Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Urodzeni w Villa Red

Otrzymalem z forum Ustki linka do Villi Red. Dzieki. Za komuny nazywalismy ja willa Goeringa. Rzekomo gosciem tej willi byl sam Goering. Pamietam za komuny, kiedy oprowadzalem przyjezdnych po Ustce, wskazywalem wille i mowilem, ze w niej sie urodzilem. Spogladano na mnie z niedowierzaniem. A jest to prawda. W 1951 roku w willi miescila sie porodowka.
Porodowka nie byla tam dlugo i watpie czy zachowaly sie jakies statystyki ile osob w willi sie urodzilo. Ciekawe czy sa jeszcze w Ustce osoby urodzone w willi Goeringa? Taki poczet urodzonych w Villi Red bylby wspanialym memento mori tamtych czasow.


06:43 Hrs. Cala jestes w skowronkach. Spiewaja twoje wlosy. Spiewa twoja sukienka - spiewaja Skaldowie w Polskim Radiu Toronto na fali 1320 AM. Na dworze sniezyca. Widzialnosc ograniczona. Zimno. Minus 7-stopniowo. Odczuwalne -16C. Jazda wolna i niebezpieczna. Ulice nie odsniezone. Wczesniej odsniezylem chodnik i samochod. Napadalo jakies 8-10 cm. bialego puchu. Bylo ostre szuflowanko, nawet nie udalo mi sie wysluchac dziennika w radiu.
ESSO, Shell, Canadian Tire, Petro-Canada biora za litr benzyny $1.03.1.

W niedziele zmarl moj ulubiony gitarzysta, bluesman i jazzmen kanadyjski Jeff Healey. Jego klasyk "See The Light" ( moge sluchac niestrudzenie nawet kilka razy dziennie.

Tributes from Canadian rocker Bryan Adams and others poured in yesterday for the late Jeff Healey, who passed away Sunday evening at the age of 41.
"Jeff was one of Canada's greatest talents, it is a huge regret to have to say good-bye," Adams said yesterday in a release. "Wherever you are Jeff, we remember rocking with you."...
In his final post on his own website on Jan. 24, Healey said "... my energy is up, my spirit is strong and I'm ready for anything" (Jason Macneil, "Healey a friend, mentor", TORONTO SUN, Tuesday, March 4, 2008).

Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (

20:25 Hrs. Zrywam kartke z kalendarza. Dzisiaj sroda. 5 marca 2008. Dzien dluzszy od najkrotszego dnia w roku o 3 godz. 28 minut. Imieniny Adriana, Fryderyka, Oliwii, Waclawy, Waclawa, Teofila, Jana.

1808 - Urodzil sie Szymon Konarski, dzialacz niepodleglosciowy, uczestnik powstania listopadowego; wspolorganizator tajnego Stowarzyszenia Ludu Polskiego; zginal w 1839 r. rozstrzelany w publicznej egzekucji.
1908 - Urodzil sie Teodor Parnicki, pisarz, autor powiesci historycznych (zm. 1988 r.).
1978 - Zmarl Zbigniew Zaluski, pisarz, publicysta, historyk, pulkownik WP; autor ksiazek o tematyce historycznej, Przepustka do historii, Siedem polskich grzechow glownych, Czterdziesty czwarty (ur. 1926 r. ) ("Kalendarz Rodzinny").

Tadeusz Gajl w "Herby Szlacheckie Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodow", zacne szlacheckie rodziny KONARSKI przypisuje do klanow: Abdank, Czewoja, Dolega, Gryf, Jastrzebiec, Kolczyk, Lewart, Lubicz, Ossorya, Rola, Szeliga, Tepa podkowa, Topor, Zadora, Konarski. Zacne szlacheckie rodziny PARNICKI do klanu Nieczuja, a zacne szlacheckie rodziny ZALUSKI do klanow: Junosza, Kosciesza, Lubicz, Rawicz, Topor.

Prawnik Shlomo Benziri podczas dyskusji w Knesecie powiedzial, ze "Talmud wyjasnia, dlaczego pojawiaja sie trzesienia ziemi, a jednym z powodow [...] jest sodomia" (Andrzej Kumor, "Z pewnych rzeczy nie nalezy sie smiac", GONIEC, 29 II - 6 III 2008).


Jeden na stu Amerykanow siedzi w kiciu. Amerykanie pobili byly Zwiazek Sowiecki juz na leb i szyje w ilosci wiezniow.

1 in 100 Americans behind bars: Report
States spent $49B on prison costs

For the first time in history, more than one in every 100 American adults found themselves behind bars. That's according to a new report tracking the surge in inmate population.
The Pew Center on the States says 2.3 million adults were held in U.S. prisons at the start of 2008. That's one out of every 99.1 adults.
According to the report, the inmate population increased last year in 36 states and the federal prison system. The Pew Center says the 50 states spent more than $49 billion on corrections last year. That's up from less than $11 billion 20 years earlier. The report says the rate of increase for prison costs was six times greater than for higher education spending.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (METRO, Weekend, February 29-March 2, 2008).

I am a patriot and proud of what America is supposed to be, but horribly saddened and disappointed by what my country has become. My father fought in the Vietnam War, my brother just finished his third tour of duty in Iraq, and I was once a proud law enforcement officer - I fought our nation's War on Drugs from 1990 to 1998. Since then, I have realized the error of my ways and no longer do police work. You and I know that it is an unreasonable invasion of privacy to search or arrest anybody for marijuana, yet our courts and government do nothing to protect citizens from law enforcement abuse.
Police do not believe that you, as a suspected law-breaker, have any rights. There was no training in constitutional law for me as a police officer. We were constantly brainwashed with the "greater good" argument when it came to discussing suspects' rights: "It is acceptable to violate civil rights if it leads to a drug seizure because the 'greater good' of saving our children from drugs is more important than those rights - rights that are being misused to protect criminals, anyway." Of course, I now know this argument is flawed and leads to dangerous mindsets. It's bad government policy in the form of drug prohibition that is causing death and destruction.
Of the dotal 2,245,000 people in the US prison population (in 2006) approximately 55,000 were incarcerated in state and federal prisons for marijuana, and up to 1,100,000 for drug offenses of all other kinds.
Over a million people are locked up for drugs in the so-called "land of the free," where our Declaration of Independence says that "liberty" and "the pursuit of happiness" are inalienable, fundamental, the basis upon which all other laws and rights proceed (Barry Cooper, "To give consent, or not to give consent", CANNABIS CULTURE, Issue 69, Jan.Feb 2008).

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