Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Ochlodzilo sie +

wyszlo slonce. Po pracy zmierzylem sobie cisnienie krwi. Po prawidlowym rano zmienilo sie na nadcisnienie I stopnia.


London In the long-simmering and emotional debate over a notorious mass killing during the Second World War, the European Court of Human Rights ruled Monday Russia had failed to comply with its obligations to adequately investigate the massacre of more than 20,000 Polish prisoners of war by Soviet secret police in 1940. But the court said it had no jurisdiction over the massacre itself in the Katyn forest, near
Smolensk. "We are rather disappointed," Poland's deputy foreign minister, Artur Nowak-Far, told Agence France-Presse. "The ruling does not take into account all the arguments of the Polish side that have here a great moral and historic right." After decades of denial, Russia admitted responsibility for the massacre in 1990, and opened a criminal investigation. The investigation was closed 14 years later, but much of its findings were classified and no one was publicly held responsible. The New York Times (NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, October 22, 2013).

Istnieje wystarczajaca ilosc dowodow naukowych, aby wykazac, ze komorki skory, komorki watroby, komorki serca, komorki ukladu odpornosciowego, itp. wszystkie one maja te sama niezwykla zdolnosc do myslenia, odczuwania emocji i podejmowania decyzji, jak w przypadku komorek mozgu (Andreas Moritz, "Ponadczasowe tajemnice zdrowia i odmladzania", BIBLIOTEKA NOWEJ ZIEMI, Krakow 2012).

01:25 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi. Na dworze 5-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 20C.

04:08 Hrs. Mierze stezenie cukru we krwi na czczo. 7.5 mmol/L = 135 mg/dL.

04:12 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi 6 razy + wyciagam srednia.

1) 129/74 + puls 75.
2) 126/81 + puls 71.
3) 127/74 + puls 69.
4) 117/75 + puls 70.
5) 121/76 + puls 68.
6) 126/78 + puls 69.
Srednia: 124/76 + puls 70. Kategoria: Prawidlowe.

04:23 Hrs. Pije pierwsza szklanke wody z cytryna.

06:25 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Making a Stand. Time for influential Muslims to oppose extremism" na okladce.

06:37 Hrs. "Slodkie slowo wolnosc, bez ktorego trudno zyc" - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM gdy staje i czestuje sie ze skrzynek na chodniku "Metro" z "Ford vouched for man with criminal past. Driver's licence denied. Man has second-degree murder, stunt driving convictions on record" na okladce + "24hrs" z "PMO made a deal: Duffy's Lawer" na okladce.

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