Monday, July 11, 2005


Blog staje sie trendy. Blogierem chce byc kazdy. Wirtualne bohemiczne srodowisko artystyczno-blogierskie tworzy sie w przestrzeni. Niedlugo zaczniemy wybierac Miss. Blogierke i Mr. Blogiera.

Mark Evans ("Are blogs ready for the big time?", "Clear blogs not a fad". "The impetus to blog is as unique as the blogger", NATIONAL POST, Saturday, July 9, 2005) uwaza, ze blogieryzm to juz nie tylko moda, a raczej wazny trend w swiecie zuranlistyki. Mamy juz ponad 12 milionow blogow i liczba ich rosnie z szybkoscia 30,000 do 40,000 dziennie.

"Unlike traditional media that are constrained by cost, time and column inches - blogging is an open forum for anyone to express their views on a timely and unrestrained basis".

Wskoczylem na blog pana Piotra Zaremby na "Newsweeku". I nawet smarnalem slowko do jego ostatniego wpisu pt. "Nowy Pilsudski" (

Tradycyjni zurnalisci uciekaja sie do blogow, bo w nich wieksza sila. Media i prase mozna uciszyc roznymi chytrymi sposobami. Blogierowi nikt geby nie zmknie. I zawsze on znajdzie sposob aby sie wypowiedzic na cybernetycznej przestrzeni.

Ja kiedys postulowalem na "Newsweeku" aby wprowadzic do IPN kilkunastu blogierow i niech se tam siedza i grzebia w aktach. No i pisza swoje odkrycia, przemyslenia i wnioski na laptopach.

"Prawa dziennikarzy do informacji bronila szefowa Transparency International Julia Pitera oraz publicysci Bronislaw Wildstein i Piotr Zaremba" (Media nie maja bezposredniego dostepu do akt IPN", GAZETA 130, Toronto 8-10 lipca 2005).


Blogs are everywhere - increasingly, the place where young people go to bare their souls, to vent, to gossip.

And often they do so with unabashed fervour and little self-editing, posting their innermost thoughts for any number of Web surfers to see.
There is a freedom in it, as 23-year-old Allison Martin attests: "Since the people who read my blog are friends or acquaintances of mine, my philosophy is to be totally honest - whether it's about how uncomfortable my panty hose are or my opinions about First Amendment law," says Martin, who has been blogging for four years.
Some are, however, finding that putting one's life onling can have a price. A few bloggers, for instance, have been fired for writing about work on personal online journals. And Maya Marcel-Keyes, daughter of conservative politician Alan Keys, discovered the trickiness of providing personal details online when her discussion on her blog about being a lesbian became an issue during her father's recent run for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois (he made ant-gay statements during the campaign).
Experts say such incidents belong to a growing trend in which frank outpourings online are causing personal and public dramas.
Some also speculate that more scandalous blog entries - especially those about partying and dating exploits - will have ramifications down the road.
Amanda Lenhart, a researcher at Pew who tracks young people's Internet habits, says parents would be wise to familiarize themselves with onling blogging sites and to pose questions to their children such as, "What is appropriate? and "What is fair?" to post.
It's also important to discuss the dangers of giving out personal information online and posting photos other people can "borrow" for their own sites.
- The Associated Press (, Toronto, July 11, 2005).

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