Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Schizofreniczne straszenie maryska

Kwiecien jest tradycyjnym miesiacem marihuany. Smakosze ziolka celebruja spozywajac je dla zdrowia i dla radosci. Aktywisci polityczni na rzecz legalizacji marihuany zwieraja szeregi, demonstruja i protestuja. Przeciwnicy i fanatycy prohibicji ziolka demonizuja go. Badacze i "autorytety naukowe" roznej masci, glownie sponsorowani przez policje i agendy rzadowe, udowadniaja w swoich rozprawach o szkodliwosci ziolka.
Jednym slowem, kwiecien plecien co przeplata, troche prawdy (bo ta jeszcze na cenzurowanym) i duzo klamstwa i czarnej diabolicznej propagandy na temat marihuany.

Heavy use of marijuana may lead to psychosis
Many adults in the sample had none of the usual risk factors

Among individuals who appear to be "mentally well," heavy use of marijuana may predispose them to develop schizophrenia and other "psychoses," new research suggests.
Among 92 patients, ages 18 to 65 years, who suffered a first episode of functional psychotic illness, more than half said they smoked marijuana daily or nearly every day and most of these individuals (66%) had no pre-existing signs of abnormal neurological development that would put them at risk for psychosis.
They had no family history of psychosis; they had been doing well academically; they had a group of friends and as such were not socially isolated; and they had good muscle coordination, Dr. Miguel Ruiz-Veguilla, of the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Granada, Spain, and co-investigators explain in the latest issue of the journal Schizophrenia Research.
The remaining 43% of the study subjects with a first psychotic episode did have signs of abnormal neurological development that increased their risk of psychosis, such as a family history of psychosis and trouble in the social and academic worlds.
The new and most interesting study finding, wrote the researchers, is that mentally healthy adults who smoke marijuana daily or nearly every day may experience psychotic symptoms, while not having any of the risk factors for these symptoms.
This study, Veguilla further explained, suggests patients with poor social and academic adjustment before the onset of illness "do not need an environmental factor in order to develop psychosis."
"While people with good social and academic adjustment before the onset of psychosis illness - defined as having more than five friends; good academic function; good motor coordination and sensory integration; and no family history of psychosis - need a strong environmental factor, such as smoking cannabis every day, to develop psychosis.
Reuters (NATIONAL POST, Tuesday, March 31, 2009).

05:32 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (

Zeby zrozumiec niebywala popularnosc Sabatonu, trzeba sie cofnac o 70 lat. We wrzesniu 1939 roku w okolicach Wizny, wsi na polnocnych rubiezach Rzeczypospolitej, znajdowal sie jeden z wazniejszych punktow strategicznych polskiej obrony. Fortyfikacje mialy powstrzymac XIX Korpus Pancerny generala Heinza Guderiana. Najciezsze walki o Wizne twaly od 7 do 10 wrzesnia. Dowodca polskiego odcinka byl kapitan Wladyslaw Raginis. Przez trzy dni 720 Polakow odpieralo atak 42 tysiecy zolnierzy niemieckich. Starcie zakonczylo sie kleska polskich obroncow.
Przezylo kilkudziesieciu zolnierzy Raginisa, a on sam, nie chcac sie poddac, zamknal sie w schronie i wysadzil ostatnim - jak glosi legenda - granatem. O ile straty po polskiej stronie sa znane, to o liczbie zabitych Niemcow niewiele wiadomo. General Guderian w pamietnikach zanizal liczbe niemieckich ofiar. Wiadomo jednak, ze Polacy zniszczyli dziesiec czolgow, pare wozow bojowych i przez kilka dni powstrzymywali marsz niemieckiego korpusu na Warszawe.
Spiewana w jezyku angielskim, emocjonalna, pelna patosu piosenka Sabatonu "40-1" opowiada wlasnie o tamtej bitwie: "Tak spokojnie przed burza - wykrzykuje Joakim Broden. - Czekajac na rozkazy, kilku zostalo wybranych, by zmierzyc sie z niezliczonym wrogiem. Rozkazy z dowodztwa brzmialy: walczyc do upadlego" (Dariusz Wilczak, "Glosna historia. Szwedzi z grupy Sabaton, ktorzy spiewaja o polskich bohaterach spod Wizny, maja wybitnego promotora. To potomek legendarnego dowodcy kapitana Raginisa", NEWSWEEK, 1.03.2009).

Sabaton - 40:1 Official video

06:04 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 87 kg.

06:43 Hrs. Ranek taki cichy, dzien powoli wstaje - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze ciemno, cicho i spokojnie. 4-stopniowo. W dzienniku: Zaloba w Marynarce Wojennej po katastrofie samolotu wojskowego Bryza w Gdynii. 4-osobowa zaloga zginela. W Sejmie nie beda mogli zasiadac przestepcy. Henryk Stoklosa przed sadem za korupcje. Obama twierdzi, ze mamy najwiekszy kryzys gospodarczy od II wojny swiatowej.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.84.2.

Dzestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" z "Report slams airport security" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "School of hard knocks. Post-secondary institutions trying to find new revenues" na okladce.

15:08 Hrs. "Do not fall apart" - spiewa Royal Wood w CBC RADIO 1 ( na fali 99.1 FM gdy wracam z pracy do domu. Na dworze slonecznie. 13-stopniowo. Szyba lekko uchylona.
ROBERT DZIEKANSKI - Morderstwo trwa dalej

And the neighbour angrily admonished lawyers for the federal government and RCMP, saying their questions appeared to be an effort to demonize Dziekanski and make the circumstances of his death less appalling.
"You're trying to make a bad person out of him, which means you can kill a bad person but you cannot kill a good person," Iwona Kosowska told Ravi Hira, the lawyer for the officer who fired the Taser.
"How can you?" (James Keller, "Taser victim tired, scared: Witness. Inquiry hears from man's neighbour in Poland", TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, March 31, 2009).

Piosenka o smierci Polaka hitem internetu (DZIENNIK.PL -

Kendel Carson I Don't Want To Live On A Street

Send the RCMP to Dallas
In Dallas, a police officer makes a bad mistake in judgment by insisting on writing a traffic ticket in front of a hospital, in spite of NFL player Ryan Moats's pleas that his mother-in-law is dying even as they are talking. The officer later publicly admits the mistake in judgment and apologizes.
In Vancouver, four RCMP officers make several bad mistakes in judgment by Tasering first, without having made any plan and withour even trying to talk to an upset man at the airport. The officers don't just fail to admit their mistakes or apologize for them. Instead - and in spite of clear evidence of what happened - they stick to their fabricated (grossly inaccurate) version of events, vainly trying to justify their mistakes.
And their boss has the nerve to tell Canadians to walk a mile in their shoes. Perhaps the RCMP can send their officers to Dallas for reality training.
John Blois, North Vancouver, B.C. ("Letters", NATIONAL POST, Wednesday, April 1, 2009).

20:30 Hrs. Odwracam kartke kalendarza ANIXTER ( W tym miesiacu reklamuje sie AXIS COMMNICATIONS ( Video surveillance. Without compromise.

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