Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 4/20!

"Kto dzis skreta nie zapalil, ten sie bedzie w piekle smalil!" - EDWARD KUCIAK ("O swietowaniu dnia marihuany", Toronto 2009).

Dzis swieto marihuany. Obchodzone w calym cywilizowanym swiecie. Kod "4/20" powstal w USA w latach 70. ubieglego wieku. Tym kodem porozumiewali sie uczniowie szkoly sredniej. "4/20" (four twenty) znaczylo, ze po szkole, o 4:20 po poludniu spotykamy sie na jointa. Kod ten stal sie symbolem marihuany w podkulturze Ameryki Polnocnej. Ostatnie lata stal sie tez kodem miedzynarodowym, a swieto marihuany na calym swiecie obrano 20 dnia kazdego czwartego miesiaca roku, czyli kwietnia = 4/20

Dzis poniedzialek, 20 kwietnia 2009 roku. Odmawiam Tajemnice radosne w intensji wszystkich przesladowanych z powodu marihuany, a take z prosba do Jezusa Chrystusa aby wyzwolil marihuane z okowow policyjnej tyranii, ignorancji politykow i rasistowskiej mentalnosci prohibicjonistow.

05:20 Hrs. Lektura tronowa. "Polityka" (

Inni, tak jak Anna Wrobel z Toronto, siegaja wylacznie po produkty lokalne i sezonowe. Nie trzeba daleko ich wozic, dlatego nie towarzyszy jej dodatkowa emisja dwutlenku wegla. A zywnosc sporo podrozuje. Szacuje sie, ze w Stanach Zjednoczonych, zanim trafi na stol, pokonuje dystans 2,4 - 4,8 tys. km. Anna Wrobel nie kupuje juz zima izraelskich truskawek, nie pije francuskiego wina, a swieze pomidory jada wylacznie latem (Pawel Wrabec, "Zmierz swoj slad", POLITYKA nr 14 (2699), 4 kwietnia 2009).

05:54 Hrs. Wskakuje na wage APSCO. 88 kg.

06:14 Hrs. Ceremonia lancuchowa w kuchni.

06:29 Hrs. Skoczne rytmy goralskie unosza sie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM (, gdy rozgrzewam silnik samochodu. Ruszam posladkami w rytm goralskiej muzyki. Na dworze mroczno, zgnilo, slisko i deszczowo. 7-stopniowo. Plucha. Czarna wiewiorka przebiega przez jezdnie. W dzienniku: "Wazniejszy jest duch, wazniejsze sa wartosci" - mowi Lech Walesa podczas otrzymania honorowego obywatela Szczecina. "Droga Lecha Walesy, to droga nieustannej walki" - z laudacji wygloszonej podczas ceremonii. Wiele krajow zbojkotowalo konferencje ONZ na temat rasizmu w Genewie, Polska. Kubica 13.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr paliwa $0.88.6.

06:42 Hrs. Memento vite. Tango memento vite - unosi sie w PRT 1320 AM. Czestuje sie gazetami ze skrzynek: "24 hours" z "Last chance for Chrysler" na okladce + "Metro" ( z "Falling through social safety net. Tens of thousands of unemployed don't qualify for benefits" na okladce.

15:22 Hrs. Kupuje na rogu u Koreanczyka magazyn o marihuanie "Treating Yourself The alternative medicine journal ( $9.03, z "Marijuana and Adult ADHD" na okladce. "Hight Times" ( byl na polce. Dwa numery z kwietnia i maja. Nie bylo natomiast "Cannabis Culture" (

Dzisiaj caly dzien poswiecam rozwazaniom o marysce. Mam tony materialow o marihuanie. Niektore sa warte odswiezenia, przypomnienia, moze i zapamietania, a nawet zacytowania na blogu. Prawda czlowieka wyzwala. Wczoraj w nocy ogladalem film "The courageous heart of Ireny Sendler" (Odwazne serce Ireny Sendler), o polskiej szlachciance, ktora wyratowala z getta warszawskiego 2500 dzieci. Za Hitlera polowano na Zydow, jak teraz za Harpera w Kanadzie poluje sie na krzaczki marihuany. Czy mamy duzo odwaznych serc, ktore zaczelyby ratowac swiete krzaczki maryski?

17:44 Hrs. "Are you be there, to be my God and King?" - spiewa Luciano na kanale reggae REGG 728. Dzisiaj cale popoludnie oddaje sie sluchania muzyki reggae, czytaniu magazynu "Treating Yourself" + czytaniu ksiazki "Bud Inc. Inside Canada's Marijuana Industry" Ian Mulgrew. Z calym majestatem i godnie celebruje dzisiejszy "Dzien Marihuany".

Legalize marijuana
Re: At War On War On Drugs, Diane Francis, April 18.
Prohibition not only doesn't work, it increases hard drug addiction rates. At the very minimum, it's time to relegalize canabis (marijuana) - and one reason to do it that doesn't get mentioned is that it will lower deadly hard drug addiction rates.
DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) will have to stop brainwashing youth into believing lies, half-truths and propaganda concerning cannabis, which creates grave future problems.
How many citizens try cannabis and realize it's not nearly as harmful as taught in DARE-type government environments? Then they think other substances must not be so bad either, only to become addicted to deadly drugs. The old lessons make cannabis out to be among the worst substances in the world, even though it's less addictive than coffee and has never killed a single person.
The federal government even classifies cannabis as a Schedule I substance, along with heroin, while methamphetamine and cocaine are only Schedule II substances. For the health and welfare of North America's children and adults, that dangerous and irresponsible message must change.
Stan White, Dillon, Colorado ("Letters", NATIONAL POST, Monday, April 20, 2009).

Back in the 1980s, the Criminal Code of Canada made it illegal to sell or publish pro-drug literature or periodicals such as High Times, the New York-based monthly devoted to promoting cannabis and delivering the scripture to true believers. Emery thought that was ridiculous and sold copies of High Times in front of the police station, begging to be arrested. The publicity, as it does today, produced profit (Ian Mulgrew, "Bud Inc.", VINTAGE CANADA EDITION, 2006).

To me, it is absurd not to be able to see that the War on Drugs does not work. The U.S. spent $46 bilion on it this year alone, while accomplishing nothing. What is their barometer for "success," and when does the world say we need a more effective drug policy? The biggest problem is they keep calling cannabis a "drug," but they've forgotten it is simply a plant - a plant used in medicine for over 5000 years.
I then picked my Bible and read him Genesis chapter 1, verses 11 and 12: "God gave us all of the seed and fruit bearing plants of this land, and it was good." I said to this man from the Christian Democrats, "How can you call yourself a Christian, and not believe in that fundamental first part of the bible? God gave us this plant; on whose authority do you speak?" At this point, the audience erupted in applause and once again he was speechless (Harry Resin, "The Cannabis Tribunal", TREATING YOURSELF, Issue 15 - 2009).


Bog, widzac, ze byly dobre, rzekl: "Niech ziemia wyda rosliny zielone: trawy dajace nasiona, drzewa owocowe rodzace na ziemi wedlug swego gatunku owoce, w ktorych sa nasiona". I tak sie stalo. Ziemia wydala rosliny zielone: trawe dajaca nasienie wedlug swego gatunku i drzewa rodzace owoce, w ktorych bylo nasienie wedlug ich gatunkow. A Bog widzial, ze byly dobre ("Ksiega Rodzaju" ( 1: 11,12), PISMO SWIETE STAREGO I NOWEGO TESTAMENTU, Pallottinum 2000).

Dogs ate teen's pot-laced muffins
The marijuana-laced muffins that sickened four Port Perry dogs last month were not the work of a criminal, police said. Rather, the muffins were put there by a local teen trying to hide them from his parents. The 18-year-old, who lives near Poplar Park, had dumped them while cleaning up after one of several parties he hosted while his parents were away. On March 23, four dogs found the muffins, ate them and became sick. All of the dogs survived (METRO, Monday, April 20, 2009).

Zauwazylem, ze ostro reklamuja sie ostatnio w gazetach dwie firmy ochroniarskie:

1. Reilly Security (
2. Paragon Security (

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