Friday, May 31, 2013


Marijuana_leaf : The words medical marijuana surrounding a cannabis leaf iconcytaty dotyczace medycznej marihuany. Jeszcze zyje pod wrazeniem Treating Yourself Expo. Glowa peka od informacji. Na dywanach rozlozone materialy wydawnicze (propaganda) + rozne prezenty i zakupy.

Dlatego zaczne od pana Marco Renda. Tworcy magazynu TREATING YOURSELF, THE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE JOURNAL + animatora corocznych ekspozycji. Poznalem. Piekna postac. Takich trzeba nam liderow. Na razie mamy roznego rodzaju "czerwonych". Od Torysow zaczynajac, a na Liberalach i NDP konczac. Dla nich pojecie zdrowia i wolnosci akurat nie dotyczy cierpiacych osob pozbawionych przez panstwo naturalnej medycyny. Rzad Kanady dalej przesladuje pacjentow uzywajacych konopi jako lekarstwa i zastrasza lekarzy, ktorzy wypisuja + zalecaja konopie jako lekarstwo. Wot Kanacka wolnosc a la Putin.

W dziwnym panstwie zyjemy. Pozwala ono mordercy nienarodzonych dzieci dozyc do 90 lat, a nie pozwala uzywac konopi jako lekarstwa.

Intimidating patients and doctors who chose cannabis as medicine...

Well here we are again, having to deal with the powers that be at Health Canada. Not only have they gone after Doctors who were willing to sign the MMAR forms, they are now going after patients again.

I have had my MMAR exemption since 2001 and have to change Doctors for one reason or another. My last Doctor was arrested and is unable to continue to sign for patients as he is fighting his charges. My current Doctor agreed to sign my renewal forms even though he wasn't familiar with the MMAR program. He agreed to sign because it was a renewal and he was my parents Doctor. Well low and behold someone who works at Health Canada / MMAR with NO medical training or background called my Doctor, questioning his decision to sign my exemption at such a high dosage. They continued to say that a 5 gr per day limit is the average dose. Where does this person that works at Health Canada get their information from? Well your guess is as good as mine! This has now left my Doctor spooked and uncomfortable in prscribing me with the required dosage.

So, patients who choose to use cannabis in Canada are getting the run around but our neighbors to the South of us are also feeling the heat coming from their Government and law enforcement officials. I find it disgusting that these elected officials are ignoring court orders as well as the campaign promises they made to get elected. When are we going to see this entire hypocrisy end? I guess it's more important for these elected government officials to spend billions on so called terrorism instead of looking after their own citizens.

Election time is just around the corner to those in the USA and I am hoping that they elect someone with integrity and someone who also supports the use of cannabis as medicine. For those of us here in Canada I can only hope that Prime Minister Stephen Harper realizes that his days are numbered if he doesn't start to listen to those who put him in power in the first place.

In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers go out to all those patients who continue to suffer in this ridiculous war against cannabis users.

Until Next Time
Take Care and Peace

Marco Renda - Federal Exemptee - Publisher and Editor in Chief Treating Yourself, The Alternative Medicine Journal - ("Marco's Editorial", TREATING YOURSELF, Issue 37, 2012).

Study. Pot treats may entice kids

Increased use of medical marijuana may lead to more young children getting sick from accidentally eating food made with the drug, a Colorado study suggests.
Medical marijuana items include yummy-looking gummy candies, cookies and other treats that may entice young children. Fourteen children were treated at Colorado Children's Hospital in the two years after a 2009 federal policy change led to a surge in medical marijuana use, the study found. That's when federal authorities said they would not prosecute legal users.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (METRO, Tuesday, May 28, 2013).

Low amounts of THC may curb brain injury: Study

Extremely low amounts of THC - the active ingredient in marijuana - may protect the brain against injury, a new study has found. Researchers injected brain-injured mice with a low dose of THC and found they performed better in learning and memory tests than the control group of mice that didn't get the drug. The mice that got the THC also had higher amounts of neuroprotective chemicals. The treatment could be used to prevent brain injury or to potentially treat after the trauma, said author Prof. Yosef Sarne of Tel Aviv University's Adelson Center for the Biology of Addictive Diseases in New York. - AMI AGENCY (24 HRS, Friday, May 31, 2013).

Deciekliwosc jest zaleta wsrod dziennikarzy sledczych jednak polscy dziennikarze sa tu wyjatkiem. Polskie dzienniarstwo sledcze praktycznie nie istnieje, poza kilkoma chlubnymi wyjatkami. I to w kraju, gdzie za kazdym rogiem czeka na takiego dziennikarza prawdziwe Eldorado - zaglebie postkomunistycznych patologii, krolestwo korupcji (Anna Labieniec, "Od redakcji", MERKURIUSZ POLSKI, 30 maja - 5 czerwca 2013).

00:20 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

04:00 Hrs. Budzik zrywa mnie na rowne nogi.

04:10 Hrs. Badam cisnienie krwi 6 razy + wyciagam srednia.

1) 114/81 + puls 115.
2) 114/82 + puls 114.
3) 113/81 + puls 113.
4) 115/84 + puls 113.
5) 110/83 + puls 115.
6) 116/84 + puls 115.
Srednia: 113/82 + puls 114. Kategoria: Prawidlowe.

04:33 Hrs. Pije wode z cytryna + biore 2 lyzki oleju z pestek dyn Styrian Gold + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

04:38 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Do Rzeczy".

15:06 Hrs. W domu. Temp. na tarasie 30C. + gazety polonijne na stole. "Glos Polski". Na okladce:

* Niebo dla ateistow i pelzajaca nieomylnosc.
* Seks jako narzedzie kontroli spolecznej.
* Czy Bog istnieje?
* "Salon" i Polacy.
* Czym jest antykaczyzm.

"Goniec". Na okladce:

* Odpust w Brampton.
* Drony nad miastem...
* W szponach ontaryjskiej mafii budowlanej.
* International Day w szkole Pio.

"Gazeta Gazeta". Na okladce:

* Afera burmistrza Toronto nasila sie.
* Koniec polskiej TV w OMNI.
* Procesje Bozego Ciala w calej Polsce.
* Czerwiec decydujacy dla procesu kanonizacyjnego Jana Pawla II.
2 fotografie: (1) Burmistrz Toronto Rob Ford; (2) Procesja eucharystyczna podczas uroczystosci Bozego Ciala 30 bm., w Kluczu. Procesje w Kluczu oras sasiednich wsiach: Olszowej i Zimenej Wodce slyna z niezwyklej, tradycyjnej oprawy. Monstrancja z Najswietszym Sakramentem jest niesiona po kwietnych kobiercach przygotowywanych przez okolicznych mieszkancow.

Z gazet darmowych: "Nowy Przeglad" z "Co roku zabijanych jest ponad 100 tysiecy chrzescijan" na okladce + "Merkuriusz Polski" z "Kanada wsrod najlepszych miejsc do zycia" na okladce + "Wiadomosci" z "Interpol gora!" na okladce + niemieckojezyczny "Das Journal" z "Wohin mit der Bundeswehr im 21. Jarhundert?" na okladce.

21:15 Hrs. Jem 2 awokado pokropione ocem winnym + biore kapsulke glogu HAWTHORN EXTRACT + kapsulke jagody brazylijskiej Acai.

21:30 Hrs. Biore lyzeczke cynamonu + 11-sta szklanka wody.

21:38 Hrs. Biore 280 mg magnezu MAGsmart.

23:27 Hrs. Biore tabletke magnezu Laktomag B6 + 12-sta szklanka wody + 30 kropelek czosnku w plynie allivictus.

23:40 Hrs. Przed pojsciem do lozka pije kieliszek koniaku Armagnac de MONTAL + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

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