Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Isabel zabila

chemioterapia. Po pierwszej sesji zzolkla jak zoltko jajka. Zrobili tylko dwie sesje i przerwali. Nigdy nie chciala brac chemii. Mowila, ze chemia ja zabije. Zgodzila sie po namowach rodziny i przyjaciol. "Edek, robie to aby juz zamknac im geby, aby dali mi swiety spokoj", mowila mi odkladajac sluchawke telefonu po rozmowie z nastepnym doradca radzacym aby wziac chemioterapie. Doradcy zyja, Isabel w proch sie obrocila.

Jestem przekonany, ze Isabel jeszcze by zyla, byla teraz w kuchni i cos tam pichcila, gdyby nie dwie rzeczy:
1. Masywny wylew krwi do mozgu i paraliz, zaraz po diagnozie raka trzustki z przerzutami na watrobe
2. Zgodzenie sie na chemioterapie.

Isabel walczyla na dwa fronty. Jak Polska rozkrzyzowana we wrzesniu 1939 roku, Isabel walczyla naraz z rakiem i paralizem. Byla taka silna, wytrwala i niezlomna. Batalie w koncu przegrala, ale godnie i z honorem. Odeszla szczesliwie.

Przed kalectwem i przykuciem do lozka, Isabel planowala zwalczac raka nie chemioterapia, a srodkami zielarskimi. Plany nie wyszly, weszla w rece medycyny konwencjonalnej, a ta sobie z tym przypadkiem nie poradzila. Jak zreszta w wiekszosci przypadkow.

We chatted about Patric Swayze, whose death from cancer had just been announced hours before. Here we were at a party for A Single Man, a beautiful movie about a man grieving for his dead lover - based on Christopher Isherwood's soulful mainstay - and here we were talking about a man gone too soon.
And guess what? Somers had an opinion - or three. An ardent foe of conventional cancer treatments - she rejected chemotherapy, against the advice of her doctors, when she had the disease and beat it some years back - the actress was calm, considered, yet angry. "They took this beautiful man," she told me, "and they basically put poison in him. "Why," asked Somers, "couldn't they have built him up nutritionally and gotten rid of the toxins in his body? (Shinan Govani, "'Are you trying to smell me?'", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, September 16, 2009).

Ask Suzanne: The treatment is worse than the cancer
Re: 'Are You Trying To Smell Me?' Shinan Govani, Sept. 16.
Actress and author Suzanne Somers is quoted as saying that chemotherapy killed Patrick Swayze. I agree that alternative treatment could have saved him, as it did me from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma after being diagnosed eight years ago. I went "alternative" after being offered a 40% chance of survival, if I survived the first conventional treatment. This diagnosis led me to an herbalist based in Ojai, Calif. He offered a number of his own formulated herbs, juces and organic food. After six months on this regime, the tumour in my head shrunk until it disappeared, with no sign of recurrence. I hope Ms. Somers' naturopathy book will help the ill and desperate make better decisions regarding their survival ("Letters to the Editor", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, September 23, 2009).

W jakiejkolwiek sytuacji sie znajdujesz, nigdy nie zapominaj, ze rak nie jest potezniejszy od Boga - mozna go przezwyciezyc! Pismo Swiete glosi: "Z Bogiem nic nie jest niemozliwe" (Dr Don Colbert, "Biblia Leczy Rak", WYDAWNICTWO m, Krakow 2007).

02:45 Hrs. Budze sie. Siusiu + lyk Diet Coke.

03:39 Hrs. Budze sie. Siusiu + lyk Diet Coke.

06:19 Hrs. Budze sie. Siusiu + lyk Diet Coke.

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