Friday, February 24, 2006

Zdrowa kokaina & chory David Irving

Jak sie okazuje liscie koki sa zdrowsze od mleka, szczegolnie dla dzieci. Latynosi wiedza to od tysiacleci, ale "madrzejsi" Amerykanie, ktorzy wypowiedzieli wojne narkotykom wola eksterminowac plantacje koki bombami z napalmem i innymi truciznami, przyczyniajac sie do powstawania radykalnych i innych socjalistyczno-populistyczno-komunistycznych ruchow politycznych w calej Ameryce Poludniowej.

Tylko chory umyslowo czlowiek bedzie twierdzil, ze Hitler nie probowal podobnych technik eksterminacyjnych, tym razem nie z roslinami (koka, marihuana, opium), a z ludzmi w Europie.
Wygazowac, wymordowac Zydow, narkomanow, homoseksualistow, umyslowo chorych, Cyganow, bylo jego politycznym celem.

Tak jak amerykanska wojna z narkotykami, niemiecka wojna z rasowymi i biologicznymi "nieudaczniakami" byla faktem historycznym. Pytanie jest, czy kazdego chorego umyslowo intelektualiste, ktory klamie i zaprzecza temu faktowi trzeba zamykac w wiezieniu?

Bolivian Foreign Minister touts health benefits of cocaine plant

Coca leaf has more nutritional value than milk and should replace it in school lunches, Bolivia's colourful new Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, told reporters yesterday. "Our children need calcium and the coca leaf has more calcium than milk," said the official, who has confessed to having stopped reading books since he discovered his Aymara heritage and claims to get his knowledge from reading the wrinkles of his ancestors. He said his information on the nutritional value of the coca leaf came from studies done by the Bolivian Health Ministry and Harvard University. Coca leaf is chewed by millions of Bolivians as a tonic and to stave off hunger. It is also processed into cocaine and sold abroad in a multi-billion dollar illegal trade.
Agence France-Presse (NATIONAL POST, Friday, February 24, 2006).

Selective amnesia


Why do we imprison the apologist for Hitler and elevate the defender of Stalin?

This week, David Irving, author of Hitler's War, was sentenced to three years imprisonment in Austria for denying the Holocaust. Irving is appealing this sentence, but so are the prosecuting authorities, who would like to see Irving receive the maximum term of 10 years.
Few tears will be shed for Irving personally. He is certainly guilty as charged. His recantation in court was unpersuasive and, even if it had been sincere, it would not have wiped out his long record of Holocaust denial.
For that, Irving deserves to be refuted, exposed as a liar on a massive scale and shunned by decent people. Long before this week, he had already suffered these natural penalties of his perversion. But should he be imprisonned for telling lies - even lies as hateful and nasty as denying (and sometimes mocking) the deaths of millions of people?
No one who believes in freedom of speech can assent to that question. Freedom of speech protects lies, including hateful and offensive lies, as well as truth. As for the argument that Germany and Austria are "different" because of their historical complicity in Nazism, insofar as this is so, it is an argument for denying their governments the power to suppress heterodox opinions, as the Nazis did.
And there is a final consideration. Laws such as the Austrian one penalizing Holocaust denial offend against justice itself in an important respect. They are selectively applied because they reflect a selective historical memory.
A more distinguished historian than Irving, Eric Hobsbawm, a lifelong communist and the author of many well-reviewed volumes of modern history, went further than denying the murder of millions of people in the Soviet Gulag. He justified this other holocaust.
In an interview with scholar (and now Liberal Party MP) Michael Ignatieff, Hobsbawm was asked about the millions who died in the Soviet "experiment." His initial reply wandered back and forth, partly justifying the genocide as midwifing a better world through revolution, partly withholding approval because the Soviet experiment had, after all, failed. But here is how the exchange ended:
Ignatieff: "What that comes down to is saying that had the radiant tomorrow actually been created, the loss of 15- [or] 20-million people might have been justified?".
Hobsbawm: "Yes".
Hobsbawm has not, of course, been charged with justifying genocide or any other crime. Indeed, he was made a Companion of Honour, which is the second-highest civilian award in the gift of the British government, some time after the Ignatieff interview.
Nor is British public opinion angry at this or even aware of it. In a 2005 poll of the largely liberal readership of the British intellectual monthly magazine Prospect, Hobsbawm was elected Britain's fourth most important public intellectual.
The explanation for this discrepancy in the treatment of Irving and Hobsbawm for essentially the same offence cannot be ignorance of the Soviet genocide. Reports of Stalin's mass murders were published in the Western press even as they were occurring. If some left-wingers refused to believe such reports in the capitalist press, they had to accept the truth when Nikita Kruschev revealed it to a communist Congress in Moscow 50 years ago.
We know that tens of millions of innocent people died in two holocausts. Yet we are acutely aware of one and relatively undisturbed by the other. We imprison the apologist for Hitler and elevate the defender of Stalin. we repeat "never again" about Nazi mass murder, but have an easy conscience about communist mass murder.
This double standard is becoming untenable, however. In recent years, the memory of the Soviet holocaust has begun to force itself on our attention. Robert Conquest's classic analysis of The Great Terror was recently republished to acclaim after 30 years (though not with the title he suggested to his publishers, I told you so, you f...... fools). Anne Applebaum, a columnist for the Washington Post, has written a superb new history of the Gulag. It won favourable reviews and an unexpected Pulitzer prize in 2004.
This growing awareness finally resulted last month in the first recognition by an international body of the communist record of genocide. The 46-nation Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) voted by a simple majority to condemn the crimes of communism which, according to the council's report, included "individual and collective assassinations, death in concentration camps, starvation, deportation, torture, slave labour and other forms of mass physical terror."
PACE's declaration equated communism with Nazism under the common heading of totalitarianism. And if called for "moral restititution" for the surviving victims of communism and their relatives.
This was a very moderate condemnation. Yet it aroused strong resistance not only from Russian delegates but also from representatives of other European communist parties, Greens and socialists. They sought to argue that the ideology of communism, an admirable one, was quite separate from the crimes of communist governments (despite the curious fact that the crimes were invariably committed wherever communists came to power).
They succeeded in blocking the passage of a tougher resolution calling for European governments to condemn the Gulag officially and to investigate those still living who were guilty of totalitarian crimes. (It failed to reach the necessary two-thirds majority.) And since the milder PACE resolution was passed, Spanish, Greek, French, Danish and other socialists have been denouncing it as a "witch-hunt" of progressive forces.
These, surely, are the uneasy consciences of post-communist Europe, guiltily aware that for seven decades they have turned a blind eye to the evils of communism. They too had been Marxists and had at various times supported the Soviets, Mao, Ho-Chi-Minh and all the other murderers. And they are unwilling even today to surrender their Marxist illusions which gave them a sense of moral and intellectual superiority over their political opponents.
Ron Rosenbaum, author of the 1998 book Explaining Hitler, explains this other pathology. The Left continued to exhibit, he wrote in the New York Observer three years ago, a "curious neutrality/denial after the facts had come out about Marxist genocides - in Russia, in China, in Cambodia, after 20 million, 50 million, who knows how many millions had been slaughtered.
"Not all of the Left; many were honourable opponents. But for many others, it just hasn't registered, it just hasn't been incorporated into their 'analysis' of history and human nature; it just hasn't been factored in ... As if it was maybe just an accident that Marxist-Leninist regimes turned to totalitarian and genocidal. No connection there." And that's the way they want it to stay.
But the dead won't go away. Their silence is deafening. And with the subjects of the former Soviet empire holding down governments jobs in the new democracies, they now have official spokesmen to plead their case. Almost all the parliamentarians from the former communist satellites who spoke in the PACE debate called - some very movingly - for the world to recognize what their people had suffered under totalitarianism. But their pleas were only half-heeded.
Europe and America should jointly establish a truth and reconciliation on the crimes of communism. Not to send some wretched left-wing Irving into prison, but for the simple sake of historical truth and political hygiene.
* John O'Sullivan is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, editor at large of National Review magazine and a member of Benador Associates, through whom he can be contacted (NATIONAL POST, Friday, February 24, 2006).

Weapons, drugs seized by RCMP

RCMP say they've seized an arsenal of weapons after busting a large-scale dial-a-dope business operating across the street from an elementary school in the Vancouver suburb of Surrey.
A significant drug-trafficking investigation eventually led RCMP to the house. Seized items found included an M-16 assault rifle, two Mac 10s, 16 semi-automatic pistols, a number of silencers, magazine clips for the automatic weapons and balaclavas.
Drugs seized include one kilogram of cocaine, one kilo of crack cocaine, heroin and ecstasy.
- The Canadian Press (24HOURS, February 20, 2006).

To swoista miedzynarodowka, kontaktujaca sie ze soba przez Internet. Tyle ze Polska jest jednym z niewielu krajow, gdzie czuja sie bezpiecznie, z rzadka tylko niepokojeni przez policje i wymiar sprawiedliwosci.
To u nas organizuja sie obozy szkoleniowe dla neofaszystow z Europy. W Polsce produkuje sie i rozsyla po calej Europie faszystowskie gadzety: mundury SS, hitlerowskie odznaczenia, T-shirty z faszystowskimi haslami. Nagrywa plyty z nazi rockiem - zespol Konkwista88 (dwie osemki to symbol faszystowskiego pozdrowienia Heil Hitler - h jest osma litera w alfabecie) jest naszym najlepszym nazistowskim produktem eksportowym. To z naszego kraju rozsylane jest w swiat ultrafaszystowskie czasopismo "Stormer" - sledztwo w tej sprawie zostalo umorzone w marcu ubieglego roku z powodu "braku dowodow".
- Niewiedza, ignorancja, obojetnosc, lenistwo - wylicza Marcin Korniak z "Nigdy wiecej." One sprawiaja, ze sprawy przeciwko siewcom nienawisci rasowej sa najczesciej umarzane. I dlatego neofaszysci sa coraz bardziej pewni siebie.
"Dobrze ukryte dziuple, stosowanie technologii utrudniajacych rozszyfrowanie calej sprawy, wystawianie na wabia falszywych tropow - to podstawowe kierunki naszego dzialania" - pisza w Internecie bojowkarze zrzeszeni w organizacji Lodzki Szaniec. "Dzialania, ktore na razie zawieraja sie w doraznych akcjach bezposrednich, lecz kto wie, czy juz wkrotce nie przeksztalca sie one w otwarta wojne, w ktorej zin zostanie zastapiony pistoletem, a farba na mundurze granatem lub bomba." Kto wie? (Iwona Dominik, Violetta Ozminkowski, Krzysztof Zbytniewski, "Znajdziemy wrogow * Nazywaja siebie narodowymi radykalistami albo radykalnymi nacjonalistami, Bronia "czystosci bialej rasy". Skoncza na lzeniu czy przejda od slow do czynow?", NEWSWEEK 12.02.2006).





Salomon Morel was the commandant of the death camp Auschwitz III in Shvientochlovitz from Feb. 2 through the end od November 1945. He and his Jewish camp crew murdered at least 1538 Christians - innocent civilians, most of them women and teenagers, priests and intelligentia.
The camp prisoners died of beating, inflicted injuries, shooting, immersing in icy water, freezing to death, starvation, malnutrition and exhaustion, deplorable conditions, and of unprevented typhus epidemy. Morel held thousands incarcerated without an arrest order. His and his Jewish crews' excesses terrorized the population and subjugated Silesia to the oppresive regime of the Jew Jakub Berman. Subsequently, he was the commandant of the concentration camp in Jaworzno, and state prison in Katowice, where he was responsible for unaccounted yet number of deaths and torture of political prisoners. In 1988, Morel retired as a colonel of SB (Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa), the secret police, and lived in Warsaw at the expense or the Polish state.
In 1993, had been alerted by communists that a criminal investigation against him is being conducted, he escaped to Israel, where he allegedly participated in violent police actions against incarcerated Palestinian patriots. In 1996, he lived in Tel Aviv in an apartment rented on the name of his sister. On March 4, 1997, the County Attorney in Katowice issued an arrest order through the Interpol indicating his place of stay in Israel.
The District Attorney in Tel Aviv, and the Israeli government pretend that they cannot find him. Morel is protected under the doctrine on "Holocaust survivors" although during the war he was hiding in the Lublin woods where he robbed, and allegedly murdered local peasants.
Any person who has witnessed Morel's criminal activity is asked to come forward with a testimony and contact any of the following authorities:

Criminal Department of the County Attorney in Katowice, Poland:
Prokuratura Wojewodzka Wydzial Karny,
ul. Witta Stwosza 31, 40-042 Katowice.
phone: 32-511-354, 32-511-733, fax: 32-510-241
regarding case No. (Sygn. akt) V Ds 67/95;

The Attorney General in Dortmund, Germany:
Oberstaatsanwaltschaft, Litten Str. 5, Postfach 102942,
44-029 Dortmund, Germany,
phone: 011-49-23-1/54030,
regarding case No. (Aktenzeichen) 7c Js 371/94;

Interpol; or the closest Polish or German consulate.


Irving to erudyta, ktory ma talent pisarski. Z urywkow dokumentow, niepublikowanych wczesniej zapiskow, relacji nieznanych swiadkow i wlasnych interpretacji dobrze znanych faktow tworzy sos, ktory sprawia wrazenie naukowego. Czytelnik moze czuc sie przytoloczony lawina faktow, dat, nazwisk.
- Zwyrodniale, tendencyjne i nieodpowidzialne drapiezne - tak ocenia jego dziela historyck David Cannadine, ktory zadal sobie trud skompilowania tysiacstronnicowego zestawienia klamstw i przeinaczen w publikacjach Irvbinga.
Nawet najwieksi wrogowie Irvinga przyznaja, ze jest erudyta i umie pisac. - Jego energii zawdzieczamy wiecej, niz potrafimy to przynac. Gdybysmy zmusili Irvinga do milczenia, zaplacilibysmy zbyt wysoka cene za pozbycie sie zmartwien, jakich nam przysparza - uwaza amerykanski historyk Gordon A. Craig. Faktem jest, ze niektore tezy Irvinga zaczely bronic sie dopiero po latach. To on jako pierwszy w ksiazce "Zniszczenie Drezna" (1963 rok, Irving mial wtedy 25 lat) nazwal nalot na to miasto "zbrodnia przeciw ludzkosci". Dzis historycy zgadzaja sie, ze nalot nie byl konieczny.
Nie da sie zapewne jednoznacznie wskazac momentu, w ktorym autor poczytnych ksiazek o Trzeciej Rzeszy i uznany historyk zaczal stawac sie wyrzutkiem. Po wydaniu "Wojny Hitlera" Irving zostal czlonkiem pseudonaukowego Instytutu Badan Historycznych Kalifornii. Tu zetknal sie z inzynierem elktrykiem o nazwisku Artur Butz, ktory dowodzil, ze w Auschwitz wcale nie bylo komor gazowych, a opisujacy Holokaust pamietnik Anny Frank to falszywka.
W latach 80., w czasie spotkan z czytelnikami, Irving otwarcie negowal istnienie komor gazowych. - Zgubily go nie tyle ksiazki, co te jego wyklady - uwaza Andrzej Kunert, historyk. W 1989 roku Irving dostal nieoczekiwanie twardy "argument" na poparcie swoich teorii: raport amerykanskiego negacjonistyFredericka Leuchtera. Konstruktor urzadzen do wykonywania kary smierci podwazyl w nim mozliwosc wykorzystania cyklonu B do usmiercania ludzi.
Otwarte negowanie istnienia komor gazowych oznaczalo poczatek konca kariery Irvinga. Na poczatku lat 90. rzad Australii zakazal mu wjazdu na swoje terytorium. Bardziej dotkliwy byl dla niego zakaz wjazdu do Niemiec. W tamtejszych archiwach Irving znajdowal przeciez najwiecej informacji. Kolejne porazki pisarz rekompensowal sobie jako bohater neonazistowskich wiecow.
To nie przypadek, ze Irving najpierw zdobyl popularnosc w Wielkiej Brytanii, kraju, gdzie dowcipy o fuhrerze naleza do repertuaru brukowej prasy, a ksiaze Harry nie widzi nic zlego w tym, aby na bal przebierancow wlozyc opaske ze swastyka. Takze w Polsce ma wiernych wyznawcow, o czym swiadczy demonstracja neonazistow zorganizowana w Lublinie w grudniu zeszlego roku z okazji aresztowania Irvinga.
Don Guttenplan, zamerykanski biograf Irvinga, uwaza, ze
Anglik jest uzaleznionym od slawy paranoikiem. - Zrobilby lepiej, gdyby zaczal pisac powiesci i przestal silic sie na naukowosc - uwaza Guttenplan. Krotko po aresztowaniu w Austrii Irving oglosil przez adwokata, ze wycofuje sie z tezy o nieistnieniu komor gazowych. Podobno ma nowe dokumenty, ktore skorygowaly jego wiedze. Znow zaskoczy swoich czytelnikow, czy probuje jedynie ratowac sie przed procesem? (Marcin Grudzien, "Adwokat Diabla", OZON 22 lutego 2006).

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