sacred, mysterious, and hard to understand. They may know that it is very profound, ancient, and sacred philosophy, wisdom, and practices. They may relate Tao with Tao Te Jing (pronounced dow duh jing), the great classic, world-renowned philosophy book by Lao Zi (pronounced lao dz), who is considered to be the founder of Taoism. They may relate Tao with images of saints and sages with long, completely whit hair and yet with perfectly smooth skin and baby faces, full of youthful vitality and flexibility. They may relate Tao to secret practices for energy, rejuvenation, and even immorality.
They may relate Tao to fairy-tale stories about saints who could fly, disappear, and move instantly from one place to another without a vehicle (Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, "Tao I. The way of all life").

02:33 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

04:22 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

06:42 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu (slomkowe + puszyste).

07:15 Hrs. Budze sie naturalnie + lektura tronowa. "Newsweek".

07:48 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg + arytmia.

07:52 Hrs. Temperatura na tarasie 24C. Temp. w kuchni 25C. CP24 TV podaje temperature w Toronto 22C. Odczuwalne 28C. + zrywam kartke z kalendarza: "Tak naprawde to nikt nie chce wojny, jednak wielu potrzebuje nienawisci" - MAX FRISCH.

08:17 Hrs. Pije 1-sza szklanke wody z lyzeczka 300 mg magnezu w proszku Magnesium Citrate + "Najwiecej smaku jest w polskim chlopaku" - unosi sie w Radio 7 na fali 1320 AM.

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