Friday, December 10, 2021

Putin & Tusk SMOLENSK 10 kwietnia 2010 r.

PAMIETAMY! "Nauka to Ja" - DR ANTONI FAUCI. Ja w ukryciu przed Kowidem. Najlepsze lekarstwo to izolacja. Nie wychylam z bunkra glowy. A jak juz to niespodziewanie, znienacka i nie zauwazony. Inkognito. Fala w Ontario wysoka. Wczoraj zlapano 1290 Delciakow, dzis 1453 Delciaki. Metoda ZAPPEREM 7-20-7-20-7 dr. Clark unicestwia kazda mede zywiaca sie wewnatrz czlowiekiem. Od bakterii i wirusow poczynajac i na tasiemcach i owsikach konczac. What is a parasite?, Dr. Hulda Clark explains: A parasite is an organizm that lives off the host, the host being you or me. The parasites live a parallel life inside our bodies, feeding off either our own energy, our own cells or the food we eat, and even feeding off the health supplements we use. In recent medical studies, it has been estimated that 85% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite living in their bodies. Some authorities feel that this figure may be as high as 95%. The approximate sizes of microbes can be approximated by using the following rule of thumb: VIRUSES are the smallest of all infectious agents, averaging about 1000 nanometers (1000 millionths of a meter) in length. They have so few genes and proteins of their own that in order to reproduce they need to commandeer the machinery of the cells they invade. BACTERIA vary widely in size and shape, but tend to be at least 10 times larger than viruses, or at least 1 micrometer (1 millionth of a meter) long. They are single-cell organisms that reproduce independently. SINGLE-CELL PARASITES tend to be at least 10 times larger than bacteria, or about .01 millimeter long. MULTICELLULAR PARASITES are so large they can usually be seen with the naked eye. Tapeworms, for instance, can reach a length of 6 meters (20 feet).

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