Friday, August 27, 2021

175 zamordowanych,

w tym 13 Amerykanow, to wynik samobojczego wybuchu na lotnisku w Kabulu. Spiacy Joe wygraza sie, ze winni za to zaplaca. Przyznali sie do tego terrorysci panstwa islamskiego ISIS-K. Nareszcie litera alfabetu lacinskiego, bo grecki mi juz zbrzydl. Czyli zagrozeni jestesmy lacinska K i grecka Delta, do tego jeszcze dodac trzecia hybrydowa wojne Backi Kolchoznika z Bialorusi. Wojna biologiczna (Delta), wojna kinetyczna (K) i wojna imigrancka (Backa). Wszystkie macki tego potwora prowadza do jednego zrodla - Putina, do Moskwy. Od lat glosze, ze jesli chcemy miec pokoj na swiecie, to nalezy najpierw zbombardowac Moskwe. Zrodla wszelkich swiatowych nieszczesc. Tyraniii, zniewolenia ludzi i narodow. W Ontario polityczne zapotrzebowanie na Delte rosnie. Wszyscy politycy sa za masowym wyszczepianiem, dowodami szczepienia i segregacja szczepionkowa. O obozach odosobnienia niewyszczepionych jeszcze glosno sie nie mowi. Ale wszystko mozliwe, bo algorytmy sa nastawione na podwyzszenie poprzeczki strachu. Dzis w Ontario zlapano 781 Kowidow. Kampania wyborcza trwa. Kazda partia obiecuje frukty. Wszyscy chca glosy od seniorow, ktorzy sa najbardziej zaniedbani. Trudno byc seniorem w Kanadzie. Socjalisci z NDP obiecuja chorym seniorom leki z konopii subsydiowane przez panstwo. Jeszcze jakby zalatwili seniorom jakies doplaty do dentysty i okulisty, to byloby juz super. To wstyd, ze emerytura jest taka upakazajaca w Kanadzie. Prawo preferuje mlodych i zdrowych. Emerytura to juz obciazenie dla budzetu. Ci ludzie juz panstwu nie sa potrzebni. A jak juz potrzebni, to do okradania z tego co jeszcze im pozostalo. * * * But the Davis affair also told a bigger story. The former Green Beret hired by the CIA for a manhunt in Pakistan was the face of an American spy agency that has been transformed after a decade of conflicts far from declared war zones. No longer a traditional espionage service devoted to stealing the secrets of foreign governments, the Central Intelligence Agency has become a killing machine, an organization consumed with man hunting. And just as the CIA has come to take on tasks traditionally associated with the military, with spies turned into soldiers, so has the opposite occurred. The American military has been dispersed into the dark spaces of American foreign policy, with commando teams running spying missions that Washington would never have dreamed of approving in the years before 9/11. Prior to the attacks of September 11, the Pentagon did very little human spying, and the CIA was not officially permitted to kill. In the years since, each has done a great deal of both, and a military-intelligence complex has emerged to carry out the new American way of war (Mark Mazzetti, "The way of the knife: The CIA, a secret army, and a war at the ends of the earth", THE PENGUIN PRESS, New York 2013). CIA Special Activities Division/Special Operations Groups UAV strikes. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been used with considerable effectiveness by CIA Special Activities Division/Special Operations Groups in Afghanistan and other places. On 14 February 2008, 27 Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters were killed by a missile fired from a drone in south Waziristan. This was only one of a number of incidents where covert CIA teams used drones to kill dozens of insurgents. It was estimated that, in May 2009 alone, about 50 al-Qaeda fighters were killed by drones, showing the effectiveness of UAVs used in a covert context. Soon, the number of Taliban and al-Qaeda fighters killed by drones was numbered in hundreds, and the US Government commented on the outstanding success of the programme and provided further investment. The UAVs used by CIA SAD/SOG units were MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper. The Predator is armed with Hellfire missiles, capable of destroying a tank. The Reaper can carry 230kg (500lb) bombs as well as Hellfires (Alexander Stilwell, "MANHUNT: SAS and elite forces guide. The art and science of tracking high profile enemy targets", LYONS PRESS, 2012).

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