Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Zegnajcie Kowidy

Witajcie Taliby! Strajk Kobiet juz powinien wysylac do Afganistanu swoje najciezszcze zbrojne tabory z pania/nem Lepart na czele. Z cipami na plakatach i krzykiem wypierdalac na ustach. Taliby uciekna na taki widok. I Kabul znow bedzie w naszych Amerykanow i UE rekach! A szczegolnie powinien tam pojechac ze swoja misja pokojowa pan Cukerberg z Facebooka, z dobra waliza cukru. Moze zalatwi jeszcze lepsze warunki do cenzury i eksterminacji tych urzytkownikow tej platformy w Afganistanie, ktorzy nie stosuja standardow Facebooka. SS-manski Facebook w tej materii moze byc pomocny. W stosowaniu cenzury i eksterminacji niepoprawnie politycznych uzytkownikow Facebook nie ma lepszego w Internecie. Na swiecie spokojnie jak na wojnie. Grecja plonie, Haiti sie trzesie, a Putin z bialoruskim Backa Kolchoznikiem podrzucaja Europie immigrantow z ruska odmiana Kowida. Wypowiadaja Polsce kowidowa wojne hybrydowa uzywajac znow muzulmanskich ekstermistow. Polacy musza uszczelniac przed ruska zaraza granice. !000 zolnierzy jak informuje CP24 wyslano na granice z Bialorusia.
W Ontario zlapano dzis 485 Kowidow. Ludzie jakos nie chca sie szczepic, bo rzad wprowadza coraz wieksze restrykcje dla niezaszczepionych. Mlodzi nie maja wyboru. Nie bedzie mozna uczyc sie w szkolach, czy byc studentem na uczelniach bez minimum dwoch doz szczepionki. I trzeciej wzmacniajacej. Po zwycieskiej 20-letniej wojnie Talibow z zachodnia cywilizacja powrocilem do studiowania Islamu i Koranu. "Canada has no plans to recognize the Taliban, as the government of Afghanistan, when they were in government 20 years ago, Canada did not recognize them as a government" - PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU. Every Sunni fundamentalist movement has been influenced by Qutb. Most spectacularly it has inspired Muslims to assassinate such leaders as Anwar al-Sadat, denounced as a jahili ruler because of his oppressive policies towards his own people. The Taliban, who came to power in Afghanistan in 1994, are also affected by his ideology. They are determined to return to what they see as the original vision of Islam. The ulama are the leaders of the government; women are veiled and not permitted to take part in professional life. Only religious broadcasting is permitted and the Islamic punishments of stoning and mutilation have been reintroduced. In some circles of the West, the Taliban are seen as quintessential Muslims, but their regime violates crucial Islamic precepts. Most of the Taliban ("students" of the madrasahs) belong to the Pashtun tribe, and they tend to target non-Pashtuns, who fight the regime from the north of the country. Such ethnic chauvinism was forbidden by the Prophet and also opposed to clear Quranic requirements. The Taliban's discrimination against women is completely opposed to the practice of the Prophet and the conduct of the first ummah. The Taliban are typically fundamentalist, however, in their highly selective vision of religion (which reflects their narrow education in some of the madrasahs of Pakistan), which perverts the faith and turns it in the opposite direction of what was intended. Like all the major faiths, Muslim fundamentalists, in their struggle to survive, make religion a tool of oppression and even of violence (Karen Armstrong, "Islam: A short history", THE MODERN LIBRARY, New York 2000).

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