Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Dziś obchodzimy 107.

rocznice Bitwy o Vimy Ridge (The Battle of Vimy Ridge). Chrzest bojowy armii kanadyjskiej. Ta bitwa wykula tozszamosc Kanadyjczyka. At Vimy Ridge, the Canadians had gained 4,500 yards of the German line and taken 4,000 German prisoners, but at a cost of 3,598 of their own men killed and more than 7,000 wounded... On April 9, Easter Monday, British and Canadian forces lauched simultaneous offensives at Arras and at Vimy Ridge. In the preparatory air struggle, when for five days British pilots tried to clear the skies for reconnaissance work, seventy-five British aircraft were shot down and nineteen pilots were killed. The first British assaults on the morning of April 9 were successful. The Hindenburg Line was pierced and 5,600 Germans taken prisoner: almost the whole of the German front-line trench system was overrun within three-quarters of an hour, and the second line within two hours. By nightfall even part of the third German line was in British control. The Canadians were also successful in the first hours, taking 4,000 prisoners. Part of the success on April 9 came from a new artillery device, the 'rolling', or as it was later called 'creeping', barrage, whereby the targets of the artillery would move steadily and systematically forward, while the infantry followed close behind it, taking advantage of the effect of the artillery in stunning the defenders and disrupting the defences. The creeping barrage at Arras was devised, and executed, by Brigade Major Alan Brooke... On Vimy Ridge, 250 acres of shell-pocked land, given by the people of France in perpetuity to the people of Canada, are planted with Canadian trees and dominated by a massive war memorial with the names of 11,500 Canadian soldiers killed on the battlefield but never identified for burial (Martin Gilbert, "First World War"). *** Dzis mielismy wspanialy sloneczny i cieply dzien. Pani dr. Ewa Kurek h. Kur jest cenzurowana na Facebooku. Jej prelekcje, wyklady i wywiady gdy przekazywane dalej sa oznaczone takim tekstem: "Your content couldn't be shared because this link goes against our Community Standards". Wrzucilem go na moj blog i tez na moje konto na platformie "X". Tam i tu jeszcze nie cenzuruja. Facebook to holokaust wolnosci slowa.

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