Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Szlachcic Bartosz

Kurek h. Kur wypial bolesna porazke, a polski Kubanczyk Vilfredo Leon, jak lew wywyl bol przegranej polskiej druzyny w siatkowke na Olimpiadzie. Agresywne francuskie Koguty rozdziobaly polskie Orly. Piora i krew na arenie. Szkoda Orlow, chwala Kogutom! Dzis w Ontario nalapano 164 Kowidy, wczoraj w Civic holiday zlapana 168 Kowidow. W sumie Polska ma 6 medali w tym 2 zlote. Kanada, ktorej tez kibicuje zobyla dotychczas 14 medali, w tym 3 zlote. * * * Whether called "hostage diplomacy" or outright state-sponsored kidnapping, the stage is set for an increasingly dangerous and perilous world, especially for journalists, diplomats and human rights defenders... What is clear for anyone who blogs or even tweets a message is that none of us is safe, and our individual human rights and freedoms are at stake (Avi Benlolo, "New reality of state-sponsored hostage-taking", NATIONAL POST, Friday, July 30, 2021). The five categories of "harmful online content" covered under the proposed new powers will draw on offences defined under the Criminal Code: hate speech, child sexual exploitation content, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, incitement to violance, and terrorist content (Harrison Faulkner, "Trudeau government proposes commission to regulate "harmful online content", TRUE NORTH). SS-MAN FACEBOOK UZYL SWOICH NORYMBERGSKICH STANDARDOW, ABY USUNAC MNIE Z TEJ PLATFORMY SPOLECZNOSCIOWEJ. CENZURA TO PIERWSZY KROK DO TYRANII.

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