Saturday, June 16, 2012


kocham Czechow? Bo od nich przyjelismy Chrzescijanstwo + sa narodem wolnosciowym o bohemicznym odcieniu + maja najbardziel liberalne prawa narkotykowe na swiecie + umieja kopac pilke.

04:25 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu.

08:04 Hrs. Budzi mnie siusiu + wstaje. Na dworze 19-stopniowo. Temp. w kuchni 22C.

0814 Hrs. Woda z cytryna + czestuje sie czekoladka Xocai POWER.

08:17 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Wprost".

SYLWESTER LATKOWSKI: Palisz marihuane?
LIROY: Tak, pale, oficjalnie sie przyznam, od 20 lat regularnie. Dla niektorych to bardzo duzo, ale znam takich, co pala wiecej. Porownalbym palenie jointow do palenia cygar. To jest cos szczegolnego jednak, a nie wypalenie zwyklej fajki. Poza tym nie mowie o paleniu jakiegos scierwa, tylko o prawdziwej marihuanie. Dzisiaj w Polsce czesto ludzie pala syf robiony przez Wietnamczykow, kontrolowany przez policje. O tym wie duzo osob, a niewiele mowi glosno. Polityka antynarkotykowa jest dziwna. Nie chce mi sie w nia az tak zaglebiac, bo wszyscy o tym wiedza i mowia. Ja staje sie rolnikiem. odziedziczylem pole po dziadku i uprawiam konopie siewne ("Jestem przestepca, pale marihuane. Panstwo robi z ludzi przestepcow. Tak, ja tez lamie prawo, bo pale. Ale jezeli prawo stoi w sprzecznosci z wolnoscia, to ja to prawo bede lamal", WPROST, 10 czerwca 2012).

09:00 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 71 kg.

09:09 Hrs. Podnosze z werandy "National Post" z "Granting right to die. B.C. Supreme Court strikes down ban on assisted suicide" na okladce.

09:40 Hrs. Biore 3 tabletki chemii + popijam woda.

10:04 Hrs. Biore tabletke CENTRUM Select 50+ + zielona herbata.

10:36 Hrs. Biore pigulke RAPHACHOLIN C + zielona herbata.

10:44 Hrs. Odpalam maszyne + spiew ptakow. Jedziemy do Mississaugi. Obejrzymy tam tez mecz Polska-Czechy.

21:21 Hrs. W domu + podlawam kwiaty na werandzie. Na dworze 22-stopniowo. Odczuwalne 25C. Temp. w kuchni 23C.

By itself, Germany will have neither the appetite nor the power to challenge the Polish bloc, as we will refer to it. But the Germans will be painfully aware of the trajectory being followed. In due course, the Polish bloc will outstrip Central and Western Europe's power, and will achieve precisely what Germany had once dreamed of. It will assimilate and develop the western portion of the former Russian empire and, in so doing, build and economic bloc of substantial proportions.
The core weakness of the Polish block will be that it is relatively landlocked. It will have ports on the Baltic, but those could be readily blocked by any country with even minimal naval capabilities. The Skagerrak will be a dangerous choke point. If it is the only outlet Poland has, then Poland's maritime line of supply to the United States and the rest of the world will be strikingly vulnerable. The only other alternative will be to seek a port on the Adriatic. Croatia, historically close to the Hungarians, will control the port of Rijeka. Although it is limited, it certainly will be usable.
There will be two problems with using that port, both having to do with the Turks. First, the Turks will be deeply involved in the Balkans, as will the Hungarians and Romanians. As with all Balkan situations, this one will not want to see the Polish bloc moving toward the Mediterranean, and will use Bosnian-Croatian tensions to maintain insecurity. But even if that is not an issue, the use of the Adriatic and Mediterranean will not be based on the Polish bloc simply having a merchant fleet there. It will depend on control of the Strait of Otranto. The only other alternatives will be for Denmark to seize the Skagerrak and Poland to invade Germany, and the Poles will not be in a position to do that (George Friedman, "The next 100 years. A forecast for the 21st century", ANCHOR BOOKS, New York 2010).

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