Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Powrot zimy

czyli Back to Normal

A byly juz krotkie rekawki na chodnikach. Uchylona szyba w samochodzie. Nawet mini spodniczka sie pokazala i dekolt gleboki. Widoki za ktore talibowie kamieniowaliby jak diabla w Mekkce. Ale ku uciesze talibow wraca normalka. Czyli to co mamy 10 miesiecy w roku na tej Syberii kanadyjskiej. Parka zimowa, ocieplana + buty wysokie, ciezkie + czapka nakrywajaca uszy + rekawice termiczne + termiczne kalesonki + kominiarka na twarz + Vaseline Lip Therapy na usta + Hand Cream Neutrogena (http://www.neutrogena.com/) na dlonie. Dla seksualnie zboczonych talibow Kanada jest rajem. Skory nie uwidzisz.

05:30 Hrs. Pierwsza lektura tronowa. "Newsweek" (http://www.newsweek.pl/).

Jednak pewien postep juz widac, takze w sferze religijnej. Rijad prowadzi z Watykanem rozmowy na temat budowy pierwszego kosciola w krolewstwie, a w 2007 roku saudyjski monarcha po raz pierwszy w historii udal sie z oficjalna wizyta do papieza. W ubieglym roku krolewstwo zorganizowalo swiatowa konferencje na temat dialogu miedzy religiami w Madrycie. To dobre sygnaly, choc jednoczesnie nie mozna zapominac, ze w kraju Saudow obchodzenie niemuzulmanskich swiat jest zakazane, podobnie jak noszenie krzyza lub innych niz islamskie symboli religijnych. Zydzi do dzis nie maja wstepu na teren krolewstwa (Monika Rebala, "Duchowni w odwrocie", NEWSWEEK, 1.03.2009).

05:55 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 87 kg.

06:42 Hrs. A na dodatek miala takie cialo, gdy szla ulica wszystko drzalo - unosi sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze bialo i mroznie. Minus 4-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -12C. Samochod pokryty sniegem. Szyby oblodzone. Ostre skrobanko + przeklinanko, za jakie grzechy ta Syberia? Ulice boczne nie oczyszczone ze sniegu. Slisko. W dzienniku: Prof. Andrzej Stelmachowski nie zyje. Zmarl w wieku 84 lat. Po trzesieniu ziemi we Wloszech ponad 150 osob nie zyje. 17 tys. ludzi bez dachu nad glowa. Strzaly w sadzie niemieckim. Polska policja lapie pederastow.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.84.9.

Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" z "Death toll climbs in Italy" na okladce + "Metro" (www.metronews.ca) z "Anxious moments. Local Italian community comes to aid of quake victims" na okladce.

09:35 Hrs. Dostaje arytmii serca.

15:16 Hrs. Wpadam w dziure w jezdni gdy wracam z pracy do domu. Kilka takich wpadek w dziurki i trzeba kalibrowac kola. Na dworze wietrznie. Pada snieg. Minus 1-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -9C.

15:50 Hrs. Po drugiej lekturze tronowej ("Newsweek" - www.newsweek.pl) + oblucjach polekturnych, wskakuje na wage APSCO. 86 kg. Burczy i ssie w zoladku z glodu.

Po zwycieskiej bitwie pod Wiedniem sprawnie dzielono bogate lupy. Tylko na jedna zdobycz nikt nie mial ochoty - na worki z brazowymi ziarnami, o ktorych mowiono, ze to pasza dla wielbladow. Bylo ich 200, a moze nawet 300. O tym, ze to nie pasza, lecz najprawdziwsza arabska kawa, wiedzial sposrod zwyciezcow chyba tylko Jerzy Franciszek Kulczycki, polski szlachcic, kupiec i tlumacz, ktory sporo czasu spedzil na ziemiach tureckich podczas misji dyplomatycznych. Zazyczyl sobie workow w nagrode. Spelniono jego dziwaczna prosbe, bo podczas oblezenia Kulczycki niebywale zasluzyl sie miastu. Wraz ze sluga przedostal sie do obozu idacego z odsiecza ks. Karola Lotarynskiego i przekazal mu informacje o polozeniu wojsk tureckich, co ulatwilo chrzescijanom zwyciestwo (Rafal Geremek, "Kawa po polsku. Dokladnie 325 lat temu polski szlachcic zalozyl pierwsza kawiarnie w Europie Srodkowej. Niedlugo pozniej takze Polacy ulegli kawowemu nalogowi", NEWSWEEK, 1.03.2009).


Juz 2 dekady wychowuje sie na dwoch magazynach o marihuanie. Amerykanskim "HIGH TIMES" (www.hightimes.com) i kanadyjskim "CANNABIS CULTURE" (www.cannabisculture.com).

'Ganja granny' jailed
KINGSTON, Jamaica - A 71-year-old Canadian woman caught with 3.6 kilos of marijuana in her luggage at a Jamaican airport has been jailed for drug-smuggling.
Margueritta Lancaster-Reid will remain in jail for three months, unless she pays a $1,200 fine. The woman dubbed "ganja granny" by local media was sentenced Friday by a court in Montego Bay.
She pleaded guilty to drug charges earlier in the week. Police stopped Lancaster-Reid at Donald Sangster International Airport on March 28. The Jamaica Observer newspaper says she told officers she was carrying "herbs" when the drug stash was found. Police did not give a hometown for Lancaster-Reid, saying only that she is from Ontario.
- The Associated Press (SUNDAY SUN, April 5, 2009).

Pot-smokers, minors to blame for ban
If you're not having a beer at the Rogers Centre tonight, thank AC/DC concertgoers for smoking pot, minors being served alcohol and people smuggling their own liquor inside the Rogers Centre.
Those are just some of the incidents stretching back to 2007 that prompted the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to suspend the liquor licence for tonight's Blue Jays game against the Detroit Tigers, an April 21 game against the Texas Rangers and an Aug. 1 Toronto Argonauts' game against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
- SUN MEDIA (24 HOURS, Tuesday, April 7, 2009).

The pot problem: 'It's a pretty complicated question'
Reproduced below are some of the more interesting online comments posted on the website of the National Post Comment pages, www.fullcomment.com, in reaction to a blog post, entitled "Norma in Sudbury favours legalized marijuana. Well, OK then."
Join the debate at www.fullcomment.com

Straightup We have to start having referendums. Put it to the people to vote. I for one don't particularly care for any politician or bureaucrat thinking they know what's good or bad for me on just about anything. Their decisions are political and often have nothing to do with what's right or what makes sense. Usually at a huge cost.
You know what should be illegal - cigarettes. Highly addictive and carcinogenic. If they peddle their product, then Coke should be allowed to put cocaine back in their formula.
On to the gun registry...

jimshort19 I think that young lives will be ruined in any event, by pot or by prison. But what is the cheaper way to ruin a life? I've been smoking grass for 40 years now, but I've never seen the inside of a jail cell, so I can't say from personal experience, but I hear the sex is bad in prison. It's a pretty complicated question.

phatti The term medical marijuana took on dramatic new meaning in February when researchers in Madrid announced they had destroyed incurable brain cancer tumors in rats by injecting them with THC, the active ingredient in cannabis.
The Madrid study marks only the second time that THC has been administered to tumorbearing animals; the first was a Virginia investigation 26 years ago. In both studies, the THC shrank or distroyed tumors in a majority of the test subjects.
Most Americans don't know anything about the Madrid discovery. Virtually no U.S. newspapers carried the story - it ran only once on the AP and UPI news wires.

66Scorpio Decriminalizing marijuana possession would increase the demand, which in turn would drive prices up. Going after the producers and dealers constricts supply, causing prices to rise. Full legalization would increase supply, which lowers prices but increases the volume of drugs consumed.
Higher prices benefits the dealers. More drug consumption probably isn't a good thing either. The best way to deal with drugs is to cut off the demand.
For addictive drugs, that could involve an aggressive rehab program. For marijuana, the law would have to be tougher on possession charges. Both would benefit from information and education programs designed to convince people that they shouldn't do drugs (NATIONAL POST, Monday, April 6, 2009).

Stowarzyszenie Szkola Liderow

Juz widze, jak Walesa wyjezdza, powiedzmy, do Nowej Zelandii. Pierwszego dnia moze jeszcze jakas lokalna gazeta zrobilaby z nim wywiad pod naglowkiem "slawny Rosjanin przybyl do naszego hrabstwa", ale potem juz nic. Najdalej po tygodniu byly prezydent wrocilby do Polski chocby wplaw, byle tylko zaistniec (Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz, "Idiotyczna napasc Tuska na IPN", ZYCIE, 2 - 8 kwietnia 2009 - www.zycie.ca).

1 comment:

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